Chapter 180 Heartache

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Because he had plenty of time, Zhang Hongan did not start writing immediately after getting the second longest test paper. Instead, he read the questions several times from beginning to end, and had a rough answer in his mind, and then Take out your scratch paper and start filling it out. For some difficult questions, Zhang Hongan would study and write over and over again. By the time it was time for dinner, Zhang Hongan had not finished half of the questions.

However, Zhang Hongan was not in a hurry. He had already exceeded his task today. He felt his hungry stomach and packed up the test papers and scratch paper and put them aside to avoid soiling the test papers while eating. If the test paper is soiled, you will not give up directly, but it will leave a bad impression on the examiner and generally you will not get a good ranking.

After dinner, Zhang Hongan saw that the sky was slowly getting darker. He took out the candle distributed after entering the examination room and lit it. He then carefully placed the candle in a corner of the table to ensure that the test paper would not be burned if he fell down. Only then was he satisfied. Spread the test paper out again and start looking at it.

Zhang Hongan was not like some candidates who stayed up until midnight during the exam. He stopped writing as soon as he felt sleepy, packed up all his things, blew out the candles and got ready to sleep. In Zhang Hongan's view, it is most likely to be confused at night, and the mind is also the most fuzzy. It is very likely that you will not know what you wrote when you wrote the test paper at this time. Rather than fighting for such a small amount of time, it is better to have a good rest and continue the scientific examination the next day when you are in a good state of mind.

The examination room was very small, and the bed was even smaller. The quilts handed out had not been washed for an unknown period of time, and the smell was very unpleasant. Zhang Hongan has always been protected and pampered by Zhang Dayong, Lin Qin and his two older brothers since he was a child. He used the best for everything, but he never used the bad ones. So as soon as he lay down, Zhang Hongan frowned. He couldn't sleep due to this smell, but if he didn't sleep, he wouldn't be energetic and couldn't take the exam well.

Zhang Hongan had no choice but to put the sachet that Lin Qin brought for him to refresh his mind and put it on his pillow to make his nose feel more comfortable. Then he tried his best to ignore the unpleasant smell of the quilt and forced himself to fall asleep. Although he managed to fall asleep, Zhang Hongan didn't sleep well at all that night. When he woke up the next day, his head was still a little uncomfortable. After washing his face, Zhang Hongan took out a mint leaf and put it in his mouth to chew, not only to clean his mouth, but also to refresh his mind.

Not to mention, the power of mint leaves is quite good, and the refreshing taste instantly made Zhang Hongan feel a lot more energetic.

Zhang Hongan revised the test paper for the second session repeatedly, and it was already after noon the next day when he finally started writing it. After writing the last word, Zhang Hongan couldn't help but read it and check it again, even though he knew it couldn't be modified. After confirming that there were no problems, he sealed the test paper after the handwriting dried up with satisfaction.

The third test paper was very easy for some candidates, but it was the biggest challenge for Zhang Hongan. Because the assessment content of the third session is to write poems, and the theme must be autumn. The poems cannot contain autumn or autumn-related words, but your poems must make people know that you are describing autumn.

Even people who are good at poetry will have a headache after reading it, let alone Zhang Hongan, a person who is not very good at poetry. Zhang Hongan held it in for a whole day and couldn't come up with any good poems. Seeing that time was running out, Zhang Hongan began to become a little anxious.

But the more anxious he became, the less likely he was to come up with poems. Zhang Hongan knew that he could not continue like this, so he calmed down forcibly, and then poured the remaining mint leaves into his mouth. One mint leaf was enough to wake up a sleepy person. This handful of mint leaves gave Zhang Hongan a thrill. It was so exciting.

However, this intense stimulation made Zhang Hongan calm down completely, and his mind was clearer than ever before. When he looked at the test paper again, he suddenly had inspiration in his mind. He took the scratch paper and started writing.

At the last moment, Zhang Hongan finally finished writing his poem, sealed it with satisfaction and handed it to the official, then packed up his belongings and prepared to go out. Although it was only three days, Zhang Hongan felt as if several months had passed. The moment he stepped out of the hut where he had stayed for three days, Zhang Hongan suddenly felt that the sun was a little dazzling. He subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands and waited for a while before letting go. open.

In the past three days, Zhang Hongan could not be said to have eaten well or slept well. In addition, he was under great mental pressure from the exam, and he had lost a lot of weight. Fortunately, his health has improved a lot in the past few years. If Zhang Hongan's physical fitness was based on his childhood, he would definitely have to be carried out now. However, although he can still walk on his own now, it is still a bit difficult to walk.

Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin heard that some people who had passed the exam early could come out on the third morning. They didn't know when Zhang Hongan would come out. They thought that if Zhang Hongan came out early and no one would pick him up, they decided to take the exam together. I have been waiting in front of the examination room for a long time. Every time the door to the examination room opened, the two of them stood on tiptoes to see if it was Zhang Hongan. After confirming that it was not Zhang Hongan, they squatted in the corner again and waited.

After the door to the examination room was fully opened in the afternoon, Zhang Hongan and Lin Qin no longer stayed in the corner, but went directly to the door to wait, making sure that Zhang Hongan could see them as soon as they came out.

Although they knew that taking the exam to be a scholar was hard work, and they had seen many candidates who had completed the exam early looking slovenly and thin, the moment Zhang Hongan walked out, Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin still turned red with distress. The clothes that had fit before entering now looked a little too big. His haggard face, pale lips, and red bloodshot eyes all revealed that Zhang Hongan was not in good physical condition at this time.

Zhang Dayong didn't care about anything else, he just went over and picked up Zhang Hongan on his back, and ran to the inn. When he passed Lin Qin, he said, "Brother Qin, go and ask a doctor to come and take a look at Hong An." "Hey,

okay. Lin Qin responded and hurried to the nearest medical center.

Zhang Hongan didn't expect that Zhang Dayong would suddenly carry him on his back. After reacting, he blushed and said, "Father, I can walk by myself." "

Walking for whatever reason? Look at how pale your face is. What's wrong with you?" Sorry, you are my kid, let alone carrying me, you were held in my arms every day when you were a child." Zhang Dayong said in a deep voice.

"You also said that was when you were a child, and I'm older now." Zhang Hongan said with a red face.

"No matter how old you are, you're still my kid. Okay, stop talking. If you're tired, just take a nap. We'll be at the inn soon." Zhang Dayong tipped Zhang Hongan upwards, but his breath showed no change.

Although Zhang Hongan was embarrassed to be carried by Zhang Dayong for being such a big man, Zhang Dayong and his generous back made people couldn't help but miss him. He didn't want to sleep at first, but the moment he rested his head on Zhang Dayong's shoulder, he felt sleepy. It came like a tide, and Zhang Hongan fell into a deep sleep after a while.

After Zhang Dayong carried Zhang Hongan back to the inn, he carefully placed him on the bed. Looking at his haggard face, he suddenly regretted letting Zhang Hongan take the scientific examination. Neither Zhang Dayong nor Lin Qin are the kind of people who require their children to get ahead. They only want their children to be healthy, and they pay more attention to their children's health than their children's future. If a good future comes in exchange for the health of their children, then Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin will definitely refuse to object.

Not long after Zhang Dayong and Zhang Hongan returned to the inn, Lin Qin, who was out of breath, also brought back a gray-haired doctor.

"Doctor, please help my boy take a look." Lin Qin anxiously looked at Zhang Hongan on the bed and said to the doctor.

The doctor has been running a medical clinic in Fucheng for decades. The hospital examination is held every three years. He doesn't know how many times he has gone through it. He knows Zhang Hongan's situation very well. Therefore, compared to the anxiety of Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin, he seemed much calmer. He first touched his beard, then took out the pulse pillow and placed it on Zhang Hongan's wrist, and then began to diagnose the pulse.

Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin held their breaths and did not dare to make a sound during the doctor's pulse diagnosis, for fear of affecting the doctor's pulse diagnosis.

"It's nothing serious. It's just that he has been mentally exhausted and hasn't had a good rest in the past few days. Just let him have a good rest and then give him something to replenish his body." The doctor checked his pulse for a while and said.

"Doctor, are you really okay? My son was born prematurely and his health has not been very good since he was a child." When Lin Qin heard that the doctor said he was okay, he was reassured but still a little uneasy and conflicted.

When the doctor checked the pulse just now, he also found that Zhang Hongan's pulse was weaker than that of some healthy adults, so he was not angry at Lin Qin's inquiry and said, "It's okay. His body is weaker than that of ordinary people, but he is still healthy. Just let him rest for a few days and he will recover."

"Okay, okay, thank you, doctor, thank you, doctor." After hearing what the doctor said, Lin Qin finally felt relieved.

The doctor nodded, took out the pen and paper from the medicine box, wrote a prescription and handed it to Zhang Dayong, saying, "This is a prescription for strengthening the body. Although taking it for a period of time will not completely improve your child's physique, it can also make him healthy." Some."

"Thank you, doctor, thank you very much." Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin were overjoyed to hear that it could make Zhang Hongan healthier. Zhang Hongan's health can be said to be their biggest worry.

The doctor waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "This is my duty. It will only be good for your boy's health to let your boy move more when he has nothing to do." "

Okay, okay, we'll note it down. "Zhang Dayong carefully wrote down what the doctor said.

"Don't wake him up before he wakes up. Just let him sleep. He will wake up on his own when he has slept enough." The doctor was worried that Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin would forcefully wake Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin because they were worried because Zhang Hongan had not woken up for a long time. , that would not do any good to Zhang Hongan's health.

"Okay." If the doctor hadn't said anything, Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin might not have met Zhang Hongan, who was still unconscious and was afraid, so they forced him to wake up. Now that the doctor has said this, the two of them naturally don't dare to do it.

Although the doctor said that Zhang Hongan would sleep for a long time, Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin were still a little scared when Zhang Hongan didn't wake up after sleeping for a whole day and night. However, they did not dare to push him awake due to the doctor's words, so they could only be anxious. 's waiting. Fortunately, Zhang Hongan did not let the two of them worry for too long. After sleeping for two days, he finally opened his clear eyes on the morning of the third day.

Author's gossip: I came back a day early. I will code one chapter and send it to everyone immediately. Thank you for your support. The extra chapter may not be updated twice, but I will definitely be able to write one chapter a day before the extra chapter is finished. Finally, I hope everyone will support the new book, okay?

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