Chapter 2 Father Lin's Conflict

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Father Lin looked at the serious expressions of his two sons and sighed leisurely, put down the bowl and chopsticks and did not speak for a long time. Doesn't Lin's father know that the older Lin Qin gets, the harder it is for him to find a good marriage? Of course he knows that. It's just that Lin's father cares more about his two sons than Lin Qin. When Lin's mother was still alive, Lin's father didn't think about making a good marriage for Lin Qin early so that he could help the family in the future.

I just didn't expect that Mother Lin would get seriously ill before the marriage was decided. That illness caused the family, which was not originally wealthy, to be directly in debt. It would be fine if Mother Lin could take care of her well, but she spent a lot of money. Still couldn't keep Mother Lin. It can be said that the family was in a mess after Lin's mother died. Fortunately, although Lin Qin was only ten years old, he could already do all the housework. No one washes.

If it was just because of these, Lin's father would not prevent Lin Qin from getting married. After all, in Lin Dazhu's words just now, he would not even be able to cook rice. The most important thing was because of money. Lin's mother's illness caused the Lin family to owe a lot of money, and even the marriage that Lin Dazhu had been talking about was canceled.

Even though the two brothers, Father Lin and Lin Dazhu, have been working as part-time workers in the fields, they have just paid off their debts this year, and their family's savings are less than one tael of silver. Nowadays, a marriage, especially a betrothal gift for a woman, costs at least two taels of silver, not to mention other miscellaneous things. A marriage costs at least four taels of silver. If this were not the case, how could Lin Dazhu be twenty-two and still not be able to marry a wife? Even Lin Erzhu was already twenty.

Because the family was too poor, Lin's father thought of finding a family with many brothers and sisters to replace Lin Qin with his relatives, but that would not give him a good reputation. It was not that Lin's father had never thought of raising Lin Qin's betrothal gift, but since Lin Qin was a brother, no matter how much the betrothal gift was, it would only be two taels. Not only was Lin Dazhu not enough to raise the money for his marriage, but also not many families could agree.

Lin Dazhu understood Father Lin better than Lin Erzhu, and he also vaguely guessed some of Lin's father's thoughts. Lin Dazhu naturally disagreed with Lin's father's idea. If he really wanted to increase Lin Qin's gift money, how could Lin Qin have a good life in the future? As for changing marriages, that's even worse. If anyone, let alone a good family, can agree to change marriages, they will be despised and laughed at by relatives and neighbors.

Lin's father looked at the faint disapproval in Lin Dazhu's eyes and understood that his eldest son had guessed his plan. He glanced at Lin Qin who kept his head down and sighed in his heart. It is naturally impossible to say that he doesn't care about Lin Qin's son at all. It's all nonsense.

Father Lin finished the meal in silence and prepared to get up. Lin Erzhu didn't know what Father Lin was thinking. Seeing Father Lin acting like this, he thought that Father Lin wanted to continue dragging Lin Qin to work for the family. He immediately became anxious and stood up with a bang and screamed. A voice called Father Lin.

Father Lin stopped and turned his back to the three Lin Dazhu brothers and said, "Okay, what do you call it? If we really want a good marriage, how can I refuse it?"

Lin Dazhu and Lin Erzhu heard this and understood that Father Lin would no longer deliberately drag Lin Qin. Lin Qin lowered his head lower and his cheeks were as red as rouge.

"Brother, we also keep an eye on brother Qin for any good families on weekdays, and try to settle brother Qin's marriage within this year." Lin Erzhu said with a smile while eating rice.

Lin Dazhu glanced at Lin Qin, who had been refusing to raise his head, and smiled and said, "You finally look like an older brother."

Lin Erzhu's personality was more lively than Lin Dazhu's, and he usually liked playing pranks the most. When they were children, Lin Dazhu and Lin Qin did not The less he teases me, the more debts the family has weighed on her over the years and she has matured a little.

Lin Qin was moved, but he still shook his head and said, "Big brother and second brother, if I get married, it will cost me some money even if my family doesn't provide a dowry. I'm not at an age where I won't be able to get married soon, so there's no need to be in such a hurry. Let's go first. Saving money should come first to my eldest brother. There are several children around him who are similar in age to him, but his eldest brother doesn't even have a sister-in-law."

Lin Dazhu didn't expect Lin Qin to say this at all. He was stunned for a moment, feeling moved and even more emotional. Lin Qin is still considerate.

Lin Dazhu rubbed Lin Qin's head, smiled and said, "Brother knows it well, so don't worry about it."

Lin Dazhu doesn't want to get married, why doesn't he, seeing his brothers and wives hugging and kissing their children every day, he feels so excited in his heart. An envy. But with the conditions at home, it is difficult to marry a brother, let alone a woman. Lin Dazhu also knew that with their current rate of making money, it would take at least a year or two to save the money for the wedding. By then, Lin Qin would be almost 20, and there would be no good family to ask for it.

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