Chapter 29 Discussion

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"Father, what do you think? I think this marriage is good." After Aunt Zhou left, Lin Dazhu was the first to say.

Lin Han took a few more puffs of cigarette before saying, "The marriage is good, but the conditions of our family are a bit different from the other party's. Li Jie's mother is not too satisfied with Brother Qin. What if Brother Qin gets married?" What should I do if the other party wants to chat with Brother Qin? You know that Li Jie is doing things in the town, and Brother Qin spends most of the day with Li Jie's mother. If the other party wants to chat with Brother Qin, there are many opportunities and ways." Lin Han's favorite There is nothing more worrying than this. Although I don't value my little brother as much as my son, how can I not feel pain for my little brother? Young men are no better than men. If a man marries a bad wife, he can still divorce her. As long as he has money, he can still marry someone who has never been married before. But the younger brother is different. Even if the younger brother has not given birth to children, few of them will marry well.

Lin Erzhu originally agreed with this marriage, but he hesitated after listening to Lin Han's words, but after thinking about it he said, "Probably not. Didn't Aunt Zhou just say that the other party had already agreed after checking our family's situation?" Otherwise, I wouldn't have gone to Aunt Zhou to propose marriage, right?"

"That's what I say, but it's better to be careful. After all, it affects Brother Qin's rest of his life." Lin Dazhu said with a frown.

"Brother Qin, what do you think???" Lin Han looked at Lin Qin and asked. In fact, this matter mainly depends on Lin Qin. If Lin Qin is satisfied with the other party and wants to marry him, then Lin Han and Lin Dazhu will have no more discussions. use.

Naturally, Lin Qin was also moved. Except for people like Lin Erzhu who only liked the younger brother, generally only those from poorer families who could not marry a woman would choose to marry a younger brother. It was rare to marry into a wealthy man. family. The conditions of the Li family are very good. If Lin Qin can really get married, he will not only have enough food and clothing, but also help the family.

Lin Qin struggled for a long time before saying, "Big brother and second brother, can you help me find someone to ask what kind of person Li Jie is???" When

Lin Han saw Lin Qin say this, he understood that Lin Qin was still a little moved. He sighed and said to Lin Dazhu and Lin Erzhu, "You two, one will go to town and the other to Dongyang Village to find out how to find out. You don't need to worry about the things in the fields. Just leave them to me." "Okay,

Father . ." Lin Dazhu and Lin Erzhu responded at the same time.

Lin Dazhu and Lin Erzhu, one went to Dongyang Village and the other went to the town to find the restaurant where Li Jie worked and tried their best to find out about Li Jie's life. The more they inquired about each other, the more they felt that this marriage could work. Whether it was from Dongyang Village, working in the restaurant, or even people who knew Li Jie around the restaurant, they said that Li Jie was hard-working, gentle and sensible, and there was nothing he needed in daily life. Those who helped came to help without anyone having to ask. He was also filial to his family. He gave his mother every month's salary and left it to his mother for safekeeping. On weekdays, he stayed at home to rest and help go to the fields. He didn't drink or gamble.

After Lin Han heard the news from Lin Dazhu and Lin Erzhu, the little entanglement he had had disappeared all of a sudden. No matter how difficult Li Jie's mother was to get along with, it was Li Jie who would spend the rest of his life with Lin Qin. As long as Li Jie could treat Lin Qin well. , even if Li Jie's mother really teases Lin Qin, she can still bear it. To put it bluntly, Li Jie's mother is already there, and Lin Qin can really work hard for a few more years. And according to the news that Lin Dazhu got back, Li Jie's mother is not that difficult to get along with. Lin Han believes that Lin Qin is diligent and diligent. With a filial temper, even if Li Jie's mother didn't like Lin Qin at first, she would accept him over time.

"Father, then I'll ask Aunt Zhou to tell him that we accept the marriage???" Lin Dazhu said hesitantly.

Lin Erzhu felt that he was too hasty and said, "Isn't it too fast? Why don't you ask Aunt Zhou to arrange a meeting for the two of you like you did before?"

"Er Zhuzhu is right, it's better to meet first" Well done, Dazhu, please go talk to your Aunt Zhou and say that we are quite satisfied with this marriage but we still want to see Li Jie with our own eyes and let your Aunt Zhou make arrangements for it," Lin Han said.

"Okay, Father." Lin Dazhu responded and turned around and went out.

Lin Han looked at Lin Qin who was looking shy and said, "Brother Qin, go and pull a piece of cloth for yourself and let your sister-in-law help make a new dress. We still have to make some arrangements for the blind date." "

Hey, Father." Lin Qin also knew that his skills would be great if he could make clothes, but if he wanted to make them look good, forget about it. Lin Qin said to Bai Xiuniang, "I still need to trouble my sister-in-law." "

We are all polite to the whole family. "Bai Xiuniang still likes Lin Qin, her younger brother. He has a good temper and doesn't look for trouble. On weekdays, when he goes up the mountain and sees some fruits, he wants to bring them back to share with her, let alone household chores. Even if Lin Han says not to use Lin, Although Qin Qin was busy, Lin Qin still came to help whenever he had time, fearing that she would be tired.

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