Chapter 62 Lin Li got engaged.

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After Aunt Zhou left the Li family, she went to the Lin family and told Lin Han the news that Village Chief Li said he had thought about it but actually agreed. Lin Han was naturally very happy and thanked Aunt Zhou. Thank you, sister-in-law, for speaking kindly for us."

"You are all polite from the same village. Besides, this is also my job. But the village chief said that he would ask Brother Mo for his opinion. If Brother Mo doesn't agree with this marriage, Maybe." Aunt Zhou told the ugly things first, and she didn't want the Lin family to be happy in vain in the end.

"This is a major event in Brother Mo's life. Of course I have to ask his opinion. If he really doesn't want to, I won't force it." The person who answered Aunt Zhou was not Lin Han but Lin Erzhu who was secretly happy on the side. Lin Erzhu was telling the truth. Although he knew Li Mo's feelings from Lin Qin, if Li Mo really regretted not liking him, Lin Erzhu would not force it.

Aunt Zhou nodded when she heard this and said, "Don't be too discouraged. I think the success rate of this marriage is quite high. I will continue to help you ask tomorrow." "

Sorry, sister-in-law, if this marriage is successful, A gift to thank the matchmaker is definitely indispensable." Lin Han said, taking out a dozen copper coins from his arms and putting them in Aunt Zhou's hands as money for Aunt Zhou's errands.

Aunt Zhou quickly put it away without refusing, then chatted for a few more words and then went back to her home, where she still had housework waiting for her.

After Aunt Zhou left, Lin Han thought for a while and looked at Bai Xiuniang who was standing quietly next to Lin Dazhu and said, "My dear, I have something to tell you. I told Aunt Zhou before that if this marriage can come true, , the betrothal gift for the Li family will be as much as yours. Don't feel uncomfortable. Although Brother Mo is the younger brother, he is the one I grew up watching. Naturally, our family has different feelings from the village chief's family. A bit of friendship, even if it is to give face to the village chief's family, my betrothal gift cannot be lowered. The reason why I am telling you now is to prepare you in your mind, so that no one will talk too much in front of you when the time comes to purchase the betrothal gift. " Lin Han is not a person who likes to explain. If it weren't for Bai Xiuniang's pregnancy, Lin Han would never explain it in such detail. At most, Lin Dazhu would have to talk to Bai Xiuniang at night.

"I understand, Father." Bai Xiuniang felt a little uncomfortable, but a young man's betrothal gift was as high as hers. This made Bai Xiuniang feel very good. But Bai Xiuniang is aware of current affairs. She knows that Lin Han is still the head of the Lin family now. Lin Han himself is willing to give a high price as a betrothal gift and she has no right to interfere. If she really makes a fuss over the betrothal gift, it will only make Lin Dazhu separate from her. And just as Lin Han said, Li Mo's affection for him as he grew up is naturally different from that of her, the eldest daughter-in-law whom he is not very familiar with. Moreover, Li Mo is the elder brother of the village chief's family. Lin Han sees that The betrothal gift will not be lowered because of the village chief's face.

Seeing that Bai Xiuniang's expression had not changed, Lin Han didn't care anymore. He turned to Lin Qin and said, "Brother Qin, you and Brother Mo are good friends. If you have time, go and ask him what he thinks of this marriage and if he is willing." ???"

"Okay, Father." Although Lin Qin didn't think Li Mo would refuse, but since Lin Han said so, he just made a trip.

Lin Qin didn't come to the door immediately. This week, the Lin family came to the door as soon as his aunt left. Lin Qin didn't go to the village chief's house until after lunch the next day.

"Brother Dayong, have you just come down from the mountain???" Lin Qin didn't expect to meet Zhang Dayong by chance, and a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

Zhang Dayong's eyes softened a bit when he saw Lin Qin, and he said, "Well, there weren't many prey on the mountain today, so I made a few traps and came down."

Lin Qin saw Zhang Dayong holding two pheasants in his hands . , said, "Brother Dayong, you are already very powerful."

Zhang Dayong didn't say anything, just handed a pheasant in his hand to Lin Qin, and said, "You take this one back to eat, the pheasant is the most nourishing to the body."

The two were undecided. How could Lin Qin dare to accept Zhang Dayong's things? He waved his hands and refused, "How can this be done? You can just keep the money and sell it." Seeing Zhang Dayong's attitude of directly stuffing the pheasant into his arms, Lin Qin hurriedly said, " I'm going to the village chief's house, and it's not convenient to bring this chicken with me." If you take a chicken as a guest to someone else's house, they will definitely think it is a gift from Lin Qin, so should Lin Qin give it to them or not? Not sent. Zhang Dayong finally stopped stuffing the pheasant into Lin Qin's arms. He thought for a moment and said, "I'll wait for you nearby. I 'll

take the chicken back when you come back later."

Whatever the problem is, what can I do?" Lin Qin said disapprovingly.

"I will find a shady place to stay. Okay, you can go to the village chief's house first." After Zhang Dayong finished speaking, he randomly found a shady place to sit down without waiting for Lin Qin to speak.

Lin Qin looked at Zhang Dayong's stubborn look and stamped his feet secretly. He originally wanted to chat with Li Mo more at Li's house, but now he had better go back quickly. Lin Qin said that he had never seen such a stubborn person.

When Lin Qin arrived at Li's house, Li Mo was helping Mr. Li with housework. When he saw Lin Qin coming over, he was happy at first, and then he couldn't help but look shy when he thought about the Lin family's marriage proposal yesterday.

When Lin Qin saw Li Mo's shy look, he knew that he already knew about the Lin family's proposal of marriage. As for whether Li Mo had agreed or not, seeing that shy look, was there anything he didn't understand? Lin Qin was secretly happy and called Mr. Li uncle. Then he took Li Mo's hand and said, "Brother Mo, my father told me that he asked Aunt Zhou to come to your house to propose marriage to my second brother. It seems that You are going to be my second brother soon."

I have to say that Lin Qin's seemingly joking words were much better than directly asking Li Mo what he thought of the marriage. Li Mo blushed with embarrassment, and Mr. Li didn't speak. The retort was just a secret smile, Lin Qin understood immediately, and his originally worried heart immediately stabilized.

Li Mo has been wondering since yesterday when he learned about the Lin family's proposal of marriage, that is, does Lin Erzhu really like him? It is true that Li Mo has a good impression of Lin Erzhu, and it is true that he has expectations for this marriage. But Lin Erzhu's silent rejection before made Li Mo a little unbelievable that Lin Erzhu really fell in love with him. At first, Li Mo was too embarrassed to go directly to Lin's house to ask, but now that Lin Qin was here, he couldn't let it go and took Lin Qin directly. own room.

"Brother Qin, yesterday my father told me that when Aunt Zhou came to propose marriage, it was true that she said Brother Er Zhu liked me. I had been expressing my love to Brother Er Zhu in secret before, but he always refused." Li Mo He said and lowered his head a little disappointed.

Lin Qin felt heartbroken when he saw Li Mo's disappointed look. He took Li Mo's hand and said in an angry voice, "Brother Mo is not like this. My second brother is just a blockhead with an unenlightened mind. It's not like he didn't accept it before." You, but he didn't realize that you were expressing your love to him."

Li Mo was still full of disappointment, but after hearing Lin Qin's words, his eyes widened in surprise, full of disbelief, how could there be such a thing in the world? For such a stupid person, Li Mo felt that although his expressions in the past were a little more obscure, they were not completely unnoticeable.

Seeing the disbelief on Li Mo's face, Lin Qin said with a smile on his face, "It's true. I talked to my second brother yesterday and found out that he didn't realize that you liked him at all, and he actually said that you hated him. I don't know how his head grew. If my father hadn't said yesterday that you were talking about kissing, which stimulated him, I think his head would never be able to open up in his life."

Li Mo didn't want to say anything at this time. What if he suddenly wanted to beat Lin Erzhu.

Seeing Li Mo's angry face, Lin Qin couldn't guess what Li Mo was thinking. He smiled and joked, "When you get married, you can do whatever you want. Don't worry, we will never stop you. Even if you let me I can help you with the fight."

"Okay." Li Mo said "OK" subconsciously at first, and then realized that Lin Qin said that he could fight as much as he wanted after getting married. Li Mo's face immediately turned red when he realized it.

Lin Qin felt that Li Mo's face was about to smoke. Although he was cute, Lin Qin didn't dare to laugh at him. If Li Mo got angry, Lin Qin was worried that he wouldn't be able to get out of the Li family's door, hahaha.

Because he was worried about Zhang Dayong who was still waiting for him, Lin Qin did not stay at Li's house for long. He said a few words to Li Mo and left in a hurry. I trotted to the place where I met Zhang Dayong before. Sure enough, Zhang Dayong was still waiting there. As soon as the other party saw him, he walked out of the shade.

Although Zhang Dayong has been staying in the shade, Zhang Dayong still broke out in a sweat at this noon.

Lin Qin suddenly felt distressed when he saw Zhang Dayong's sweating face. He glanced at no one around him and took out a handkerchief from his arms and handed it to Zhang Dayong and said, "Brother Dayong, wipe it off. It's all sweat."

Although Zhang Dayong I was a little embarrassed, but looking at Lin Qin's worried eyes, I still took the handkerchief. The handkerchief was made of coarse cloth and was a bit rough when rubbed on his face, but Zhang Dayong felt very comfortable.

"The handkerchief is dirty. I'll wash it when I go back and give it back to you." Zhang Dayong said a little embarrassed when he saw that the originally fragrant handkerchief smelled of sweat after he wiped it off.

"It's okay, I'll just give the veil to you." After Lin Qin finished speaking, he lowered his head in embarrassment. The veil was Lin Qin's personal belongings, so giving it to Zhang Dayong was a very bold move.

Zhang Dayong didn't expect Lin Qin to give him the handkerchief directly, and felt a little embarrassed. Then he thought of the pheasant in his hand and handed it to Lin Qin and said, "This chicken has been dead for a while. You need to cook it immediately when you get back, otherwise it will smell bad." ."

Lin Qin now knows how stubborn Zhang Dayong is. He knows that if he doesn't accept the chicken today, Zhang Dayong will definitely continue to waste it with him. He can only accept it. "I'll accept the chicken. You must have just come down from the mountain." You didn't have lunch, so go back to eat and rest."

"Okay." Zhang Dayong was indeed a little hungry, so he stopped being polite to Lin Qin, nodded at Lin Qin, and walked back to his home.

The Lin family was a little surprised to see Lin Qin go out and bring back a chicken. When they knew it was from Zhang Dayong, they didn't say anything. Lin Han just asked Lin Qin to eat the chicken. Everyone drank chicken soup in the evening. One supplement. After learning from Lin Qin that both the Li family and Li Mo agreed to the marriage, the Lin family was even more happy, and Lin Erzhu even smiled like a fool.

Knowing that the Li family had agreed, Lin Han quickly took Lin Dazhu and Lin Erzhu to buy the items needed for the betrothal gift.

After Aunt Zhou came to the house for the fourth time, the Li family finally nodded and agreed to the Lin family's proposal of marriage. As soon as the news came out that the village chief's family and the Lin Han family were getting married, the entire Zhuangyuan Village suddenly became excited.

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