Chapter 111 Envy

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After Mr. Li burned the bedding and blood-stained pants, he cooked a confinement meal for Lin Qin and served Lin Qin before returning to his home. As for Li Mo and Bai Xiuniang, they went home after confirming that Lin Qin didn't need their help. They really missed the children at home, and they couldn't take care of the careless man as well as they did.

Because there would be no one to take care of Lin Qin if Zhang Dayong left, so when Li Fulang left, Zhang Dayong specifically asked him to help deliver a message to Wang Fulang, asking Wang Fulang to come over today.

When Li Fulang heard this, he didn't understand that Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin had already found someone to take care of the confinement. They said that before because they were worried that Bai Xiuniang would be angry. However, Li Furang didn't say anything and only agreed to Zhang Dayong's request. After all, finding someone to take care of the confinement was the best choice for everyone.

After receiving the news, Mr. Wang arranged things at home and trotted over with a smile on his face. Only then did Mr. Wang's husband's family find out that Mr. Wang was actually going to serve Lin Qin during confinement. At first, the head of Mr. Wang's family thought that Mr. Wang had nothing to do. How much money could the farm family make by serving Lin Qin in confinement? They might as well focus on taking care of the family. But after hearing that he would get four hundred coins after taking good care of the confinement, he immediately stopped complaining and urged Mr. Wang to go quickly, fearing that Zhang Dayong would not want him anymore if he went late.

Mr. Wang had given birth to several children, and he was very experienced in confinement. As soon as he came here, he was proficient in feeding milk to the children and helping Lin Qin clean up the housework. Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin were both very satisfied with Wang Fulang's deft movements, and Lin Qin could finally rest peacefully.

In fact, Mr. Wang was a little surprised when he found out that Lin Qin had given birth to a little brother. He was not surprised that Lin Qin actually gave birth to a little brother, but was surprised that Zhang Dayong would pay him to come and take care of his confinement after Lin Qin gave birth to a little brother. . After being surprised, Mr. Wang sighed in his heart that Zhang Dayong was such a good man. Few wives from all over the country could stay with him for a full month after giving birth to a baby brother, let alone hire someone.

"Dayong, when Brother Qin is in confinement, should you buy the food or should I buy it???" Wang Fulang first put the child to sleep, put the child next to Lin Qin, and then took the diaper he had just changed and prepared to go. twist. When passing by Zhang Dayong, he suddenly thought of something and asked aloud.

Zhang Dayong didn't know what to eat during the confinement period, so he naturally didn't know what vegetables to buy, so he said, "Just buy it and tell me how much it cost." "

Okay." Wang Fulang responded.

If a cunning person takes advantage of the opportunity to buy groceries, he can make a lot of money in a month by paying a few more copper coins each time. However, Mr. Wang is not that kind of person. He may be able to keep the gifts for himself, but His conscience would not allow him to overpay for groceries.

We had already agreed when we met with Mr. Wang that Mr. Wang would serve Lin Qin after dinner every day and then go back after clearing the dishes. So even though it was still dark, Mr. Wang was ready to go home after washing the dishes.

"Dayong, I'll go back after I've cleaned up everything. Just throw the diapers in the basin after you change them at night. I'll wipe them again tomorrow." Mr. Wang wiped his hands casually on his clothes and shouted loudly to Zhang Dayong in the bedroom. road.

"Okay." Zhang Dayong just responded without coming out.

He had never gotten along with Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin for a long time before, so when he came here, Mr. Wang was a little worried that the two of them would ask for too much. But after spending half a day together, Mr. Wang understood that as long as he did everything he should do, Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin would He won't deliberately find fault with you. This job is much easier than he imagined.

Many villagers saw Mr. Wang trotting to Zhang Dayong's house before. It was a little strange at first, but it was even more strange when he didn't come out for most of the day. Now that Mr. Wang has finally come out, they can still question him without catching him.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, wait for me." A husband who lived near Zhang Dayong's house shouted to Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang turned around and saw that it was Mr. Qin from the carpenter's house. He stopped and said in confusion, "Mr. Qin, what can I do? I'm rushing back to cook!!!" "

I saw you running away at noon. Isn't it strange that you haven't come out of Zhang Dayong's house for a long time? Why did you go to his house and stay for so long???" Qin Fulang asked curiously.

Wang Fulang thought what was going on. Hearing this, he suddenly realized and said, "Why are you doing this? What did I think you were doing? It's nothing. Isn't Brother Qin giving birth? Dayong asked me to come over and take care of the confinement child." Although Wang Fulang said However, he did not say how much he would pay to serve Lin Qin during his confinement, so as not to arouse jealousy.

In the countryside, who would hire someone to take care of them during confinement, and it would be Lin Qin? Mr. Qin suddenly took a breath of air, and said in shock, "Hey, dear, this brother Qin is so awesome, please invite me." Hearing this,

Mr. Wang rolled his eyes and said, "Don't think about it, there is no elder in their family who can take care of the confinement child. If they don't hire someone, who will take care of the confinement child? If the confinement child cannot sit well, he will be burned." It's not like you don't know about the illness."

"Aren't you too shocked? You don't think about how many people from all over the country would specially invite someone to come during confinement." Mr. Qin murmured.

Mr. Wang naturally knew that he didn't want to talk too much to Mr. Qin. It was getting late and the family was still waiting for him to go back to cook, so he said slightly impatiently, "Is there anything else? If not, I will leave."

" Hey, don't go, what did this brother Qin give birth to? Is it a boy? I guess it must be a boy, otherwise Zhang Dayong would be willing to hire someone!!!" Mr. Qin first guessed and then said with certainty.

It's no wonder that Mr. Qin made such a guess. It's really a serious situation in rural areas where young men are valued over older brothers. But this time he really guessed wrong. Mr. Wang looked at Mr. Qin mockingly and said, "You really guessed wrong. , Brother Qin gave birth to a little brother."

"What, little brother!!! This little brother is still in confinement and has someone to take care of him. Zhang Dayong must be too kind to him." Mr. Qin said jealously. Mr. Qin also gave birth to a little brother. His husband's family only let him sit for three days before sending him to work. This was based on the fact that he had already given birth to a boy. If a baby is born for the first time, he will definitely continue to work without any rest.

Mr. Qin wanted to say something else, but Mr. Wang didn't give him the chance. He ignored Mr. Qin's hesitant look and turned around and ran home, leaving Mr. Qin with an annoyed look on his face, as if he was annoyed with his own actions. It was too slow and I didn't catch Mr. Wang. But after a while, the annoyance on Mr. Qin's face disappeared. He went straight to a few husbands who were close to him and talked about Lin Qin having a little brother and hiring someone to take care of him during the confinement period. In less than an hour, this incident spread throughout the Zhuangyuan Village, and suddenly the Zhuangyuan Village completely exploded.

Many couples and women gathered under the big tree at the entrance of the village, gossiping about Lin Qin. Of course there are jealous people, but most of them are envious. They envy Lin Qin for marrying into a good family, envy Zhang Dayong for being so kind to him, and even more envy that he gave birth to a little brother without being disliked and was given confinement. The most extreme thing is to ask someone to serve him.

Many families with young men or girls waiting to be married lamented why they didn't see the good qualities of Zhang Dayong at the beginning. If they had settled on him, wouldn't it be their young men (girls) who are enjoying the blessings now? No matter how much people lament or are jealous, some things are destined and cannot be changed by just saying a few words.

What's more, not only did they dislike Zhang Dayong's attitude in person, but they also murmured secretly that Zhang Dayong was not a fool, so how could he like their child.

Mr. Wang got up at dawn the next day. After making breakfast for his family, he hurried to buy groceries. Although Zhuangyuan Village is not small, it does not have a vegetable market. Mainly ordinary vegetables are available at home, and at most they can only cut some meat or something. So if Mr. Wang wants to buy vegetables, he has to go to Zhoujia Village, the largest village next door. Only Zhoujia Village has a vegetable market.

Mr. Wang could tell that Zhang Dayong cared about Lin Qin, so when he went shopping for food, he immediately bought a pig's trotter, a few bones, and a lot of fresh vegetables.

By the time Mr. Wang returned to Zhuangyuan Village, it was already broad daylight. He didn't dare to stop and hurried to Zhang Dayong's house. At this time, Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin had woken up, and Zhang Dayong was shirtless changing the baby's diaper.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Wang quickly took over the work from Zhang Dayong and asked him to get dressed and wash up.

When Zhang Dayong saw Mr. Wang coming, he let out a sigh of relief and stepped aside as if he had saved his life. It's not that Zhang Dayong is unwilling to do it, but the newborn baby is too small and too soft. Zhang Dayong has to break out in sweat every time he changes his diaper or feeds him. He is not tired but nervous. His whole body was tense, could he not sweat after a long time? Lin Qin couldn't help but laugh every time he saw his nervous look.

After changing the diaper, Mr. Wang touched the child's belly and found that it was suffocated. He went directly to the kitchen to heat up a bowl of milk and fruit. After feeding the child, he concentrated on preparing breakfast for Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin.

Although Lin Qin didn't have milk, he couldn't eat food heavy in oil or salt during confinement, so the breakfast given to him was the simplest water noodles with a few green vegetables and an egg in the noodles.

"It's too late today and I'll just eat what I have to make do with it. I'll stew the bones into soup later. I can use the bone soup as a base tomorrow to make it more nutritious." Wang Fulang brought the noodles to Lin Qin with a slight guilt.

Zhang Dayong put the small dining table on the bed when Mr. Wang came over with noodles, and then carefully helped Lin Qin sit on the bed.

"Mr. Wang, this is already very good. Eggs are also very nutritious." Lin Qin said nonchalantly.

In the eyes of farmers, eggs are indeed very nutritious. Most people are reluctant to eat an egg directly. They usually eat one egg or fry it or make soup for the whole family.

Hearing what Lin Qin said, Mr. Wang felt relieved. He put the noodles on the small dining table for Lin Qin to eat, and then said to Zhang Dayong, "Dayong, I put your portion of noodles on the table outside. You go and eat first." I'm here."

They also made noodles for Zhang Dayong, but they were meat noodles, which had a stronger taste, unlike Lin Qin, who basically had no salt.

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