Chapter 97 Farming

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As soon as he entered the house, Lin Qin "snatched" the little tiger from Bai Xiuniang's hand. The three-month-old baby was already round and cute, and with Bai Xiuniang's milk, the little tiger became even fatter, with arms as white as white. Lotus roots are usually divided into sections, which can be painful to look at.

"The little tiger is so heavy again that it's almost falling out of my hands." Lin Qin shook the little tiger in his arms and said with a smile.

"Isn't it? Yesterday, I was telling your brother that I wouldn't be able to hold him anymore if he got older." Bai Xiuniang said complaining words, but she showed a proud look on her face. Nothing makes a mother more proud than raising her children to be healthy, white, fat and plump.

"Come on, this is the New Year's money given to our little Huzi by my uncle. I wish our little Huzi a safe and healthy growth in the new year." Lin Qin held the little Huzi in one hand and took out the morning breakfast from his other hand. The prepared red envelope was placed in Xiao Huzi's lapel.

"The child is still young and doesn't understand anything, so why should he give me the lucky money?" Bai Xiuniang said angrily.

"No matter how young the child is, he is still my nephew. Naturally, I should give him lucky money." Lin Qin said and couldn't help but kiss the little tiger's fat face.

"Brother Mo, how are you lately? Are you still shy???" Lin Qin still likes to call Li Momo brother on weekdays, and only calls him second brother in formal occasions or when joking.

Hearing this, Li Mo touched his stomach and said with a mixture of distress and happiness, "I'm not so bad anymore. I can still eat a lot. My face has become a lot rounder recently, and I can't see people anymore." "

It's good to be round. You look round. " It means that if you eat well, your children will be healthier in the future." Lin Qin said with a smile.

"That's what I told him, but he was worried that Er Zhuzi wouldn't like him when he became fat. Later, Er Zhuzhu vowed to the sky that he would like him no matter how fat he became, so he was relieved." Bai Xiuniang covered her mouth and joked. said.

"Sister-in-law!!!" When Li Mo saw Bai Xiuniang mentioning his embarrassing incident a few days ago, Li Mo immediately stamped his feet and shouted in a low voice.

"Hahaha..." Lin Qin came to Lin's house less frequently after the weather got colder. He really didn't know that such interesting things had happened recently.

When Lin Qin smiled, Bai Xiuniang couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing, clutching her stomach. Little Huzi didn't know if he felt his mother's joy, but he also grinned stupidly. Li Mo blushed at the laughter of the two people, but one was his friend and brother-in-law, and the other was his sister-in-law, so he could only pinch Xiao Huzi's cheeks to vent his frustration.

"Okay, okay, we won't laugh at you anymore. If you can eat, your child will grow well. Don't be stupid and refuse to eat because you are worried about getting fat." Although Lin Qin knew that Li Mo was not the kind of brainless person. Man, he still couldn't help but warn him.

"I know." Li Mo responded.

Bai Xiuniang glanced at the sky outside the window and said, "It's getting late. I'm going to cook first. Brother Mo, you stay with Brother Qin and chat for a while. I'll take the child out and hold it in Dazhu's arms." He stretched out his hand to take the little tiger away.

Seeing this, Lin Qin dodged Bai Xiuniang's stretched out hand and said, "Sister-in-law is fine, I can just hold her." "

The little tiger is very naughty and will make a fuss from time to time. If you can't suppress him, let your big brother hold him." I guess." Bai Xiuniang knew her son's naughty nature very well. He was only four months old but he was very capable of tossing. Sometimes even when the adults were tired from tossing, he was still full of energy.

"It's okay, it's okay. I haven't seen Little Huzi for a while, so I want to kiss him properly." Lin Qin kissed Little Huzi's fleshy cheek and said with a smile. Seeing that Bai Xiuniang still looked worried, he said again, " Sister-in-law, don't worry. If the little tiger really starts to make a fuss, I will definitely send it out to the elder brother." "

Okay, be careful yourself. Sometimes the little tiger can kick people because he is not very strong." Bai Xiuniang is not worried that Lin Qin will be careless. Instead of hurting his son, he was worried that his son would hurt Lin Qin if he was too noisy. Little Huzi is much stronger than the average four- to five-month-old child. Sometimes Bai Xiuniang would be kicked in pain for a while if she accidentally kicked her. Lin Han and others were very happy about this, saying that with great strength they would be good at work in the future.

Lin Qin responded, holding the little tiger in his arms and teasing him non-stop.

Today, Lin Qin and Zhang Dayong came to pay New Year's greetings, which was different from the past, so Bai Xiuniang made a few more dishes when cooking, and also made two rich meat dishes.

"Sister-in-law, we are not outsiders, why do we deliberately prepare so many dishes?" After serving the table, Lin Qin muttered to Bai Xiuniang while looking at the table full of dishes.

It's not that Lin Qin is ungrateful, it's just that the food on the table today is enough for the Lin family to eat for two or three days on weekdays. Although the Lin family is not poor now, it is not much richer, so it feels a little distressed.

"Today is your first New Year's greeting. Naturally, you should be richer. Next year, if you want me to cook a few more dishes for you, I haven't done it yet." Bai Xiuniang understood that Lin Qin felt sorry for them, and she didn't feel looked down upon. He said jokingly.

Lin Qin also smiled when he heard this, and a group of people, male and female, gathered around the table happily eating and chatting.

Because they were in a village, Lin Qin didn't get up and say goodbye to Zhang Dayong until the sun was almost setting. Lin Han originally wanted to stay with the couple for dinner before leaving, but Lin Qin refused, saying there was no point in spending two meals at her parents' house.

He had eaten several dumplings in the past few days, so instead of cooking dumplings for dinner, Lin Qin kneaded the dough and made two bowls of hand-made noodles, then topped them with shredded pork toppings and chili oil and took a sip.

The chili oil was a bit spicy, and both of them were sweating after eating. Lin Qin packed up the two bowls and said to Zhang Dayong, "Brother Dayong, I have boiled the hot water just now. You go wash up first and I will wash the dishes.

" Okay, remember to mix some hot water, don't think that the two bowls have nothing to do with each other." Zhang Dayong wiped the sweat from his forehead and stood up.

"Hey, I understand." Lin Qin responded.

Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin have no relatives to leave except the Lin family. Lin Qin's grandparents have passed away, and all relatives on Zhang Dayong's side have severed ties with him and don't need to see him. As for Lin Qin's maternal family, they had contact with each other at first after Lin Qin's mother passed away, but then they gradually stopped having contact with each other.

Lin Han does have a few brothers, but they are basically brothers. Except for important matters, they don't have much contact on weekdays. It can't be said that they are not in a good relationship. When something happens, the others will go over to help without being notified. But why there are so few visits on weekdays is unknown.

Zhang Dayong had nothing to do at home, so he started preparing wheat seedlings according to Lin Han's instructions. Because he only planted rice last year, he did not save wheat seeds. Zhang Dayong can only buy wheat seeds from seed vendors. Wheat is a high-yielding grain and wheat seeds are quite expensive, costing 20 cents for ten seeds. Zhang Dayong plans to plant three acres of wheat out of the five acres of land, and the remaining two acres will be planted with corn, and one acre will be planted with some cold-resistant vegetables and beans.

Although three acres did not require much wheat seed, it still cost several hundred coins after settlement. Fortunately, I only had to buy it this time. When the wheat matures, some good ones can be left as next year's wheat seeds, so you don't have to waste money.

After buying the seeds, Zhang Dayong started breeding them according to Professor Lin Han's method. He found a flat piece of wood and made a wooden plate, and spread the seeds out flat. Then I started watering it. I didn't dare to put it outside for fear of freezing to death, so I placed it in the corner of the main room where it wouldn't be too hot or too cold.

Lin Qin was not needed for breeding, so he sat in the main room and made shoes for Zhang Dayong. Zhang Dayong has to go up the mountain or go to town from time to time, and his shoes often break a hole. After repairing too many times, the shoes no longer fit well and cannot be worn anymore, so Lin Qin has to make a pair of shoes for Zhang Dayong every now and then.

After Lin Qin made three pairs of shoes for Zhang Dayong, the wheat seeds were finally cultivated. Zhang Dayong first hoeed five acres of land alone with a hoe. After the field became softer, he and Lin Qin started planting wheat seedlings together.

After all the wheat seedlings were planted, the two began to plant corn seeds and vegetables. When talking about vegetables in Naihe, the first thing that comes to mind is radishes, and most people in the village also choose to grow radishes. Radishes are not only cold-resistant and easy to maintain, but the most important thing is that they have a large yield, and they can be eaten raw, stir-fried or boiled.

After the seeds were planted, Zhang Dayong stopped letting Lin Qin go to the fields and asked him to stay at home with peace of mind. As for the watering and fertilizing work, he could do it alone.

Lin Qin couldn't resist Zhang Dayong, so he could only stay at home, clean the house, and prepare meals so that Zhang Dayong could have a delicious meal after a tiring day.

"Brother Qin, brother Li Si's mother has just passed away. Do you think we should go give him a gift?" Lin Qin had just packed up the house and was about to take a rest when he heard Brother Yi running in and saying that Li Si's mother was gone. Gone.

Lin Qin asked in surprise, "Why did she suddenly disappear? I saw her yesterday. Although she was not in good spirits, she didn't seem to be sick either?" The person who was fine yesterday suddenly disappeared. This How can people believe it.

Brother Yi patted his thigh and said with a sigh, "Who says it's not true? I met her a few days ago and chatted with her for several times, but it's all over now." Brother Yi rolled his eyes after saying this. He turned around and then said, "When I first came here, I heard from the aunt next door that brother Li Si and his mother fell down and hit their heads on a stone. She was gone before the doctor arrived." "

Brother Yi, wait for me. Wear a cotton-padded jacket and let's go to Brother Li's house to see if there's anything we can do for you. As for how many gifts to give, I'll ask the head of the family in the evening." Lin Qin thought for a while and said.

Brother Yi nodded and said, "Okay, wear more clothes. It's quite cold outside. Giving gifts is a big deal and you should ask the person in charge. I'll also ask my family about it tonight."

Lin Qin quickly put on a thick coat. cotton-padded jacket, and immediately rushed to Li Si's house with Brother Yi.

When the two arrived, Li Si's house was already overcrowded, and shrill cries came from the house. Lin Qin and Brother Yi looked at each other and helped each other squeeze in. When they entered, they found that the funeral hall had been decorated. Li Si was lying in front of his mother's body, crying, while his father was already squatting down in a daze. Several elderly people of the same generation were comforting him.

Author's gossip: Whenever there is no time, it is easy to forget the second update, (*/ω\*)

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