Chapter 150 Delivery

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Zhang Dayong's family lives a plain but happy life. They get up happily every day and say good morning to each other. Then Lin Qin will prepare breakfast for the family. After Zhang Qiong'an has taken care of herself, she will help Zhang Jingcheng get dressed. Wash up. Sometimes Zhang Dayong gets up early so he is the one who helps Zhang Jingcheng dress and wash. After breakfast, Zhang Dayong either goes to the fields or goes hunting in the mountains.

Lin Qin took his two children to do housework at home or make new clothes and shoes for others. After the family had dinner in the evening, Zhang Dayong would hold Zhang Jingcheng in one hand and hold Lin Qin in the other, and Lin Qin would hold his hand again. Zhang Qiong'an's family of four were strolling neatly in the village.

No matter who meets their family of four, they can't help but sigh that they are really happy. Although their lives have not changed at all day after day, neither Zhang Dayong nor Lin Qin feel tired. They just wish that their lives could continue to be so ordinary.

When Lin Qin was just pregnant, the baby was not very stable due to lack of nutrition due to the severe drought. It wasn't until five months ago that it really stabilized. After that, Zhang Dayong would try his best to get Lin Qin delicious food, such as pig's trotters, pork bones, chicken, duck and dried fruits, whatever Lin Qin wanted to eat, no matter how expensive it was, Zhang Dayong never blinked an eye.

But I don't know if it was because of the lack of nutrition in the past few months. No matter how much supplements were taken, Lin Qin's belly could not grow bigger. The belly at eight months was not as big as that of other brothers at six months.

"Tomorrow I will take you to the town to see the doctor at the medical center. You are almost pregnant and your belly is still so small." Zhang Dayong touched Lin Qin's round belly at night, his face full of sadness.

Lin Qin rubbed his belly and felt very worried, so he nodded and said, "Okay, what about the two children? Can you take them with you?

" After the drought, I have been busy working in the fields and haven't taken them there until now." Zhang Dayong lay down again and said while stroking Lin Qin's belly.

"Brother Dayong, will the child be fine?" Lin Qin leaned into Zhang Dayong's arms and said worriedly. Because her belly has never grown bigger, Lin Qin has not had a good night's sleep in the past few days, fearing that the child in her belly will be born with something wrong.

Zhang Dayong stroked Lin Qin's hand for a moment, and then said nonchalantly, "What can be the matter? The child is just a little smaller, but he is still very lively, right? A few days ago, didn't you complain to me that the child was in your belly all the time?" It doesn't stop, right?"

Lin Qin thought about it for a while. Although his belly was a little small, the child was always very lively and fussy in his stomach ten of the twelve hours a day. Lin Qin, who was always in pain, wanted to take the child out and give it to him. He slapped him.

Lin Qin fell asleep peacefully, but he didn't see Zhang Dayong's eyes were so solemn in the darkness. Finally, after an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard a heavy sigh coming from the darkness, and then the room fell into silence. .

When the two children learned that Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin were taking them to the town, they were all jumping for joy. Zhang Qiong'an was a little happier but still obedient. But Zhang Jingcheng couldn't. He couldn't sit still as if his butt was not his. In the end, it was Lin Qin who told Zhang Jingcheng that if he didn't calm down, the town would stop taking him there soon, so he calmed down.

The town is no safer than the village, so Zhang Jingcheng never left Zhang Dayong's arms after arriving in the town. Lin Qin also held Zhang Qiong'an's hand tightly, fearing that he would get lost.

Zhang Dayong did not forget the main purpose of coming to town today. After suppressing Zhang Jingcheng who wanted to buy toys, Zhang Dayong found a medical clinic and took Lin Qin in.

"Father, I don't want to see the doctor." Although Zhang Jingcheng didn't know the doctor, he remembered the taste of the medicine. As soon as he entered the medical clinic, he started to hold his breath, thinking that he would have to take painful medicine again.

Zhang Dayong was thinking about Lin Qin now. When he saw Zhang Jingcheng making trouble, he slapped him on the butt and said, "Be quiet, no one will let you take medicine."

After being slapped, Zhang Jingcheng did not dare to make any more trouble. , because when Zhang Dayong beat the child, it was really painful.

Seeing that Zhang Jingcheng was quiet, Zhang Dayong ignored him and took Lin Qin to sit in front of a doctor. Then he said, "Doctor, please help me take a look at my husband. My husband is almost nine months pregnant." But her belly is only as big as other people's six months old. In the past, whether she was pregnant with my eldest or second child, her belly was normal. Can you help me find out if this child was injured during the drought and will not be born in the future? Is there any problem???"

Lin Qin put his hand on the pulse pillow and looked at the doctor nervously.

The doctor initially thought it was nothing. Some people have a big belly during pregnancy, but some people's belly is not visible during pregnancy, but there are also cases where the baby is very heavy after birth. But after listening to Zhang Dayong's story, I also felt that something was wrong. If the belly of the two previous babies was obvious, it would be impossible for this one to become invisible alone. In addition, there were people who ate Guanyin soil during the severe drought some time ago. I was wondering if the child was injured.

The doctor checked his pulse quietly for a while, and then said, "It's not a big problem. It should be that your husband's body was a little weak during the severe drought some time ago. When the child was first conceived, he didn't take enough supplements, which made the child become worse." Weak. Fortunately, you have made up a lot in the past few months. The size of the child may not be as good as a normal child after birth, but there is no need to worry about health."

Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin are not worried about anything else, they are just worried about the health of the child. When they heard that although the baby would be smaller after birth, there was no need to worry about their health, the two of them finally settled their worries that had been hanging around for a long time.

"Thank you so much, doctor." He looked sad when he came, and smiled when he left.

Knowing that the health of the child in their belly was fine, Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin were finally in the mood to have some fun with their two children.

Not only did Zhang Dayong generously buy a lot of toys for his two children, he also took Lin Qin and the others to a restaurant for a delicious meal. Two dishes, one soup and four bowls of rice cost Lin Qin more than 600 yuan, and this was all vegetarian without any meat dishes. As he walked out of the restaurant, his good friend Lin Qin talked to Zhang Dayong, saying that he really didn't mind the hard work of making money and wasting it so much. More than 600 yuan was enough for their family's food expenses for half a month, and that was on the premise of eating meat every other day.

Zhang Dayong has never eaten in a restaurant in the town, so he didn't know it was so expensive. To be honest, he was shocked when he heard the price and also regretted it. It would be better to go to a stall to eat meat noodles. , still cheap.

Fortunately, Lin Qin also knew how to save Zhang Dayong's face outside. He muttered a few words and then stopped. He just said that he would never eat in a restaurant next time, to which Zhang Dayong agreed.

After knowing that there was no problem with the child's health, Lin Qin relaxed completely. The most important thing he did every day was to caress his belly and look forward to the birth of the child.

When both Zhang Qiong'an and Zhang Jingcheng were born, Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin hired people to take care of them during the confinement period, and it was naturally the same this time. The first two times he invited Mr. Wang, Lin Qin did not change the person this time. He had made an agreement with Mr. Wang early that after he gave birth, he would ask Mr. Wang to come over and help with the confinement period. Now that there are more people in the family, there are more things to do, so Zhang Dayong specially gave Wang Fulang an extra hundred cents. Wang Fulang declined but could only accept it, but secretly told himself that he must serve Lin Qin's confinement attentively, otherwise I'm sorry for the salary.

Lin Qin's pregnancy was just nine months old and she was born prematurely. This morning, Lin Qin got up as usual to prepare breakfast. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood up, he felt a severe stomachache and a sinking feeling. Lin Qin had also given birth to two children, so he naturally knew that this was a sign that he was about to give birth, although he was surprised that he was about to give birth just nine months ago. But he still quickly woke up Zhang Dayong and asked him to find Po Wen.

"Why is she about to give birth just nine months ago???" After Zhang Dayong was pushed awake by Lin Qin, he saw Lin Qin's face covered in pain and sweat. He was so frightened that he got up from the bed.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Hurry up and pick up Po Wen." Lin Qin gritted his teeth and said.

Only then did Zhang Dayong react, hurriedly put on his clothes, took out the old quilt he had prepared, spread it out and helped Lin Qin lie down, and then hurried out with the bullock cart.

Lin Qin was somewhat fortunate that Zhang Jingcheng slept with Zhang Qiong'an last night, otherwise the child would have been frightened.

"Daddy, what's wrong? Is my brother coming out???" Zhang Qiong'an heard the noise, got dressed and ran to Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin's room. She saw Lin Qin lying on the bed, moaning in pain. Although Zhang Qiong'an was still young when Zhang Jingcheng was born, he still had some impressions. He remembered that Lin Qin was moaning in pain like this, and then howling and then his brother came out.

Lin Qin endured the pain and glanced at Zhang Qiong'an, waved to him and said, "Good boy, Xiaodouzi, my younger brother is coming out. You can help my father go to my grandfather's house to tell my aunt that my father is about to give birth, and let him and his second son." Can uncle come over and help?"

"Okay, I'll go right away." Zhang Qiong'an responded obediently.

"What a good boy. Remember to wear more clothes so as not to freeze. Has the little pine cone woke up? If so, you can bring him to daddy." Although it is already more than February and is considered spring, the temperature is still the same. It is on the low side and children will freeze if they wear a little less.

Zhang Qiong'an responded again, first took a look at Zhang Jingcheng and found that he was still sleeping, so she ignored him, put on a thick coat and trotted towards the Lin family.

"Grandpa, grandpa, open the door quickly. I'm Xiaodouzi." Zhang Qiong'an ran to Lin's house panting and knocked on the door.

The Lin family was eating when they heard Zhang Qiong'an's voice. Bai Xiuniang stood up and walked over to open the door. When she saw Zhang Qiong'an alone, Bai Xiu Niang said in surprise, "Xiaodouzi, why are you here alone??? Your father?" Where are you and my father???"

"Auntie, my father is going to give birth to a younger brother. Let me call you and my second uncle." Zhang Qiong'an pursed her lips and said.

Bai Xiuniang was shocked when she heard this and said, "Your father is about to give birth. Isn't it just nine months old? Why is he about to give birth?"

Zhang Qiong'an had tears in his eyes at this time, shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'll get up together." My father is gone. He is lying on the bed alone. Then my father asked me to call you and your second uncle." "

Little Douzi, don't cry. My eldest aunt will go with your second uncle right away. Dad will be fine and you will have a new brother soon." Seeing that Zhang Qiong'an was scared, Bai Xiuniang felt annoyed about why she was saying this in front of her child.

The Lin family also heard the conversation between Bai Xiuniang and Zhang Qiong'an, and they all felt worried for Lin Qin. Not caring about anything else, except Lin Erzhu who stayed at home to take care of the children, everyone else including Lin Han rushed to Zhang's house.

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