Chapter 153 Recuperation

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After Doctor Tian pulled out the silver needle from Lin Qin's body, he took Lin Qin's pulse, then wrote a prescription and handed it to Zhang Dayong and said, "Not only did your husband have a difficult delivery this time, but he also suffered from severe bleeding. He is completely injured. If you want to have children in the future, it will be a serious injury." It will be more difficult, and if it is not taken care of well, it will also damage the future life span." It is said that it is more difficult to give birth, but in fact, it is no longer possible. Doctor Tian knew that having offspring was very important in the farm family, and he was a little worried about Lin. Qin will be treated coldly by Zhang Dayong because of this.

Doctor Tian's words made Zhang Dayong unable to vent his fear. He wiped his tears and stood up and said anxiously, "Doctor Tian, my husband and I had agreed not to have children after this baby. I don't care if childbirth is difficult, but life is long." There must be no damage, Doctor Tian, you must save my husband."

Doctor Tian knew that Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin had a good relationship, but he didn't expect that Zhang Dayong didn't care at all when he knew that Lin Qin could not have children. Instead, he cared more about Lin Qin's longevity. number. Doctor Tian's eyes looked at Zhang Dayong a little more kindly. There were really not many good men like him. Doctor Tian motioned to Zhang Dayong to take the prescription, and then said, "After taking the medicine, boil it in three bowls of water into one bowl. Drink it first." I'll come back for a follow-up consultation a week later. If possible, it's best to let your husband do double confinement. As long as he is not tired enough to rest and take medicine, he should be able to recover in the past two months. But after this time, his physical condition has improved. He will be much weaker than others. Don't let him get tired. If he gets tired, he will get sick easily." "

Okay, Doctor Tian, ​​I have written it all down. Thank you, Doctor Tian." Zhang Dayong said gratefully as he took the prescription.

Doctor Tian waved his hand and said, "This is what I should do. You go and get the medicine."

"Hey." Zhang Dayong responded and prepared to go to town to get the medicine. Li Mo on the side said quickly, "Doctor Tian, ​​can you help me?" Look at this child. I don't know if it was held in the stomach for too long. When he was born, his whole body was purple, and he couldn't cry. I beat him for a long time before he could cry, and his voice was still very weak. ."

Hearing this, Zhang Dayong stopped and subconsciously looked at the child in Li Mo's arms. Although he was angry that this child had caused Lin Qin so much suffering, after all, it was the child that Lin Qin gave birth to during his ten-month pregnancy. How could he not love him? .

Only then did Dr. Tian realize that the child was born from dystocia and had been held in his stomach for a long time. He took the child and examined it carefully. After the examination, he felt a little relieved. The situation was much better than he imagined. He said, "It's not a big problem. It's just that your body is a little weak. You don't need to take medicine. Just pay attention to it on weekdays. When you are older and can eat complementary foods, let's let it go." Let him drink more bone soup. When he gets older, you can take him to exercise, and he will be like a normal person when he becomes an adult."

Doctor Tian's words made everyone heave a sigh of relief. It's fine. There is nothing serious. Weak or not, the worst they can do is support him for the rest of his life, as long as he lives.

Although Lin Qin and the child had to nurse themselves back to health for a long time, they were still considered safe. When Lin Han and Lin Dazhu saw this, they said goodbye and prepared to go home.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Dayong asked them to help him tell Mr. Wang, and then he drove the bullock cart to the town to grab medicine.

When Zhang Dayong came back, Mr. Wang had already arrived, Bai Xiuniang had gone back to cook, and Li Mo stayed behind to help Mr. Wang take care of the children.

"Mr. Wang, Brother Qin is injured this time and has to undergo double confinement. I think it's okay to ask you to help for one more month???" Zhang Dayong said to Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang wished he could continue working at Zhang Dayong's house. How could there be any problem if he was not tired due to the high salary? He quickly replied, "No problem, of course it is no problem." Zhang Dayong nodded, and then went to

make some medicine for Lin Qin.

"Mr. Wang, it's already noon. You should go and cook first. I'll keep an eye on the child." Li Mo glanced at the sky and said to Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang looked up and saw that it was getting late. He handed the child to Li Mo and went to work in the kitchen. Mr. Wang had served Lin Qin twice during the confinement period, so he was familiar with the Zhang family's kitchen, and he had four dishes and one soup ready in a short time.

Speaking of which, when Mr. Wang served Lin Qin's confinement son for the first time, he cooked two dishes every time just like at home, and they were both vegetarian. Later, Zhang Dayong had to ask him several times before he changed. I was used to doing it at Lin Qin's house. When I first got home, I used to be lavish with oil, and was scolded by his family members several times.

The medicine in the pot cannot be separated from people, so after the meal was ready, Mr. Wang asked Zhang Dayong to eat first, and he was responsible for looking at the medicine in the casserole.

Zhang Qiong'an and Zhang Jingcheng were actually hungry for a long time, but Lin Qin's pitiful scream in the morning scared them, so they didn't dare to cause trouble to the adults and stayed quietly in the corner holding hands.

Zhang Dayong also saw the two children eating their food twice as fast as usual and realized that they were starving. He said with some distress, "Why didn't you tell your father that you were hungry? My father is not here and neither is my second uncle." "Yes."

"Second uncle has to take care of my younger brother, we can bear it." Zhang Qiong'an said while eating.

"Silly boy, how can I endure this when I'm hungry? I'll have to suffer the pain of eating. If I'm hungry in the future, I must tell you, you know." Zhang Dayong said, giving each of the two children a chopstick of food.

"I understand, Father." Zhang Jingcheng and Zhang Qiong'an said in unison.

After Zhang Dayong finished eating, he was originally going to go to Mr. Wang for dinner, but after thinking about it, he went to the room first and said to Li Mo, "Second brother, you go to eat, An An, I'll come and see."

"An An, you give this child some food." What's your nickname???" Li Mo handed An An to Zhang Dayong and asked.

Zhang Dayong lowered his head and glanced at the child who was still obviously bruised in his arms, with a trace of pity in his eyes, and said, "Yes, brother Qin said when we first gave birth, no matter whether the child is a little brother or a little boy, he will be called by his nickname. An'an, I just hope he can be safe. Oh, by the way, I just remembered to ask the doctor for medicine, but I forgot to ask if the child is a boy or a little brother???"

"It's a boy." Li Mo said happily.

Lin Qin can no longer be born again. It is better to have two boys and one boy than two boys and one boy. To put it bluntly, even if one of the two boys is gone, the other one will be responsible for carrying on the family line. Moreover, the fact that Lin Qin could not regenerate would definitely be known to the villagers sooner or later. No one could fault Lin Qin with the presence of two boys.

Zhang Dayong glanced meaningfully at the child in his arms. It would be fine if he was a little brother. Since he is a boy, he should be trained well when he grows up. He should always vent his anger for Lin Qin.

An An has never had a mouthful of milk since he was born, so when Li Mo went out to eat, he suddenly burst into tears at the top of his lungs. Maybe it was because of his weak body, but his crying voice was louder than that of Zhang Jingcheng, even Zhang Qiong'an when he was a child, which made Zhang Dayong feel distressed.

Because Lin Qin was born prematurely, Zhang Dayong hasn't gone to the mountains to pick milk fruits yet. Fortunately, Zhang Jingcheng occasionally drinks a bowl of milk fruits, so he still has a few spare ones at home.

Not wanting An An to wake up Lin Qin, Zhang Dayong carried him to the main room and said to Mr. Wang in the kitchen, "Mr. Wang, there are some milk fruits on the stove. You can heat up a bowl of milk fruits and bring it over." "Hey

, Okay." Mr. Wang responded loudly.

It will take a while for the milk to warm up, so Zhang Dayong can only coax it carefully.

"Father, my brother cries so softly, much younger than me." Zhang Jingcheng hadn't seen his brother yet, so he ran to Zhang Dayong and raised his head and said curiously.

Zhang Dayong saw the curiosity in Zhang Jingcheng's eyes and bent down to let him see An An's face, and then said, "It's because An An is relatively weak that she cried so quietly. Our little Pinecone will be the older brother in the future. We have to take good care of our younger brother, you know."

" I know, father." Zhang Jingcheng looked at An An's face and felt that he was so young. What if he was bullied? He would have to take his younger brother with him wherever he went from now on, Zhang Jingcheng thought in his heart.

Zhang Jingcheng didn't notice An An's name, but Zhang Qiong'an did, and asked doubtfully, "Father, is the third brother's nickname An An? Is it different from ours???" Their names are all for food, and the third brother's name is An An. But my brother is not for food.

Zhang Dayong walked to the table and sat down, so that the two children could have a better look at An An, and replied, "Yes, because An An is not in good health, my father and dad hope that he can be safe, so they gave him the name An An." Name."

"Oh." Zhang Qiongan reached out and touched An An's face. It was so small and soft.

After a while, Mr. Wang came out with a bowl of hot milk, put it on the table and said, "Let me feed the Zhang family boy." "

It's okay, I'll feed you. You go and look at some medicine. Once it's cooked, bring it out." ." Zhang Dayong took a spoon and scooped up a spoonful of milk, carefully blew it to cool down and put it to An An's mouth.

Maybe he was really hungry. As soon as Zhang Dayong put the spoon to An An's mouth, he couldn't wait to open his mouth and drink.

"Why does this child only drink so much? My eldest child drank a bowl when he was born, and the little brother also drank more than half of the bowl." Li Mo saw that An An couldn't drink a third of the milk and couldn't drink it. Some Said worriedly.

Zhang Dayong's brows were also furrowed. Regardless of whether Zhang Jingcheng or Zhang Qiongan had to drink a smaller bowl when they were born, they were still too weak.

"When your health is better, you should be able to eat more." Zhang Dayong said.

Although An An struggled a bit when she was born, she was still very easy to take care of. After drinking the milk, she closed her eyes and went to sleep without Zhang Dayong's coaxing.

Seeing that An An was asleep, Zhang Dayong carried the child back to the bedroom. As soon as he entered the bedroom, he found that Lin Qin had woken up at some point and was trying to get up with some difficulty.

Zhang Dayong hurriedly handed the child to Li Mo behind him, strode to the bedside, carefully supported Lin Qin and said, "Don't get up yet. Not only did you have a difficult delivery this time, but you also suffered from heavy bleeding and your body is very weak. Doctor Tian said that you are injured and need to It's a double full moon, and you need to take medicine to recover."

Lin Qin knew about the dystocia, but he was already in a coma when he was bleeding heavily, so he didn't feel it at all. At this time, he was a little surprised to hear Zhang Dayong say this, and said, "I'm bleeding heavily!! !" Lin Qin, who had a hoarse voice when he opened his mouth, even frowned.

Zhang Dayong, however, didn't react at all. He carefully helped Lin Qin lie down again, tucked him in and said, "Yes, the whole quilt was stained red with blood. I almost thought I was going to lose you."

" How could I be willing to keep you and the child?" Lin Qin looked at Zhang Dayong and said.

Zhang Dayong's originally bearable emotions were completely unbearable because of Lin Qin's words. He covered his face with one hand and tears flowed down the gaps between his fingers.

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