Chapter 160 Lively

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The county is about an hour away from the town, so Zhang Dayong will have to pick up Zhang Jingcheng later when he comes to pick up Zhang Qiong'an from school. So Zhang Dayong told him about this yesterday and asked him not to rush out after school, but to study in the school for a while and come out an hour later, so that Zhang Jingcheng would not be scared waiting outside alone.

Zhang Qiong'an and Zhang Jingcheng have been close friends since childhood. Before An An was born, Zhang Jingcheng was Zhang Qiong'an's little follower. He would follow Zhang Qiong'an wherever he went. Suddenly, after not seeing each other for ten days, both Zhang Qiong'an and Zhang Jingcheng missed each other very much.

After picking up Zhang Jingcheng, the two little guys kept chatting all the way. Either you asked me how I was getting used to living in the academy, or I asked you whether you had learned to read seriously these days.

Zhang Dayong couldn't help but smile with satisfaction when he heard the chirping crisp voice coming from behind him.

Lin Qin had been waiting in the yard early, and when he saw the familiar ox cart, he couldn't help but rush out.

After Zhang Dayong stopped the bullock cart, Lin Qin rushed over and picked up Zhang Qiong'an before he could take him off. Zhang Dayong smiled and shook his head when he saw this, and then hugged Zhang Jingcheng down.

"My father, Brother An, I really miss my father." Lin Qin kissed Zhang Qiong'an several times.

Zhang Qiong'an felt a little embarrassed by Lin Qin's kiss, and called Lin Qin coquettishly "Daddy."

After all, Zhang Qiong'an was old. Lin Qin hugged him for a while and put him down. He took each of them back to the main room. Lin Qin smiled and said to Zhang Qiong'an, "Look what daddy made for you, sweet and sour pork ribs, corn crispy rice." Stir-fried pork with sauerkraut, and tomato and egg soup are all your favorites."

"Thank you, Dad. I've been thinking about Dad's cooking these days." Zhang Qiong'an took Lin Qin's hand and shook it coquettishly.

"If you want to eat for a while, just eat more. It doesn't matter if you eat less. Eat more vegetables." Lin Qin rubbed Zhang Qiong'an's head, and then he was able to look at Zhang Qiong'an.

After looking at it, Lin Qin showed the same surprise as Zhang Dayong when he first met Zhang Qiong'an. After the surprise, he was even more relieved. His little brother had become even better.

In the evening, the whole family gathered neatly around the table, and they happily ate the reunion dinner. Zhang Qiong'an also told some interesting things in the academy from time to time, "Dad, you don't know how big the guzheng is. It's bigger than mine, but the sound it makes is very nice." "It's true,

you like it. Father saves money to buy one for you." Zhang Dayong has to say that he is really a good father who dotes on his children. As long as the children say they want it, he will basically never disagree.

Zhang Qiong'an shook his head and said, "I didn't choose the guzheng, I chose the flute." All students at Yulin Academy must be familiar with various musical instruments after enrolling, but they don't need to learn all of them, they only need to choose one to specialize in.

Lin Qin said with some surprise, "Didn't you say that the guzheng sounds great? Why not choose the guzheng instead of the flute???" "The guzheng

sounds great but is also difficult to learn. The flute is much simpler. I can play one now." It's a simple tune. Father, after dinner, I'll play it for you, okay?" Zhang Qiong'an doesn't learn guzheng because it's expensive, but mostly because it's difficult to learn, and she wants to master it. It would take a long time but he didn't have that much time.

"Okay, of course." Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin were very excited when they heard that their little brother was going to show them the skills they learned in the academy.

"Brother An, can I bring back the flute from the academy???" Lin Qin asked with some confusion.

Zhang Qiong'an finished a piece of pork ribs in a small bite, and then said, "Yes, the academy will prepare smaller and cheaper musical instruments like Xun, Dizi and Xiao directly for us, and after they are sent to us, they will be our own. Whatever we do You're not taking it home, but if you lose it, you have to buy it yourself."

Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin were a little surprised to hear that the college also distributed flutes, but they were more happy.

After dinner, Lin Qin cleared the table, left the dishes and chopsticks unwashed, and hurried to the main room to listen to Zhang Qiong'an playing the flute.

Zhang Qiong'an took out a dark-colored flute from the small bag he brought back. He took a deep breath first, then raised the flute and put it to his mouth. As Zhang Qiong'an worked hard, a lively and cheerful music slowly came out from the flute. .

Neither Zhang Dayong nor Lin Qin had ever learned a musical instrument, nor did they understand it. They just felt that the music played by Zhang Qiongan was the most beautiful sound in the world.

"Brother is so awesome, it sounds great." As Zhang Qiong'an's last note fell, Zhang Jingcheng took the lead in clapping his hands.

After Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin reacted, they clapped as fast as they could. Their faces were a little red because of their excitement.

"Father, daddy, is that nice???" Although Zhang Qiong'an was very happy with his brother's praise, Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin hadn't praised them yet. Zhang Qiong'an blinked and looked at Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin, his eyes full of hope.

"Of course it sounds good, our Brother An is awesome." Zhang Dayong said first.

"That's right, our brother An is so amazing. He can already play music in just a few days." He never hesitated to praise his own child Lin Qin.

Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin's praise made Zhang Qiong'an blush a little shyly, but she was more happy.

"Father, Dad, I will definitely learn more songs to play for you in the future." Zhang Qiong'an raised her head and said seriously.

"Okay, your father and I are waiting to hear our brother An play more songs for us." Zhang Dayong rubbed Zhang Qiong'an's head dotingly.

The lights were brightly lit in Zhang's house that night, and it was almost late at night before the family went back to their rooms to rest.

Lin Qin rarely got up late the next day, but some of the children hadn't gotten up yet because they were too late yesterday. Lin Qin gently opened the door and took a look. Seeing that the children were still sleeping soundly, he didn't disturb them and tidied up. I collected yesterday's dirty clothes and prepared to go to the river to wash them.

"Brother Qin, did your brother An come back yesterday???" As soon as Lin Qin arrived at the river, a guy with whom he usually had a good relationship came over and asked curiously.

"Yeah, what's wrong???" Lin Qin skillfully soaked his clothes, added soap on them and started rubbing them.

"I'm just curious about what your brother An has learned in the academy. You can definitely learn a lot with such expensive tuition, right?" The guy who just spoke didn't have any malicious intent, he was just out of curiosity.

The ladies who were originally not prepared to join in the fun also pricked up their ears. They were also curious about what was taught in such an expensive academy.

Lin Qin knew that everyone was just curious and had no ill intentions, so he said very generously, "My brother An has to learn a lot every day. It is said that as soon as the sun comes up in the morning, he has to get up, wash and have breakfast. After breakfast, he has to go Early reading in school, An Geer, because he has never learned Chinese characters, always reads a sentence from the teacher, and he looks at the book and follows it. In just a few days, he has already recognized a lot of characters."

"Brother An is so smart." The guy who just spoke also knew how to make Lin Qin feel good, so he deliberately praised him.

Sure enough, when he heard someone praising Zhang Qiong'an, the joy on Lin Qin's face became more obvious, and he continued, "After morning class, there will be a break for tea, and then there will be a lesson in reading for about half an hour. Then there will be another break. , when the break is over, An Geer and the others will start learning posture..."

"What is posture??? Is it the posture of the body? Do we still need to learn it???" A woman couldn't help but interjected.

Others are also curious, isn't this the body like this? Is there anything to learn from it?

Lin Qin was not angry when his speech was interrupted. In fact, when he learned that Zhang Qiong'an had such a class yesterday, his first reaction was that there was something to learn about the body. Then he learned that posture is not exactly the posture of the body. .

"I also asked our brother An yesterday, and he told me that this posture requires a standing posture when standing, a sitting posture when sitting, and even walking and eating are required."

Everyone gasped after hearing this . After a breath of air-conditioning, it is too strict to even have requirements for eating and walking.

Lin Qin didn't wait for anyone to ask questions before continuing, "Don't think these are useless. If you see our brother An, you will understand that learning this posture is very useful. My brother An's temperament now is completely different from before. . The whole person is bright, generous and decent. Whether he stands, sits or even walks, he looks like those big brothers. If it weren't for that appearance, I would have thought that my brother Dayong picked up the wrong child." After hearing this, everyone burst into laughter

. Then everyone was a little frightened and curious about whether there was really such a big change, and they all thought about finding some reason to come and have a look.

"Brother Qin, please continue, is there anything else???" A woman urged when Lin Qin stopped talking.

Lin Qin washed a piece of clothing and put it in the tub. He took a new piece and started rubbing it. Then he said, "There are many. After learning the postures, it's lunch time. After the meal, the college requires all students to take a nap." time, saying that this way they can have better energy to study in the afternoon. In the afternoon, they sometimes learn housekeeping and financial management and embroidery, and sometimes they learn musical instruments. Did you know that my brother An also played the flute yesterday? Let us listen to a piece he just learned, it sounds great." Lin Qin couldn't help but show off at the end.

"It's true. I've only been playing music for a few days..." A boy didn't believe it. He had never seen any musical instruments, but he also knew that it was not easy to learn an instrument and it would take a long time. , who can believe that Brother An can play music in just ten days?

"My brother An said that the flute is relatively simple and easy to learn. What's more, he only plays the simplest piece of music. It's not complicated and easy to learn. Besides, it's unfortunate for you. My brother An is very talented and smart." Lin What Qin didn't say was that he asked Zhang Qiong'an to teach him how to play the flute last night out of curiosity. As a result, Lin Qin tried for a long time and couldn't even make a sound. Zhang Dayong even laughed at him for a long time. It can only be said that learning a musical instrument also requires talent. Zhang Qiong'an's talent in flute is obviously good.

As soon as Lin Qin said these words, the guy who had just spoken fell silent. Everyone saw this and started washing their clothes, but they became more and more curious about Zhang Qiong'an, and they all wanted to see what Zhang Qiong'an became after going to school.

Ordinary happy lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora