Chapter 19 Discussion

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When Lin Han and his son arrived, many strong men from the village were already standing in the big hall. Everyone was chattering and guessing why the village chief had called them all here this time.

"Isn't it because we have to arrest young men again or raise taxes?" a villager guessed.

As soon as the villager's words came out, the people around him immediately showed expressions of horror. Whether it was arresting young men or raising taxes, it was like a bolt from the blue to farmers like them. It's okay to bite the bullet and resist the tax increase, but to catch the strong men is almost to death. Ten years ago, there was an arrest of young men in their village. About twenty young men were arrested at that time, but none of them came back. If this happened again, it would definitely make people collapse.

"Probably not. I haven't heard of any fighting happening anywhere. Boss Zhou family, please don't scare people." A villager said angrily.

The words of this villager made the faces of the originally frightened villagers look much better, but they still showed panic expressions on their faces. It's not that they are timid, but nothing good happens every time the village chief calls for a meeting, especially this time only men are called but not women, which frightens them even more.

The village chief didn't keep everyone waiting, and soon he showed up at the entrance with his four sons.

"Village Chief" "Hello, Village Chief" "Village Chief, why did you call us here?" Everyone cheered as soon as they saw the village chief appear. Some people even couldn't hold their breath and directly asked what the village chief asked them to do. .

"Everyone, please be quiet. Now that I'm older, my voice can no longer overshadow your loud voice." The village chief said jokingly.

The village chief's joke made the originally flustered villagers stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter, and the atmosphere seemed to relax a lot. After laughing, everyone quickly became quiet and listened to the village chief's words.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, the village chief nodded, and then said, "I called you here this time because I have something to discuss with you."

"Village chief, please tell me," the villagers replied.

"It's like this. Yongzi came to me with a wolf on his back today and told me that there were wild wolves appearing in Sunset Mountain. You also know that wild wolves always appear in groups. Although I don't know when the wild wolves on the mountain came, but Since one appears, there must be a second, third or even fourth. Everyone knows that the girls and boys in the village like to go to the mountains to pick wild vegetables to supplement the family income. This will happen if a wild wolf appears during the picking. That's dangerous."

Everyone took a breath of air as soon as the village chief's words came out. Although it wasn't arresting young men and raising taxes that made everyone happy, the presence of wild wolves in Sunset Mountain was also bad news for everyone. On weekdays, not only do the boys go up the mountain to pick wild vegetables and mushrooms, but they also go up the mountain to cut firewood and hunt. They don't think there is a chance they will come back alive if they encounter a wild wolf.

"Village Chief, is this true or not, wild wolf??? How can there be a wild wolf???" Villager A shouted loudly.

"Yes, how can there be wild wolves? I have never heard of them in so many years." Villager B also said.

"That's right, I've never heard of it. How could such a thing happen?"

"That's right, I live at the foot of the mountain. This wild wolf won't come down the mountain." A villager living at the foot of the mountain said fearfully .

Several other villagers who also lived at the foot of the mountain also showed horrified expressions. Even those with many boys in their families did not dare to say that they could kill wild wolves when they encountered them.

The village chief had guessed that there would be such a scene when he summoned everyone. He didn't say anything and let everyone vent for a while before he said, "Okay, everyone, please be quiet and listen to me. I summoned everyone today just to deal with the wild wolf." . Unless this wild wolf is removed, no one can sleep peacefully, so I think one or two men from each family will go up the mountain to kill the wolf under the leadership of Yongzi."

When they heard that they were going to go up the mountain to kill the wolf, everyone subconsciously refused. But wild wolf, what if you can't come back?

"Village chief, how can we kill wolves if we have no hunting experience? Didn't you just say that Zhang Dayong killed a wolf? How about we pay each family ten and twenty cents to hire him to kill the wolf??? Wang Dafu, a rich farmer in the village, said with his eyes widened.

As soon as Wang Dafu's words came out, the villagers who originally didn't want to go all agreed. They thought this method was good. Ten coins and twenty coins was not too much. It would be better to spend a little money so that you don't have to kill the wolf.

Lin Han and his son all frowned when they heard Wang Dafu's words. No matter how powerful Zhang Dayong is, he can only kill a group of wolves by himself. Isn't that asking people to die? Moreover, thanks to Wang Dafu's words of ten and twenty coins, Zhang Dayong could easily catch more than this amount of prey. Even if every household in the village contributes ten or twenty cents, which adds up to only one or two cents, wouldn't Zhang Dayong be able to earn it? He would have to pay for it with his life.

Not to mention that Zhang Dayong saved Lin Qin today and was the benefactor of the Lin family. Even without what happened today, Lin Han and his son would not have been able to do such a thing that would make people die.

"Wang Dafu, thank you for speaking out. Although Dayong is a good hunter, it is impossible to kill a pack of wolves. It is still a pack of who knows how many wolves. Aren't you asking him to die!!!" Lin Han said angrily. .

The village chief wanted to scold Wang Dafu, but Lin Han beat him to it. Fortunately, Lin Han spoke up first, otherwise the village chief would have scolded Wang Dafu for not being so wicked.

Wang Dafu also knew that his method was unethical, but he still felt a little embarrassed when he was really criticized by Lin Han, and glared at Lin Han with a gloomy expression.

The villagers who originally wanted to spend money to eliminate the disaster gradually realized that the proposal just now was unrealistic, and they all showed embarrassed expressions.

The village chief sighed when he saw this. He also knew that he couldn't blame the villagers. After all, people are selfish. Even he couldn't say that he didn't have any selfishness at all. No one was a saint.

"Okay, don't say anything unrealistic. The wild wolves on the mountain must be killed. I just thought about it. After killing all the wild wolves, I will ask Yongzi to help sell them. Except Yongzi will take a wolf. Money, and the remaining money will be divided equally among the men who go up the mountain."

The village chief's words made the originally unwilling villagers show their expressions of interest. Although they didn't know how much money they could get, there must be dozens of coins. , On weekdays, they only get a dozen cash at most when they go to work part-time. As for why Zhang Dayong can take a wolf's money, they are not surprised. After all, if he really wants to go up the mountain, Zhang Dayong will definitely be the main force.

The village chief saw the expressions of all the villagers and understood that everyone acquiesced. He nodded and said, "Okay, you all will discuss who will follow up the mountain tonight. We will set off when the sun rises tomorrow."

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