Chapter 60: Erzhu's resuscitation.

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The doctor looked at Lin Dazhu's silly look and his face didn't change at all. He had obviously seen too many stupid fathers like Lin Dazhu. Although Bai Xiuniang was just a little tired and had a relatively severe reaction in the early stages of pregnancy and did not need to take medicine, the doctor still prescribed a medicine to protect the fetus.

"Keep this prescription for you. If your wife feels uncomfortable in her stomach, grab one and take it. Otherwise, throw it away after the baby is born." The doctor also thought about Lin Dazhu, and now he prescribed the medicine at once. It will be a bit awkward in the future. There is no need to look for him anxiously anymore. Not only will the travel time be delayed, but it will also cost a lot more.

Lin Dazhu was not a fool and naturally understood that the doctor was saving money for him. Although he couldn't understand the words on the prescription, he took it and carefully folded it and put it under his pillow. Then he took out his wallet and counted out the original money for the medicine. After thinking about it, I thought about taking out a few more coins and then handed them to the doctor.

The doctor glanced at the number of copper coins handed over by Lin Dazhu, and did not take them all. Instead, he only took the money that was supposed to be taken. After putting the money away, he said, "I only take what I should take. Okay, since I have nothing to do, I will take it." I'm leaving now."

"Thank you, doctor, thank you, doctor." Lin Dazhu felt more and more grateful to the doctor in his heart, and kept saying thank you to the doctor.

"Why did Dr. Dazhu say that his daughter-in-law had some disease???" As soon as Lin Dazhu and the doctor came out, Lin Han asked Lin Dazhu worriedly.

Lin Dazhu's face was full of joy at this time. Hearing Lin Han's question, he happily said, "Father, Xiu Niang is not sick but pregnant. She has been pregnant for more than a month."

Lin Han was originally worried about whether Bai Xiu Niang had some serious illness. There was a sad look on her face, but when she heard that Bai Xiuniang was pregnant, the expression on her face suddenly froze. It took a while for Lin Han to react, and a simple and honest smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Neither Lin Erzhu nor Lin Qin expected that Bai Xiuniang would become pregnant so soon. Although they were surprised, they were more happy for Lin Dazhu, and they all came forward to congratulate Lin Dazhu.

Lin Dazhu laughed stupidly and accepted the congratulations from Lin Erzhu and Lin Qin. Lin Dazhu personally sent the doctor out of the hospital. He didn't see the doctor until he turned around and entered the house.

"Dazhu, use this money to buy Xiu Niang something to nourish her body. Don't treat her badly. Also, you know how to go to the Bai family and tell your mother-in-law this happy event so that she will be happy too." Lin Han He took out a tael of silver and handed it to Lin Dazhu, and ordered with a smile.

Lin Dazhu didn't accept the money politely from Lin Han, and then said he would go tomorrow.

"Dazhu, did the doctor tell me why my daughter-in-law slept for so long???" Lin Han suddenly remembered that Bai Xiuniang hadn't gotten up yet, and felt a little uneasy.

Lin Dazhu knew that Bai Xiu Niang had no big problem but was just tired, so he was not too worried. He replied, "The doctor said that Xiu Niang has just been a little tired recently, and the pregnancy reaction has caused her to be so lethargic." "She's tired

, this is terrible. No, Brother Qin will leave all the work at home to you from today on. Don't let your sister-in-law do the work at home until she is three months old, so that she can raise the fetus with peace of mind. There will be no heavy work after the three-month-old fetus is full. Just let her do some leisurely work." When Lin Han heard that Bai Xiuniang was tired, he immediately became anxious and quickly asked Lin Qin to take over the housework at home, fearing that he would hurt the child in Bai Xiuniang's belly. However, in the countryside, there were many people who were still working in the fields during the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, so Lin Han just asked Lin Qin to take over all the work before Bai Xiu's pregnancy was stable.

Naturally, Lin Qin would not refuse. Even if Lin Han didn't say anything, Lin Qin didn't dare to let Bai Xiuniang do housework three months ago. What if it really hurts the child? This is the first grandson of the Lin family.

"Father, it's already night, why don't you wake up your sister-in-law and eat the food first?" Lin Qin said a little confused when he saw that it was already dark but Bai Xiuniang was still awake.

Lin Han thought for a while and said, "It's better not to scream and let her have a good rest. You can put some food in the pot and warm it in the pot later. When the old lady wakes up, Dazhu, you can bring it in for her to eat. Let her eat it in the next two days." Have a good rest in bed."

"Okay, Father." "Hey, Father." Lin Qin and Lin Dazhu responded at the same time.

The Lin family will welcome grandchildren in a few months. Lin Han was very happy today. It was rare for Lin Qin to get a pot of wine and happily drank some wine with pickles. Even the three brothers Lin Dazhu were full of joy. face smile.

"Dazhuzi will be a father soon, and Erzhuzi, your marriage should also be decided. Tomorrow I will ask Sister-in-law Zhou to see if she has found a suitable candidate. If so, we will meet and try to get you to do it this year. I can be a father." Lin Han was in such a good mood that he rarely joked with Lin Erzhu.

Lin Erzhu blushed when he heard this, lowered his head and ate his meal with big mouthfuls. He rarely kept silent at the dinner table. Lin Dazhu and Lin Han couldn't help laughing.

Lin Qin's mood was a little low, obviously thinking of Li Mo, but what could Lin Qin do if Lin Erzhu didn't like Li Mo? He could still force Lin Erzhu to like Li Mo, but he couldn't do it. He could only lament that the two were destined to have no connection.

Bai Xiuniang didn't wake up until Lin Qin had put away the dishes. Lin Dazhu hurried in when he heard the noise in the room. He happened to see Bai Xiuniang lifting the quilt and getting up, and quickly stepped forward to stop Bai Xiuniang from getting out of bed.

Bai Xiuniang looked at Lin Dazhu strangely, wondering why the other party wouldn't let her get out of bed.

"You're pregnant. The doctor said you're a little tired. Father asked you to stay in bed and have a good rest these days. By the way, you must be hungry after sleeping for so long. Brother Qin has already warmed up your food. I'll get it for you right now. Don't get up while you're lying down." After Lin Dazhu finished speaking, he hurried to the kitchen to serve the meal before Bai Xiuniang could react.

Bai Xiuniang didn't react until Lin Dazhu brought the food in. She touched her belly in disbelief, "Dazhu, you said I was pregnant. Is this true???" In the past few years, her family was poor and her younger brother had a small family. Bai Xiuniang relied on Bai Xiuniang outside the family. Bai Xiuniang had been worried that she would be injured due to working too hard in those years, but she did not expect that she would become pregnant less than half a year after getting married.

"This can still be false. I asked the doctor to come here when you fell asleep just now. It has been more than a month. The doctor said that you have been a little tired recently, and you are so lethargic because of your reaction." Lin Dazhu brought a cup. A small table was placed on the bed, and then the food was placed on the small table for Bai Xiuniang to eat.

Bai Xiuniang was already hungry after sleeping for most of the day, so she picked up the food and ate it without any pretense. After eating, she put away the dishes and chopsticks before she could clear Lin Dazhu away. Without asking Lin Qin, he washed the dishes and chopsticks himself. After wiping her hands and returning to the house, she saw Bai Xiuniang smiling happily while touching her belly.

Lin Dazhu stepped forward and hugged Bai Xiuniang. At the same time, he carefully placed his hand on Bai Xiuniang's belly and whispered to Bai Xiuniang, "My father just gave me a couple of silver and asked me to buy you some food to replenish your health. What do you think?" Tell me I'll buy some food tomorrow."

"What's the point of supplementing your body? We rural people are not that pretentious. When my mother gave birth to my brother, she was almost pregnant and she was still harvesting rice." Bai Xiuniang couldn't bear to take a tael of silver. Go shopping to replenish your body. In her opinion, she is in good health. She just needs to pay attention to where she needs to buy supplements.

Lin Dazhu also knew how frugal Bai Xiuniang was on weekdays. He just wanted to go to town next time to see what supplements were available for the body and buy some.

"My father said, you should stop doing housework before you are three months old. Brother Qin will do it. You just need to take good care of the baby." Lin Dazhu was worried that Bai Xiuniang would compete with Lin Qin for housework, so he directly Moved Lin Han out.

Bai Xiuniang is not a ungrateful person, and she also knows that her main task now is to raise the baby well and give birth to a fat grandson for the Lin family. So when Lin Han told her to raise the baby with peace of mind and not do housework, Bai Xiuniang did not She said pretentiously that it didn't matter and she could do the work.

Lin Han went to Aunt Zhou the next day to ask if there was any good candidate for Lin Erzhu, as he said. Aunt Zhou had been busy looking for a husband for Li Mo recently, and there was no good candidate for Lin Erzhu. If he wasn't too anxious, he asked Lin Han to wait first. After he finished talking about Li Mo's marriage, he would concentrate on finding Lin Erzhu.

I don't know if it was because Li Mo often visited the Lin family before but didn't have any relationship with Lin Erzhu. Aunt Zhou never thought of pairing Li Mo with Lin Erzhu.

Lin Han heard that Aunt Zhou was proposing marriage to Li Mo and was not in a hurry. After Li Mo's matter was settled, it would not be too late for Aunt Zhou to arrange marriage for Lin Erzhu.

"Brother Mo seems to be one year younger than Brother Qin. He is also a big brother, so it's time to talk about the marriage." Lin Han happened to mention this matter while chatting with everyone at the lunch table, and sighed at the end. One sentence.

"Brother Mo is going to kiss me???" Lin Erzhu suddenly felt a little unhappy when he heard Li Mo talking about the kiss for some reason.

"Yes, he is already sixteen and almost seventeen, and he has nothing to do at home. Naturally, he wants to marry him. If he delays it any longer, he will have a good family when he is older." Lin Han did not hear the resentment in Lin Erzhu's words at all. , said nonchalantly.

Lin Han and Lin Dazhu, two rough guys, didn't see anything wrong with Lin Erzhu, but Lin Qin and Bai Xiuniang, two careful people, saw Lin Erzhu's awkwardness. Bai Xiuniang had not been married to the Lin family for a long time, and Lin Erzhu was her brother-in-law, so she didn't care much about it, so she didn't say much even if she saw it. However, Lin Qin was slightly happy when he saw this, thinking that Lin Erzhu and Li Mo didn't seem to have no hope at all. .

After finishing the meal, Lin Qin put away the dishes and found Lin Erzhu, who was sitting boredly in the yard.

"Second brother, I just saw something wrong with your face. Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Lin Qin asked, pretending to be worried, as if he could see nothing else but just caring about Lin Erzhu.

When Lin Erzhu heard Lin Qin say that his face looked wrong, he immediately thought of why he looked wrong, and there was a hint of awkwardness on his face.

When Lin Qin saw Lin Erzhu's appearance, he stopped joking with Lin Erzhu and said seriously, "Second brother, are you upset because Brother Mo wants to marry you???" "

I..." Lin Erzhu wanted to deny it. He said no, but the words came to his lips but he couldn't say them out.

"Second brother, do you like Brother Mo??? I haven't seen you paying any special attention to Brother Mo before?" Lin Qin had a puzzled expression on his face.

Lin Qin asked Lin Erzhu directly. Does he like Brother Mo? ? ? Li Mo's impression of Lin Erzhu was that of a cute but not squeamish little brother, and Lin Qin's best friend. Other than that, he had no other impressions. It wasn't until Li Mo pretended to be fierce to stand up for Lin Qin last time that Lin Erzhu took Li Mo's attention for the first time. Later, every time Li Mo came to the Lin family, he would call him Erzhu brother with a blushing face. Lin Erzhu felt as if he had eaten honey.

However, Lin Erzhu had never liked anyone before, so he didn't notice anything was wrong. He just felt that he would be very happy when Li Mo came to the house, even if he and Li Mo couldn't say a few words every time. But it wasn't until now that Lin Erzhu realized something. Maybe he had fallen in love with Li Mo a long time ago, but he never realized it. It's already too late now.

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