[Chapter 128]

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(Log 129)

[I suppose we should start off with you...] Zhongli pointed out as he raised a cup of fine taking a sip before he can further continue explaining what Aether wanted to know... he is the bearer of the Gnosis, a emanator of the Seraph Luciel.

"What about me?" Aether questioned he was curious to know what part of Heavens plan does he come into play he knows that he was a bearer of some kind of immense power, but that's about it Aether knew nothing much of the rest.

Thus he seeks answer from the servants of heaven or at least those who are close to the Heavenly Judge as Luciel is also well known for, since most of his legend showcase of him judging many... sinners.

He was a being who punish those whom committed crimes unacceptably by even heaven, he sentences those that had sinned with fate worse than death, but it is said all those punishments were... fair.

Fair in that they equal to the sin that the sinners have committed, an eye for an eye, a wrong for a wrong, an equivalent exchanged for the crimes that someone had made their punishment must equal.

Hence, he is also known as a fair judged, a being who could differentiate right or wrong, transcending consciences and morality that humanity often argues the difficulty choosing, Luciel transcends it.

What man consider impossible he break the impossible, he was God's Emanator, harbinger of the creator's will thus he is revered as a mighty Seraphim for he show mercy, when man had deserved it.

If they are redeemable Luciel will spare them albeit while still being punished for any crimes they have, they are made to repent and cleanse themselves of their sins, rather than to be condemned.

The latter... is so much worse Luciel was always creative in punishing those he had judge guilty, striking them deeply at not just a physical level but also mental, emotional, metaphysical... and spiritual.

How does Aether know of this? This was due to the Gnosis who still gave him the basic information that he wanted only a few that are related or required for him to know from the start the rest however.

"I would need to more of everything else I need to know from Heavens servants." Aether thought, knowing that the easiest and most efficient way to gain knowledge he needed was from heaven.

At least those affiliated with heaven that are present on earth, which just so happens to be the people of the church and along with Ganyu's guardian's who are no doubt angels in human disguises.

The Gnosis was telling him, that Zhongli and the rest weren't human which was obvious, after Aether had awakened the gnosis he could sense strange aura or energies waved off from various people.

Zhongli and his companions... they were exuding an aura that no doubt was holy and angelic, it was potent, immense and incomprehensible for Aether... who had recently gained the power or the gnosis.

Sure enough... they were the people that Aether needed to find or at least one of many others who were on Heavens side, the church and every other religion that worshipped the Abrahamic God himself.

[Well child... it is the fact that you've been chosen as our lord's emenator is quite a grave matter for us.] Guizhong started as she looked into his chest or rather the gnosis that was contained within Aether right where his soul was supposed to be.

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