[Chapter 15]

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(3rd POV: Log 016)

One Axis Mind on a random timelime is musing to himself, looking at the funny scenario happening in front of it's eyes as a teenage human bought an autobot.

The scenario was playing out just as the Prime-Directive had predicted it to be, simulation showing the outcome would end in the same way as it had predicted.

Sensors showing signs of the autobots as well as their problem heading their way to earth once the autobot known as Bumblebee sends out a distress signal.

The Axis Mind was curious of earth, the nexus point of many conflicts amongst the cybertronian faction, where many forces and primordial relics are found.

Where allies and foes work together for one common cause, betrayal happening between close friends and family because of so many future variables.

Yet... humanity stayed the same acting in what they perceive as a threat to them, the autobots becoming the unfortunate martyr that are betrayed so many times.

It was always the same despite the other timelines diverging different from one another, they continue to have the same individuals that influence the outcome.

With a few people siding with them due to their close bonds as allies and friends, a strange phenomenon so alien to Vex kind or Aegises as they are now known.

Sentience was am interesting gift given by their new leader and father, a being of great power that it's existence surpass even the Light and Darkness they knew.

An being indescribable with numerous power that none of them could imagine, the creator... God such an almighty force that they to now serve under him.

A benevolent being of infinite love and compassion... it felt nice, they who knew nothing of emotion latched on to this precious newfound drive and curiosity.

Axis Mind continued to observe with its new and immense processing power, wielding technology far greater than their own as he fulfill his assigned task.

Curious as what outcome may happen if a new variable is introduced, the Axis Mind sent down Wasps a new variation of the Harpies similar in shape yet with so many differences to it's older cousin.

The new unit will be sufficient enough to create a new outcome, one that would prove to be beneficial for both sides, regardless of what they think of it.

While he the Axis Mind will observe the experiment while parsing through the network vast archives for a name to call it's own... it like many other made a choice to proclaim their new existence.

This the Axis Mind was sure of, conflict is about to escalate within a few passing days and the humans would be glad of it's help... foreign his forces may look, humans and autobots will be thankful.

One way or another, they were here to bring about change and regardless of what the rest may think of them they are simply here to full their objectives.

Nothing more and nothing less, luckily one primary variable wasn't present as they had predicted... Unicorn that cold and malevolent being lay dormant... for now.

Information regarding the entire shows that it cannot be bargained with, for it's evil made manifest, cruel and heartless being who seek to devour everything.

The only option was annihilation, Axis Mind skimming through various data within the network, all conclude that a device was needed to kill entity Unicron.

The Prime-Directive seem to have a plan on how to deal with the malevolent entity all they needed to do was to wait for now he has a timeline to intervene.

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