Chapter 83

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All the boys look up in total shock at the sight before them. They've only heard of Moros based on what Joel had told them. That he's the Moirae Sisters older brother, and the god of doom. But they never imagined they would ever come face-to-face with him.

"This is not good." Chan says, clearly shaken.

"Anyone ever fought a god before?" says Jisung, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

"Now's not the time Ji." says Hyunjin.

"Are these the humans who proved too much for you?" Moros says, while pointing at Ateez, specifically Hongjoong. "Pathetic! Clearly the 8 of you are unworthy of the power you were given. You couldn't even unlock your full potential."

"What are you talking about?" Hongjoong says.

"Where do you think this power of yours came from?" says Moros. "That rock contained my power! The power to bestow supernatural powers onto you, and were for naught. Now, it's time I take back what is mine!"

With a simple nod, Moros traps Ateez in an energy field, lifting them off the ground and bring them before him.

"No!" Chan yells. "Let them go!"

"Once I've reclaimed my power, you can do with them as you please." says Moros. "Not that they'll be much left."

"What do mean by that?!" Hongjoong demands.

"To reclaim my powers, they have to be drawn out of your bodies." says Moros. "The process is, fatal."

"What?!" says Hongjoong. "You can't do this!"

"I can and I will mortal!" says Moros. "My sisters were foolish to think the 8 of you were up to the task." He raises his hand, pointing it at Ateez, as he prepares to reclaim his powers. "Farewell."

"Stop him!" Chan yells as the Stray Kids prepare to attack, but the god of doom is much faster.

"Don't interfere!" Moros says as he shoots a massive beam of energy from his eyes.

Minho barely has enough time to create his shield, but is able to at the last second. "He's too strong!" Minho says as he starts to fall to his knees, under the power attack.

"Lino!" says Felix, as he creates his own shield to help his brother. Even so, the Lee brothers start to falter. They've faced off against a god before.

"Come on Ji!" says Hyunjin. "We have to help them!" Jisung nods, as he and Hyunjin go to their boyfriend's side.

They Hwang brothers hold on to their soulmates, sharing their energy, strengthening their bond. Both Minho and Felix get back up to their feet, their shield stronger than before. They even managed to push back Moros's beam.

"What?!" Moros says, bewildered. "Impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible!" Minho says. "Not when we have people who love us! People we have to protect!"

"We're not gonna lose to you!" says Felix.

The Lee brothers manage to completely push away Moros' energy, causing him to cease his attack.

"Impressive." says Moros. "But it's not enough to save you!"

The ground suddenly glows from under Stray Kids feet, but Felix quickly levitates everyone off the ground, with Minho creating a shield, just for good measure.

"What?!" said Moros. "How could you react so quickly?!"

"It seems that the minds of gods are no different than human minds." Changbin says with a smirk. "So easy to read. I knew what you were gonna before you did, and warned my friends."

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now