Chapter 41

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Hyunjin and Felix

After they closed the door to their room, Hyunjin and Felix looked at each other for what seemed like forever. They still couldn't believe what had happened. They both thought they would never see each other each again. But here they were, together again.

Felix was the first to break from his trance as he grabbed Hyunjin by his cheeks and pulled him into a fierce, passionate kiss. Hyunjin didn't even try to resist as he allowed the younger to devour his lips with all his might. Hyunjin opened his mouth to let Felix slip his tongue inside as he did the same. Hyunjin wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist tightly, then brought one hand up behind his head and played with his hair.

They wanted to make sure this was real, that they weren't dreaming. And yes, this was very real. They needed that closeness. After what felt like an eternity, they finally parted from their heated kiss, lips swollen, but they didn't even care. Nothing mattered at that moment except for them. They pressed their foreheads together as they caught their breath.

"I thought I would never see you again." said Felix.

"I thought I'd never see you again my angel." said Hyunjin. "I literally felt my heart shatter when I thought I lost you."

"And mine shattered when I lost you." said Felix. "But now you're back, and that's all that matters." They hug each other tightly once more, basking in each other's warmth. When they parted, they pecked each other on the lips. "Let's lie down in bed."

They both took their shoes off and lied down in bed. Hyunjin lied on his right side, while Felix lied on his other side facing Hyunjin. They held each other's hands, their legs intertwined, as tried to be as close as possible.

"You know," Felix said. "As long as I can remember, my dad never once told me the loved me. Neither me nor Lino."

"What brought this up?" Hyunjin asked.

"After he...killed you, it made me realize," Felix says. "All he really cared was himself and his personal image. Me and Lino always thought he was just a hard-ass who loved us in his own way, but we were wrong. He even gave me a hard time to make sure I maintained the 'Korean beauty standards'."

"Don't remind me." said Hyunjin. "You're beautiful just the way you are. Also, my father never loved me either. He hated the fact that my mom put her dreams of superstardom on hold to raise a family. She also lost her womb giving birth to me."

"We know." said Felix. "We know Sungie is adopted. Dad tried using that to smear the fact that he was mourning you. Let's just say he didn't take it well."

"We really had messed up families huh?" Hyunjin says. "Just something else we have in common."

"Except the money." Felix chuckled, causing Hyunjin to roll his eyes.

"You've been hanging around Jisung too much." says Hyunjin, as he playfully pokes Felix's forehead.

The 2 of them lay there, staring into each other's eyes for a long time, until Felix speaks again. "Hyunnie, don't ever leave me again." says Felix.

A tear falls from Hyunjin's eye. "I'll never leave you again my angel." he says. "I promise." He kisses Felix's lips and starts playing with his hair.

Suddenly, Felix makes his move and gets on top of Hyunjin, straddling him. Hyunjin looks at Felix with his mouth wide open, surprised at his boyfriend's boldness. Felix puts his hand Hyunjin's cheek, cupping it. This brings them back to the day when they first made out at Changbin's, with the exception that it's now Felix the one on top.

Felix starts caressing Hyunjin's cheek with his thumb. "Hyunjin." he says. "My Hyunjin."

Hyunjin smiles as he reaches out and cups Felix's cheek. "My Felix." he says. "My angel." He pulls Felix in for a kiss, which starts off slow and sweet, before becoming heated and passionate. All the tensions of what they've been thru in the past few hours unleashed all at once. Hyunjin put his other hand and on Felix's back, which slowly made its way to his butt.

Felix's skin was on fire as Hyunjin pressed down firmly as their bulges rubbed against each other. He wasn't shy kissing Hyunjin with the desperation and absolute hunger taking hold. Felix's mouth was ravaged with pleasure as Hyunjin kissed him. Despite being strong, Felix's body weakened under Hyunjin's powerful onslaught.

Felix groaned through the kiss, gripping Hyunjin's black hair. Up so close, Felix could see how long and full Hyunjin's lashes were. My God, they both needed this.

"Fuck, Hyunjin," Felix gasped when the kiss was finally broken, although Hyunjin still nipped at his bottom lip.

"I love you so fucking much Felix." Hyunjin said, already desperate for more.

"I love you more Hyunjin." Felix said as was catching his breath, also hungry for more. He crashed his lips with Hyunjin's, devouring the older's mouth as their tongues battled for dominance.

Felix then started kissing Hyunjin's cheek, making his way to his ear and stated to suck on his earlobe. Hyunjin's eyes went into the back of his head from the sheer pleasure of it all. After Felix was done, he made his way to Hyunjin's neck and began to suck hard on the older's soft skin, not stopping until he left a huge hickey on Hyunjin's neck.

After Felix was done, he sat up as his hands made their way to the base of Hyunjin's shirt. He started to take Hyunjin's shirt off, but he was stopped by the older grabbing him by the wrists. "You're a little savage." Hyunjin said with a smirk.

"Don't act like you don't like it Hyunjin." Felix said. Hyunjin was amazed by what a ball of fire Felix had become, but he didn't blame him one bit. After what Felix went through, he had every right to act like this.

Hyunjin unbuttons Felix's shirt and starts playing with the younger's nipples once his chest is completely exposed. Felix then takes off his shirt and tosses it aside. He then grabs Hyunjin by his arms, pulling him up, as he starts kissing Felix's bare chest. He then starts sucking on one of Felix's nipples, causing those deep loud moans to escape his mouth once more.

Felix couldn't think straight as Hyunjin kept sucking on his nipples and licking around his areola every now and then. He buried his face in Hyunjin hair as he played and lightly pulled on it. He could feel his body getting hotter and hotter.

When Hyunjin was finally done, Felix's nipples were red, sore and tender. Felix then pushed Hyunjin back down to the bed. "Take me now." He demanded in a deep low voice that got Hyunjin shivering in a good way.

Felix made his way to Hyunjin's belt and unbuckled it, opening the fly of his pants. He then pulled down his pants and underwear at once, and taking his socks off as well when he made it to Hyunjin's feet. Felix then quickly did the same with his pants and underwear.

He then straddled Hyunjin once more. This time their bodies were both on fire as their naked bodies pressed against each other. Hyunjin pulled Felix close, but rather than kiss him, he moved to Felix's ear. "As you wish my angel."

These words alone were enough to make Felix feel euphoric. "I'm all yours my prince." he said as they once again crash their lips together, melting into each other's embrace. They became one once more, and that didn't stop them from going another round, or more. 😉 😉

A/N Like I said before, the events that are happening in these next chapters are all happening simultaneously between the POV of all the 5 couples. Minho and Jisung's chapter is next.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now