Special Chapter 11

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Realm of the Moirae

"Impossible!" says Clotho. "I can't believe Moros lost!"

"Our brother is one of the strongest gods!" says Lachesis. "How could this happen?!"

"I knew those humans weren't up to the task!" says Atropos. "Now what do we do?"

"How about you quit while you're ahead?" said a mysterious voice, causing the Moirae Sisters to turn to face this intruder.

"You!" says Clotho. "How did you get here?!"

"You forget, I marked you." says Joel, eyes blazing with anger. "You can hide in the depths of Tartarus, and I'll still find you."

The Sisters couldn't do much but just stand there, petrified with fear as the flames spread around Joel's body, creating the all-to-familiar phoenix.

"You couldn't heed my warning couldn't you?" says Joel. "You couldn't let it go. You had to try to find a way to work around it, didn't you?" The angrier Joel got, the hotter his flames burned. "And then Moros got involved?!"

The Moirae jumped at the tone of his voice. They surely thought this would be the end for them, and for humanity as well.

"You even went as far as manipulating those young men in hopes of them killing the others?" Joel continued. "Or maybe you were hoping they would all kill each other?"

Joel then grabs the Sisters by their necks with his powers, chocking them as he suspends the 3 of them in the air.

"Luckily, I trained them well, and they were not only able to win, but get them to join as well." Joel went on. "At first you were worried about 8 young men, now you have 16 to worry about now. They could've easily killed Moros if they chose to do so, but they're not like that."

Joel then drops the Sisters to the ground, as they all grasp their necks, coughing as they struggle to breathe again.

"Consider yourselves lucky." says Joel. "If things turned out differently, you would all be dead. I hope you've learned your lesson from this and you leave them alone. Don't take advantage of my mercy towards you, or none of you will live long enough to regret it!"

With that, he disappears in flash of fire and leaves the Moirae Sisters alone to their thoughts.

"What have we done?" says Clotho.

A/N Now back to the main story. Only 2 more chapters until the end! Also, over 70K reads?! Thank you all so much for all of your love and support! See you next chapter!

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now