Special Chapter 1

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Seoul, South Korea, sometime before the death of Mr. Hwang

Joel POV

I just arrived at Seoul. How you might ask? Teleportation. I may look like an average person but I'm far from that. People could refer to beings like me as mutants, meta humans, espers, or even going as far as saying we're magical.

I'm the leader of my group. I have several close and loyal members, each with their own set of powers and abilities. We're more-or-less vigilantes, taking matters into our own hands. At times even, by lethal force if necessary.

There's no telling how we got our powers or what's the catalyst that triggers the awakening. One thing is for sure, once your powers awaken, nothing will ever be the same.

I've been looking into a series of events happening in Seoul specifically. Mysterious disappearances have been occurring everywhere. The main reason their hasn't been hardly any coverage is because all the individuals in question are all homeless. The media thinks it best not to concern themselves with the lives of people living in the streets. It's like they aren't even people in their eyes.

There has been talk about drug activity going on as well, along with some police corruption. Looking into it I've discovered the people behind it. At the same time it'll be a difficult ordeal putting a stop to it since they're also close to 4 of the individuals I'm searching for.

That's also another reason I'm here. I've been sensing a great power looming over 8 specific individuals here for several days now, although I can't pinpoint them exactly. I won't be able to unless an awakening is at hand.

That's one of my unique abilities, I get altered when someone's power awakens for the first time. I can then teleport to their location no matter where in the world they are.

We have our work cut out for us. As we try to deal with these matters from the shadows but eventually we'll have to make our presence known.

I've been spending the day creating spies to help us see all throughout Seoul back at our base. I can make these spies look like whatever I want. Wether it's animals, inanimate objects, practically anything.

As I was finished creating the last spies in the form of birds, it happens. I feel in my head a sharp pain, this always happens when an awakening occurs. It's never pleasant but it is what it is.

I quickly learn where to and teleport myself to that location. I quickly arrive at my destination, the Hwang Residence. I appear right outside the residence. I can already sense trouble brewing inside the house.

Hwang Hyunjin, the oldest of the Hwang brothers just hit his father in a fit of rage trying to protect his younger brother Jisung. I can't let them see my face, not now anyways.

I use my powers to create a cloak to hide my appearance. I quickly teleport into the house and not a moment to soon as the boy's father comes at them with a knife. I quickly stand in his way, punching him in the face. I watch as he's knocked back far away from the brothers.

I walk towards Mr. Hwang and punch him several times in the face making him wince in pain. I noticed that the brothers are still here. I turn to them, making sure I keep my face concealed.
"Go! Get out of here!" I say. They can't be here. I don't want them to see what I'm about to do to their father.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Mr. Hwang asks. I simply punch again. "Come on you 2." I think to myself. "Get out of here already."

Almost as if they could read my thoughts, Jisung, the younger brother grabs Hyunjin by the arm. "Jinnie come on!" he says, and they finally exit the house. I close and lock the door with my powers. Now I turn my full attention to this scumbag who is sadly Hyunjin and Jisung's father.

I use my telekinesis to both pick him up and throw across everywhere around the house, and even throw things at him. Those brief moments I was near the Hwang brothers I could already learn about their horrible past. All the pain and suffering they had to endure at the hands of their father. This only pushed my more to the point of making him suffer as much as possible for all the pain he's caused.

I  the butcher knife he was about to use on his sons. I hold the knife at a downward angle pointed towards his chest. "Any last words asshole?" I say. I was hoping he he would apologize, ask forgiveness, anything to try to repent.

"F-fuck you!" was all he was able to say.

"That's regrettable." I say as I plunge the knife into his chest several times.
I try not to stab him too many times
as I don't want to look like crime of passion. "That was for your sons your sons." I say. I then place directly on his throat. "And this, this is for you." I say as I guide the blade deep across his throat.

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