Special Chapter 2

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Joel POV

"What's wrong?" asked Cindy, my second in command. "Another awakening?"

"Not quite." I said "Only the beginning stage of one. And it came from, the Lee mansion."

"That's gonna make things difficult." said Cindy. "Considering Mr. Lee is a person of interest."

"I know." I say "All the information my little spies have gathered confirms my suspicions about the shady things him and Mr. Bang have been doing behind the scenes."

"To think 2 respected businesses men like them would be running and underground drug dealing operation." said Cindy.

"That doesn't even begin to scratch the surface." I say "I've also learned that Mr. Bang is involved in something more nefarious than just drug deals."

"You mean those kidnappings of homeless people?" Cindy says "The news hasn't even touched the subject."

"Nor will they." I said "The people in charge don't think it's newsworthy since it's not the common everyday citizen."

According to my spies I discovered what Mr. Bang is attempting to do with the kidnapped homeless people, he wants to see if they have powers that can be awakened.

How he discovered the existence of super powered humans is unknown, but he does know that the subject has to be in an extreme state of stress, panic or pain for powers to awaken.
But so far all their "tests" have failed. And their only other option is to exterminate the failures.

Mr. Bang hopes to have an army of super powered bodyguards so that he and Mr. Lee could be the most powerful drug lords in all of Seoul.

I've been keeping an eye on Hyunjin from a distance. Invisibility does have it's perks. Something happened to him, he somehow suppressed his powers almost as soon as they awoke. I'm guessing the sheer shock from attacking his father caused this.

I can't blame the poor guy, he's lived all his life enduring such pain and suffering, not even knowing why until the very end of his father's life. It's no wonder he exploded how he did. But he's scared, which is understandable. Even though he hasn't said anything, I know this is weighing on him, what's becoming of him.

"So back to our main objective," says Cindy "you think you've pinpointed all the others with powers?" She brings up the chart that put up that has the potential individuals.

First of is Hwang Hyunjin, he's definitely one. Then his brother Jisung is another potential. Next is Lee Minho and Felix, from the faint traces I felt coming from Lee mansion I'm certain 1 of them is. However I wouldn't be surprised if both of them have powers.

The other 4 are their friends, Seo Changbin, Yang Jeongin, Bang Christopher Chan and Kim Seungmin.

"I'm almost certain Cindy." I say "When all 8 of them were together in the restaurant, I felt a great deal of energy coming from them."

"So they might the ones" says Cindy "The ones who will balance each other out. The Yin to the other's Yang."

"Well 6 of them have already found their mates," I say "but the 2, Changbin and Chan don't have an attraction to each other."

"Is that a problem?" Cindy asks "You said yourself the bond between 2 individuals would keep the balance of the other's powers under control."

"It's not necessarily a problem," I say "but it's that bond that not only keeps their powers under control, but also strengthens them. If Felix is Hyunjin's other half, and Minho is Jisung's, that's 4 down. And even though Seungmin and Jeongin haven't shown signs of powers, yet, they still have a bond that they've crafted."

"The bond to protect and love each other." says Cindy "I see now. And in turn, they'll the other from losing control."

"Yes,' I say "they're essentially soulmates."

An alarm sounds indicating that another drug deal is about to go down between Bang and Lee's men and potential buyers.

"You can handle them Cindy." I say "Take whoever you need."

"With pleasure." she says as goes on another mission.

We've been putting a huge dent in their drug plans, but they haven't suspected who yet. We have to be careful not to draw too much attention to ourselves.

I have been getting this uneasy feeling that something horrible is about to happen, and that nothing can stop it. But I'll do whatever it takes to stop it, or at best try to reverse it. I just hope I can prevent it in the first place.

A/N thank you so much for 1K reads!

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