Chapter 8

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"Where the fuck do you 2 think you're going?!" Mr. Hwang asked his sons.

"No!" Hyunjin thought "Not now! Why is he here so early?!" Their father wasn't due in for another hour and a half. It didn't take long until Hyunjin smelled alcohol coming from his father. "Great, he's angry and drunk!" he thought.

"I asked you a question!" Mr. Hwang asked getting louder and angrier "Where. Do you think you're going?!"

"Why would you care?!" Jisung snapped. Hyunjin tried to get Jisung to calm down but it was almost impossible with all the tension and raw emotions building up everywhere.

"What did you say to me you little shit?!" their father yelled, slamming his keys on the coffee table. He walked towards the brothers, raising his hand, about to hit Jisung but Hyunjin stood in the way bringing his arms up to defend himself like a boxer would. As soon as their father's hand hit Hyunjin, he pushed him back with all his might. He stumbled to the floor. Hyunjin was thankful that his father was drunk and would have a hard time keeping his balance.

"Leave him alone dad!" Hyunjin yelled. "Leave us both alone!"

Their father laughed, an evil laugh as he was getting up. Jisung was terrified at this point. "Still sticking up for that little bastard aren't you Hyunjin?" their father said with such venom in tongue and evil in his eyes "Even though he's not even your real brother."

Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat. "What?!" Jisung yelled.

"Don't listen to him Ji." says Hyunjin "He's drunk. He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about."

"Oh really?" says Mr. Hwang "Then let me tell you 2 a story."

"Shut up dad!" Hyunjin yells, tears of anger and frustration building up inside of him.

"I never wanted kids!" Mr. Hwang yells "You're mother could've been famous! She would've made it big, but you had to come along and fuck everything up!"

The brothers could only watch as their father got angrier by the second. "Did you know your mother almost died giving birth to you?" he says pointing his finger at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin pretends like he doesn't know and shakes his head. "Well she almost did! I told the doctors to save her but she chose you! Thankfully the doctors saved her but she lost her womb in the process. You can't imagine how happy I was when I found out she would never burden me anymore with another damn kid!"

Hyunjin didn't make a sound, but an endless stream of tears kept pouring down his face. Jisung was equally crying as well, still hiding behind Hyunjin, more terrified than he has ever been in his life.

"But then she decided to adopt you!" Mr. Hwang yells pointing this time at Jisung "Behind my back nonetheless!"

"Liar!" Jisung yells "Stop lying to us!"

"Oh it's no lie!" their father says "This is all your fault Hyunjin! If you hadn't been born, none of this would've happened!"

Hyunjin had finally had enough. "Jisung may not be my brother," he says "but he's more family to me than you'll ever be you son of a bitch!"

"You little shit!" Mr. Hwang punches Hyunjin in the gut, a punch that should have had him on the floor, but Hyunjin stood his ground. He had to protect Jisung.

"Leave him alone!" Jisung yells, trying to punch his father. But he manages to move Hyunjin aside and pushes Jisung to the floor, hard.

That's when Hyunjin exploded "Don't you touch him!" he yells forming a fist and swinging it directly towards his father's face. As soon as the punch landed, his father was thrown back with such impact, he was knocked a good 6 feet away.

Hyunjin suddenly dropped to his knees, trembling. What the hell was that? What did he just do? Everything was happening so fast he couldn't process anything.

"Jinnie?!" Jisung's voice pulled Hyunjin back to reality. "We have to go!"

Mr. Hwang tried his best to shake off the punch, when suddenly he turned to the side and spit out blood. And, teeth?! Hyunjin managed to knock several of his teeth off. He was more furious than ever. "That's it!" he said "You're dead! You're both fucking dead!" He got up and went to the kitchen and pulled out a butcher knife.

"Come on Jinnie he's coming back!" Jisung says trying to gather their things and leave. But their father returns brandishing a knife. "The only way you 2 are leaving is in a body bag!" He started towards the brothers when suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, a figure appears and punches him in the face. And much like Hyunjin's punch, Mr. Hwang goes flying back.

The brothers didn't recognize this person as they were dressed in all black and wearing some of cloak covering their face. The mysterious figure walked over to their father and started punching him a few times, then he stopped to look at the brothers. They could barely see the figure's eyes "Go! Get out of here!" he says.

The brothers try their best to get their bags out of the house. "Who the fuck are you?!" their father asks trying to get back up, only to be greeted with another punch to the face. They manage to get their bags out but Hyunjin pauses for a moment. He looks at the stranger who just saved them. He wants to say thank you but is grabbed by the arm by a frantic Jisung. "Jinnie come on!" Jisung says leading Hyunjin out.

No sooner than the brothers exit the house, the door slams shut and locks behind them.

"Jinnie, here!" says Jisung as he puts something in Hyunjin's hand.

Hyunjin looks to see what Jisung gave him, his eyes widening. "Dad's car keys?!" he says "How did you...?"

"I picked them while you were distracted." says Jisung.

Hyunjin couldn't believe what he was about to do, but he had no choice. Quickly he opened up the trunk and car doors and they threw the suitcases in the trunk and the duffle bags in the back seats. As this was happening they could hear the ruckus coming from inside the house. Their father grunting and sounds of things breaking. Finally they got in the car.
Hyunjin in the driver's seat and Jisung in the passenger side.

Hyunjin started the car and drove out of there as fast as he could. They barely had time to put on their seatbelts. Luckily is was getting dark so the traffic wasn't as bad but Hyunjin was driving really fast.

"Brother, so down!" said Jisung "I think we're safe now." Hyunjin's driving finally slowed down to a normal pace. He was glad and surprised no cops pulled him over. He then went to the parking lot of a fast food restaurant and parked the car.

He was still holding on to the steering wheel as he sobbed uncontrollably. Jisung undid his seatbelt and hugged his brother. "Jinnie!" he says, crying "I was so scared!"

Hyunjin finally lets go of the steering wheel and hugs his brother. "Me too Ji." he says "Me too." The brothers hug for what feels like an eternity, then they finally part the hug. Hyunjin puts his hands on Jisung's cheeks "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Jisung knods, taking a deep breath "I'm fine." Hyunjin leans in and kisses his forehead.

Hyunjin puts his hands on his face for a few seconds, then runs them thru his hair while taking some deep breaths to calm himself down. The adrenaline starting to wear off.

"What are we gonna do now?" Jisung asks.

"The only thing we can do." says Hyunjin as he starts the car and starts heading towards Changbin's.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now