Chapter 47

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"There are other forces at work here as well. Forces that want you dead. All of you." says Joel.

All the boys eyes widen with shock at this information. "What?!" they all say in unison.

"Why?!" Changbin asks. "Who would want us dead? What did we ever do?"

"You exist." Joel says, causing everyone's eyes to widen even more. "Just all of you existing is enough to instill fear them?"

"Who's them?" Jisung asks, confused and scratching his head.

Joel then creates what appears to be a miniature portal, but instead, shows them 3 women. "These are Moirae Sisters." says Joel. "The ones that want you dead."

"Who are they exactly?" Hyunjin asks. "And why do they want us dead?"

"They're the personification of destiny and fate." says Joel. "Ironic, considering that it was fate that brought the 8 of you together."

Several of the boys, including Hyunjin, Chan and Changbin, run their fingers through their hair, a clear indication that they're trying their best to process all this information.

"They also control the Thread of Life." Joel continues, causing all the boys to look at him once more with a confused and shocked expression.

"You mean, our lives?" Seungmin asks.

"The lives of every human on Earth." Joel says. "Technically, they're not supposed to interfere with human affairs. They're supposed to cut the thread of one's life once that person's life is at its limit. But they've been trying to end yours."

"Why?" Jeongin asks. "We don't understand any of this."

"Because they're afraid of you." Joel says. "Afraid of what you could all become. This power that resides in all of you is incredibly strong."

"So is this the part where you say, 'With great power comes great responsibility'?" Jisung says.

Joel smirks. "More or less." he says. "I don't wanna sound cliche, but yes, it's a great responsibility, to keep your powers under control."

"I hope you don't give us the 'Elsa' treatment." says Jisung.

"Jisung!" Hyunjin says. "This isn't a joke."

"No it's not." says Joel. "Besides, I'm not gonna make you fear your powers, but embrace them. They're a part of you now."

"But we didn't ask for this!" Jeongin says, clearly upset by everything he's gone through. "I hurt those men! I could've killed them!" Seungmin holds Jeongin's hand and it calms the youngest down.

"But you didn't." says Joel. "Seungmin kept you from losing control. Just like he is right now." Everyone turns to look at Seungmin and Jeongin. "That's right," he continues. "You all share a special bond with your respective boyfriend, your soulmate."

"Soulmate." Felix says, looking at Hyunjin. "I always felt like there was something missing in my life. And it turns out you were the missing piece, because you're my soulmate." Felix holds Hyunjin's hand and begins rubbing circles on the top of his hand with his thumb. All of the other boys come to the same conclusion.

"You're saying us meeting each other was all preordained?" Chan asks. "That it's all thanks to fate?"

"Fate brought you all together, yes." says Joel. "But the love you share, your bond with each other, that's all you. Like a wise man once said, 'I can show you the door, but you must go thru it'."

"So we have super powers." Jisung says. "Does that mean we're like the X-Men or the Fantastic 4?"

"More or less." says Joel. "But unlike comic book superheroes, you can kill, wether by choice or not." This causes Jisung to think really hard about how to approach all of this. "Remember what happened to Mr. Lee." Jisung still remembers, he blew up Mr. Lee's hand when he caused his gun to explode.

"How do you know what happened during all that? Minho asks. "You weren't even there."

"I can read minds." Joel says, causing Changbin to look at him. "I took the liberty to establish a connection between all of you, in case you were ever in danger." His expression then turns sad. "But, while I was on my quest to get the Flames, I couldn't leave the temple where they were until I retrieved them. That's when, it happened." He looks at Hyunjin and the other can immediately tell where he's going.

"You felt when Hyunjin died?" Felix asks.

"Yes." said Joel. "It was an awful feeling. But that only made my resolve to get the Flames only stronger. Right before I claimed the Flames for my own is when the Sisters appeared. They didn't want me to revive Hyunjin. They went even as far as trying to kill all of you with one fell swoop, but I stopped them. I even went as far as threatening to kill them."

"You mean," Jeongin says. "If they die..."

"No more life could be born on Earth." Joel says.

"You would've done that to save us?" Seungmin asks.

"If I had no other choice, yes I would." says Joel. "Thankfully they had enough common sense to see that."

"They're really that afraid of us?" Hyunjin asks.

"Indeed." says Joel. "They're afraid you wouldn't be able to control your powers and that they would end up consuming you. They don't have that much faith in humanity when it comes down humans having supernatural powers."

"Does my dad have a connection with all of this?" Chan asks. "He apparently had this obsession with finding those with super powers. How did he even know about any of this?"

"While I had the Sisters in my grasp as I threatened to kill them, I read their minds." Joel says. "They're the ones who told your dad about the existence of superhumans. They even told your dad to kill you Hyunjin."

"Is that why he hated me so much?" A shocked Hyunjin asks.

"No." says Joel. "You're father always hated you, for the reasons you already know. But this just gave him some sense of justification. They told your dad that you and Jisung were a threat to humanity, and that he had to kill at least one you. Preferably both of you."

"What is it about us specifically that these Sisters are afraid of exactly?" Jisung asks, his tone very serious.

"Quite honestly," says Joel. "They're afraid of you being able to fully master your powers. If you all did that, you could be powerful enough to bring not only this world, but every other world to its knees."

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now