Bonus Story Part 4: Happy Ending

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One year later

To say that it was an insane year was an understatement. A lot has happened in the lives of Stray Kids since Felix was given a second chance at life.

Mrs. Lee was still serving her prison sentence for the murder of her husband. Although Olivia tried her best to prove her mother's innocence, she ultimately failed.

Olivia also got to see Hyunjin's live where she saw Felix. Shocked, and believing that someone was pulling a sick joke, she went to Felix's grave. But she was shocked to discover that Felix's casket had been unearthed and his body was gone. Beside the casket, what appeared to be the butchered remains of someone lay on the ground.

This would forever traumatise Olivia. She tried her best to get a hold of the other members, but with no luck. She even tried to follow them on Instagram to try and learn what happened to Felix, but she couldn't find their profiles anywhere, despite them clearly being on the platform. She ultimately fell into despair and blamed herself for not helping Felix on that fateful day. She had truly lost her brother, forever.

And the hardest to fall was JYP and his company. After overwhelming backlash from both Stays and fans of other idols working for JYPE, he was forced to pay all of idols for damages caused due to the abuse and mistreatment they endured. None so much than Stray Kids got the biggest cut, do to all the abuse Felix endured as well as Hyunjin nearly taking his own life.

Needless to say, JYPE was finished and the company collapsed. No one wanted to support JYP anymore, nor did they want to work him. He truly got what he deserved by ignoring the safety and wellbeing of his artists. JYP then disappeared. Some people speculated that he went off the grid, while others said he took his own life. Regardless, JYP would never be seen or heard from again.

Back at the pocket dimension, a now blonde Hyunjin was sitting down by the headboard of his bed, with Felix sitting in between his legs. Hyunjin had his arms around his boyfriend's waist, as they played with each other's couples rings.

They had both officially came out to their fans as getting back together as a couple. This time, for life. The other members had also come out to their fans with their respective boyfriends. They had nothing but love and support from the Stays who had supported them through all these hard times. Now they could be happy with the loves of their lives.

"Do you miss my blue hair Lixie?" Hyunjin asked.

"Oh Jinnie." said Felix. "I love you for you, not the color of your hair. You can have green hair for all I care, and I'll love you just the same."

Hyunjin smiles and kisses Felix's cheek. "I love you so much Lix." he says.

"I love you more Hyunnie." says Felix.

"Felix, do hear that?" Hyunjin asked suddenly.

"Hear what?" said Felix. "I don't hear a thing."

"Exactly." says Hyunjin. "Everything's too quiet. Something is going on. Come on Lix, let's head downstairs."

The 2 of them leave their room and go downstairs, only to be surprised by the others yelling "Surprise!".

"What's going on?" said Felix. "It isn't any of our birthdays."

"Well, it kinda is." said Seungmin.

"What do mean?" said Hyunjin.

"Did you really forget?" Minho said. "It was exactly a year ago since Felix was revived."

"I remember." says Hyunjin. He then notices a cake that's been placed on their coffee table. "Is that a cake?"

"Duh." says Jisung.

As Hyunjin and Felix examine the cake, Felix reads the message written on it. "Happy Rebirth Day?" he says, slightly confused.

"See, I told you he wouldn't like the message." said Seungmin.

"It's not that." said Felix. "I just didn't expect all of this. I really do like it."

"We just wanted to do something special for you Lix." said Chan. "When you came back to us, it was the greatest day of all our lives."

"We were all lost without you." said Jeongin. "Even though we put on a brave face for others, we were dying on the inside."

"There were countless nights when I would cry myself to sleep in Minho's arms." said Jisung. "It was horrible."

"You had such an impact on our lives that we didn't know how to move on." said Minho. "Although we tried, it was incredibly painful every time we thought about you."

"And we felt bad that we couldn't fully comfort Hyunjin." said Changbin. "We were so focused on being there for our boyfriends, that we almost completely overlooked Hyunjin. Also that pressure that JYP was putting on us to release a new album wasn't helping either."

"But now that JYPE is finished, we can all now focus on each other more." said Chan. "We are a family after all."

Both Hyunjin and Felix couldn't help but cry at the touching words from their friends, their brothers.

All of the boys then gathered together in a big group hug.

"We love you all so much!" said Felix.

"Ok now," said Chan. "Enough crying. We've got all the time in the world now to look ahead for our future together."

"Yeah, so let's party!" said Jisung.

The boys then enjoyed their party celebration for Felix's return, having cake and other foods that Chan and Minho prepared.

After the food had settled in, they all went into the swimming pool and raced each other, played volleyball with a huge beach ball, and just had fun in the water.

When they had finished playing, they all went to relax in the hot tub. It was decently large that the 8 of them all fit comfortably. Felix sat in between Hyunjin, Jisung in between Minho, Jeongin in between Seungmin, and Changbin and Chan were next to each other with Chan's arm around Changbin.

"This was so much fun!" said Felix. "Thank you all for this!"

"Of course Lix." said Chan. "Although a lot has happened, we all made it through, together."

"Yeah." said Changbin. "Nothing can stop us now."

The boys then all looked up to sky and for a split second, saw what they thought looked like a fire bird in the sky.

A tear slid down Hyunjin's cheek. "Thank you Joel." he said. "Thank you for everything." He then looked at Felix. "I love you Lixie."

"I love you too Hyunjinnie." said Felix. "Now and forever."

The 2 of them kissed and hugged as the others looked with happiness. They truly got their happy ending.

The End

A/N Here we are, the end of the story (for now). 80K reads?! Thank you all so much for your love and support since day 1. I love you all. And don't forget to check out my other story, It's ok to love you.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now