Chapter 34

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Bang Mansion

Felix arrives at Bang Mansion. Immediately he sees more cars parked than usual, including both of his parents cars. "They're both here?" Felix says to himself. He takes a deep breath and steps out of his car and heads to the main door. He sees Wooyoung and San waiting outside for him.

"Your father's been expecting you." says Wooyoung. "Follow us."

"Why does he want to meet here instead of back home?" Felix asks as he follows the 2 inside. He's genuinely confused.

"Your dad and Mr. Bang have matters to discuss." says San. "But your dad said what he has to discuss with you can't wait."

Felix starts to breathe heavily, but is able to calm himself down. He's already fearing the worst case scenario. As they're getting closer to Mr Bang's office, his mother and Mrs. Bang are coming out.

The 2 women walk by without even acknowledging Felix. "Mom?" Felix says. His mother stops and looks him but doesn't say a word. Instead she gives him such a look of disgust that it feels like a knife was just plunged into Felix's heart. She then continues on her way outside along with Mrs. Bang. Tears begin to well up in his eyes but he wipes them away.

Wooyoung opens the door for Felix and he walks in, Wooyoung and San waiting outside. As he approaches the desk where Mr. Bang is sitting, he sees his father there with him, arms folded and with such a look of disappointment in his face it made his (Felix's) heart hurt.

"You wanted to see me dad?" says Felix in the most calm way possible. His dad pulls out his phone and puts it on the desk.

"Care to explain this to me Felix?" Felix takes the phone and immediately his eyes widen with shock. It's a picture of him and Hyunjin holding hands in the plaza. His biggest fear was realized. Felix starts swiping the phone screen, only seeing more pictures of them, even some at the restaurant they were at for his birthday. "Where did you get these?" Is all he's able to say.

"Your mother saw you at the restaurant she frequents at times." said his father. "What were you doing hanging around these common folk Felix? And even holding his hand."

"C-come on dad, you know I'm a touchy person." Felix says. "It's nothing really."

"I'm well aware that you enjoy physical contact." says Mr. Lee. "Too much for my liking. You know you have an image to maintain. But look at him Felix, look how's dressed. We can't be mingling with those kind of people son."

"Dad he's my friend." says Felix.

"We don't make friends with people from the lower class Felix." His father says. "I thought you would know better than that. Someone like him is only interested in money."

"No!" Felix says,completely forgetting that he's raising his voice at his father. "Hyunjin would never do that dad. He loves...I mean, he cares about me." Felix's heart starts to beat faster.

"Hyunjin?" says Mr. Lee. "Why do I feel like I've heard that name?"

"Hwang Hyunjin to be precise." says Mr. Bang. "He's Mr. Hwang's oldest son."

"Ah yes." says Mr. Lee. "From what I've heard from Mr. Hwang, this Hyunjin was a disappointment. A thorn in his side." More tears ran down Felix's cheeks as he hears his father throw insult after insult at Hyunjin.

"Dad you don't even know him!" Felix says as he wipes his tears.

"I don't need to know him to know about his kind." says Mr. Lee. "Felix, you're confused, you don't know what you want. I'll get you help so that you can forget about him."

Felix's heart sank. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His own father was talking to him as if he were not in a right state of mind.

"And what are those rings you're wearing?" Mr. Lee says as he points to Felix's couples rings.

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