Chapter 69

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The boys all arrived safely to where their cars were parked. Fortunately it was dark and not that many people were around when they landed.

"Wow, you guys were amazing back there." Wooyoung said.

"Yeah well, we didn't have much of a choice." Chan said.

"Still, things could've turned out much worse." said San. "Your powers really came in handy."

"I agree." said Wooyoung. "We're all safe and sound because of it."

"So, are you guys gonna tell us what the heck happened to you all earlier?" Jeongin asked.

"We'll tell you all about it when get home." said Felix. He then noticed that Chan waa very pensive. "Are you ok Channie Hyun?"

"Yeah." said Chan. "I'm just thinking that, those guys saw our faces. I'm worried they'll tell the cops about us."

"You don't have to worry Channie." said Changbin. "They're too afraid to tell the cops what we look like. And as far what happened, they told the cops, but they didn't believe them."

"I think we really did scare them good." said Hyunjin.

"Especially Chan." said Jisung. "Who would've thought our leader could be so scary?"

"I figured if that's the only way I can get them on the straight and narrow, so be it." said Chan. "Come on, let's head back home."

All the boys got in their cars as they drove back to Lee Mansion.

The next morning, Chan was waking up, as he rolled over to put his arm around Changbin, but noticed he wasn't lying in bed. Instead, he was sitting down on the corner of the bed, deep in thought.

"Binnie?" Chan said, but got no response. He crawled over to Changbin, sat behind him, and put his arms around his waist. "Binnie, what's wrong?"

"Oh!" Changbin said, as he was snapped back to reality. "I'm sorry Channie, did you say something?"

Chan smiled as he kissed Changbin's cheek. "I asked what's wrong." he said.

"I was just thinking." Changbin said.

"About what?" Chan asked.

"My parents." said Changbin. "When we were talking about our families, I was just thinking about how much I missed them."

"Do you know where they live?" Chan asked.

"Not anymore." said Changbin. "When they sent me to live with my grandparents, they were about to get evicted. I have no idea where they are now."

"What about Joel?" Chan suggested. "I'm sure he knows where they're at."

"You're right Channie." said Changbin. "I'm gonna contact him."

Changbin starts to concentrate on Joel. "Joel?" he says. "Can you hear me?"

"I hear you Changbin." Joel says. "Is everything alright?"

"We're fine." says Changbin. "I need to ask you something?"

"Is it about your parents?" Joel says.

"That's exactly what it is." says Changbin. "Do know where they are?"

"I do." Joel said. "As a matter of fact, I already looked into that for you. My little spies found out where they are. I'm sending the address to your phone."

In a matter of seconds, Changbin's phone went off as he received a text message from Joel with the address of where his parents were living at.

"Thank you Joel." said Changbin.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now