Chapter 58

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The rest of Minho's training went similar to Jisung's. He faced off against many robotic opponents, this time however, they were armed with guns. Minho was already adept in blocking physical attacks with his shield, but he had only once blocked a bullet back when his father tried to shoot Jisung.

So this was a different experience, blocking basically a bullet storm from his mechanical opponents. Minho quickly got the hang of blocking bullets from multiple angles as well, which would come useful if he ever came across thugs trying to mug him and his friends.

Joel also took the opportunity to let Minho use his ice powers as well. He was able to shoot ice blast so cold, they not only froze the robots in place, but also caused them to shatter. He found that he could freeze the atmosphere around his hands to create various ice weapons, such as swords, spears, ice daggers, and even an ice mallet.

"Wow, he's incredible!" Jisung cooed in admiration towards his boyfriend. "It's like if princess Elsa didn't hold back at all."

"Are you calling me ice queen, squirrel?" Minho said with a smirk.

"Of course not baby." Jisung said. "You're much more hotter."

Everyone rolled their eyes. "Jeez, get a room you 2." said Changbin, pretending to gag.

"We already have one, thank you very much." said Jisung.

As soon as Minho destroyed his last opponent, he walked over towards Jisung and wrapped his arms around his waist in a back hug. "Maybe you should call me Ice King." he said.

"Nah." Jisung said, shaking his head. "I think baby suits you better."

"As much as I hate to interrupt this sweet moment, we still got work to do." Joel says with a grin.

Like Hyunjin and Felix before them, Minho and Jisung were tasked with using their powers on each other. And just like before, the 2 were unscathed by each other's powers, as expected.

Next were Chan and Changbin. The 2 of them actually went together, because of the similarities in their powers. Chan sending powerful shockwaves to all the robots he punched and kicked, while Changbin destroyed his opponents with his newly acquired rock arms.

Changbin could also create a wall of stone which can both block attacks, as well as Changbin being able to punch the wall, creating rock projectiles to hurl at his enemies. He then created a boulder which he rolled at the robots like a bowling ball, which got larger and larger until it ran over an entire wave of robots.

Lastly, both Chan and Changbin proceeded to exchange blows with each other, once again, not being able to harm one other. The final blow in their training was when they both connected their punches with each other's, which sent a massive shockwave throughout the training area that made the whole ground shake. Luckily, Minho's shield protected everyone from any potential harm.

"I think that's more than enough." Joel said. "You've all done exceptionally well. Better than I had hoped."

All of the boys smiled at their compliments. Initially, they were all nervous of the outcome of their training, but after their experience, they felt confident enough to take on anything that gets thrust their way.

"What about Minnie?" Jisung asked. "He still hasn't gotten his powers yet."

"It may not be his time yet." said Joel. "Besides, I don't want to put him in a situation where I put him in danger or in a bad headspace."

The others agreed. As they all recall, when their powers awoke, either their lives were in danger, or their loved ones were. Or in the case of Jisung, Changbin and Felix they were overwhelmed with pain and suffering due to Hyunjin's death. Same with Chan, when he discovered the real reason behind his mother death.

"When his powers awaken, they'll awaken." said Joel. "And there's no need to train Jeongin right now, since helping with Minho's training was a good start for now."

Jeongin nodded. Little by little, he's starting to feel comfortable about having his power, despite how destructive it could be, should he ever lose control. However, he knows that Seungmin will always be there for him.

"Why don't all head back and relax for a while?" Joel says. "I'll let you all know when lunch is ready. Also, we'll discuss some things regarding when I send you back home."

The boys all bowed as they prepared to leave and lounge around for a bit. However, Joel signaled at Seungmin to give him something.

"What's this?" Seungmin asked as Joel gave him a folder full of what appears to be documents.

"Jeongin had asked me earlier to look up anything I could about his parents." said Joel. Seungmin took the folder. However, Joel still held on to it. "Seungmin, I need you to be there for Jeongin when he reads this."

The look on Joel's face as he says this is enough proof for Seungmin to deduce that whatever is in these documents, it's not gonna be pleasant. "I will." says Seungmin. With that, Joel lets go of the folder at let's Seungmin join Jeongin, as the 2 make their way to their room.

Back in their room, Seungmin and Jeongin took off their shoes and Jeongin sat down on their bed. He decided to ask about the folder that Seungmin was holding. "What's that?" he asked.

"Oh, this?" Seungmin said. "This is, what you asked Joel about. Regarding your parents."

Jeongin's eyes went wide with both excitement and nervousness. "C-can I see it?" he says.

Seungmin nods as he gives the younger the folder, and he takes out the documents. "Innie." he says. "I want you to know that I love you. And that I'll be for you, no matter what you discover here."

Jeongin smiles softly and pecks Seungmin on the lips. "I know you will." he says. "And I love you too." Jeongin takes a deep breath and removes the documents which contain all he needs to know about what happened to his parents. No matter what he finds, he knows his soulmate will be there for him.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now