Chapter 4

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Back at Changbin's, Hyunjin and Jisung just finished having breakfast and were about to head back home
Hyunjin stepped out first and Changbin joined him as Jisung was still inside chatting with Jeongin. "Thanks again Binnie, for everything." says Hyunjin.

Changbin puts his hand on Hyunjin's shoulder "Hey, don't mention it. You know you're always free to crash here when things get rough at home."

"I know." says Hyunjin "But, I just don't wanna make it seem like we're taking advantage of you, that's all."

Changbin puts his other hand on Hyunjin's other shoulder "Hey, you and Jisung are my best friends. I'm not just gonna let you guys fend for yourselves. You guys always have a place to stay, even though it's cramped."

Hyunjin chuckles, then hugs Changbin. "Thanks Bin. You really are the best.

Changbin smiles "Hey, that's what friends are for right?" The 2 let go just as soon as Jisung steps out. Jeongin stands right outside the door.

"Bye Innie" says Jisung as he gives Jeongin a hug. "Bye Ji, take care." says Jeongin.

Jisung then hugs Changbin "Thanks again for everything. I don't know what we'd do without you."

"You're welcome." says Changbin. The 2 pull away from the hug as the brothers turn to leave. "Stay safe you 2." Changbin says waving at the brothers.

"Thanks, we will." says Hyunjin

Changbin turns to go back inside but stops when he sees the sad face on Jeongin. "You ok Innie?" Changbin asks putting his hand on Jeongin's shoulder.

"Yeah." says Jeongin "It's just, I really would like it if they stayed with us too. At we would know they'd be safe. I really wouldn't mind if we were packed like a bunch of sardines."

"I know Innie," says Changbin "but you know Ms. Kang would never allow it." Ms. Kang was their landlady. She come off as having an attitude, but she just hates when people trying to skip on paying rent. She has a soft spot for Changbin as he's one of the few tenants who actually pays the rent on time and doesn't cause any problems.

So when Changbin took in Jeongin and explained his situation, she allowed him to stay with Changbin despite it being a 1-person room. But having 2 more people living there would certainly be pushing it.

"You never know." says Jeongin "I mean, she let me stay because of my situation. So who knows, right?"

Changbin was giving a lot of thought. "I don't know." he says "Let's just see what happens. I don't wanna get my hopes up too much. But I'll talk with her soon, ok?"

Jeongin smiles and hugs Changbin. "Thanks Binnie!" he says. Then the 2 go back inside.

"You said we could talk about it tomorrow. So, it's tomorrow." says Jisung as the 2 are heading towards the bus station.

"Ok Ji." says Hyunjin. "I've been thinking a lot about it, and I've decided we should just leave our place."

That's the best news Jisung has heard all day. His eyes widened and his smile grew. "And live with Changbin?" Jisung asks excitedly.

"We can drop our stuff over at Changbin's while we look for somewhere else to live." says Hyunjin "We go back just to sleep until we find someplace, ok?" Jisung frowned. He wanted to argue but decided not to. At least they wouldn't have to anymore at that house. "Ok Jinnie." says Jisung.

As the 2 are getting closer to the bus station, they come to a red light. While they're waiting for the light to change, an SUV stops at the light. A very expensive-looking SUV.

Hyunjin notices the person in the passenger seat and sees a beautiful blonde boy with heat-shaped lips. Hyunjin was completely mesmerized by the boy's beauty. Suddenly, the boy turned and looked directly at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin felt his body getting hot and his heart beating fast. "What the heck is wrong with me?" he thought. Suddenly, the blonde boy smiles softly and waves at Hyunjin. Now his heart is really beating fast. He waves back trying not to look as awkward as he feels.

"Who are you waving at Jinnie?" asks Jisung. He looks in the direction that Hyunjin is waving and sees a blonde boy in a very nice SUV. He doesn't recognize the boy, but it impressed by their nice ride. "Man, that's one nice set of wheels?"

Jisung's attention however starts to turn to the driver of the SUV. He sees a tall boy with reddish-brown hair and features that reminds him of a cat. The driver then looks at Jisung then smiles. Jisung starts to blush and quickly looks away in embarrassment.

Suddenly car horns start honking, the light is green now and the boys broke from their trance. The SUV drove off and Hyunjin and Jisung crossed the street and made it to the bus station.

"Did you see that Lino?" asks Felix as he puts his hand to his cheek to try and hide the fact that he's blushing.

"You mean the squirrel-looking boy?" asks Minho "Yeah, he's really cute."

"Not him!" Felix says, slapping Minho's shoulder. "The guy next to him. He's gorgeous."

"Ow. Sorry Lix, but I didn't." says Minho "I was too busy looking at the squirrel boy.

"Yeah," said Felix sounding sassy "so busy that you didn't even notice the light changed green."

"Hey! You were staring too." said Minho.

"Yeah, but I'm not the one driving." says Felix. "I wonder where they headed. I'd like to see him again."

I think they might've been heading towards the bus station, I think. The Lee brothers wondered who those 2 boys were, and if they would see them again. They couldn't get their respective boys out of their heads.

"Wait until Chan and Seungmin hear this!" Felix says excitedly. The 2 are meeting their friends at a fancy Korean restaurant.

"Yeah this will make for quite a conversation that's for sure." says Minho as the 2 arrive at the restaurant to meet their friends.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora