Chapter 75

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A young man makes his way home. Correction, the place he's forced to call home. A place where he's unwanted, unloved, yet is not allowed to wander too far off, lest he face the wrath of his mother.

He opens the door and steps inside, his mother with a cigarette in one hand and an umpteenth bottle of liquor in the other, looks at her son. "What took you so long?" The woman snaps at her son.

"These things you had me buy are heavy mom." The boy pleads.

"Liar!" The woman yells, making her son jump back. "You think I'm stupid?! You think I don't know?!"

"No!" The boys says in terror. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"You're trying to leave aren't you?!" The woman accused. "I won't let you!" She then throws an empty liquor bottle at her son, which he manages to block, but the bottle shatters, cutting his arms and his face a little.

The boy runs out the door. "Mom, stop!" He pleads. But his begging falls on deaf ears as his mother hits him on the back with another empty bottle, causing her son to fall to the ground.

"You'll never leave here you brat!" She screams.

"Hey!" Felix shouted, catching the woman's attention. "Leave him alone!"

"Who do think you are?!" The woman shouts. "He's my son! I can do whatever I want to him!"

"No!" Felix screams, pushing the woman back in the house with his powers.

Jeongin rushes to the boy's aid. He manages to lift him up and get a look at his face. Jeongin is in shock as he sees small glass shards in his skin. "Please, help me." The boys manages to say.

"Lix!" says Jeongin, tears in his eyes. "He's hurt really bad!"

Before the boys could act, the woman steps outside again with another liquor bottle in her hand. This time a full bottle. "You're not taking my son anywhere!" She says. "He belongs to me!" She raises her hand, about to throw the bottle at Jeongin.

"No, he doesn't!" Felix yells, as he uses his powers to shatter the bottle before she throws it. When the bottle breaks, its contents spill all over the woman's body, even a few glass shards, cutting her as well.

Jeongin looks at the woman. "How could you do this to your own son?!" he yells. "You monster!"

Jeongin's eyes light up with a fire burning inside of them, as the woman is set ablaze. She screams in pain and agony as she's being burned alive. She then drops to the floor with her wailing filling the air.

"Innie!" Seungmin says as he makes his way to his boyfriend. "Oh my God! What have you done?!"

"Minnie, I'm sorry!" Jeongin pleads as the never-ending stream of tears fall from his eyes.

"Lix!" says Hyunjin as he makes his towards his boyfriend. "What happened?!"

"I had to!" Jeongin tries to explain. "She was trying to kill her son, and I didn't know what to do! I got so mad, and this happened!"

"We have to stop this!" Hyunjin says.

Felix sees a nearby fire hydrant and causes it to burst, spraying water everywhere. He manages to guide it to the burning woman, extinguishing the flames. The only things heard are the water gushing from the ground, and the woman's screams of pain.

"Minnie, we have to take him to the hospital!" Jeongin says.

"What about the mother?" Seungmin asks.

As to answer his question, the boys hear sirens approaching. No doubt cops and ambulances.

"We have to go before they see us!" says Felix. He immediately thinks of using his powers to levitate them away from the scene, and Seungmin is already about to use his super speed to get the boy to the car.

Suddenly, as Seungmin moves, the 5 of them find themselves next to the car.

"What the?!" Hyunjin says, trying to process what just happened. "How did we get here so fast?"

"I was about to levitate us here." Felix said.

"And I was about to get this kid here." said Seungmin.

"Our powers must've combined somehow." Felix said.

"We can talk about this later!" Jeongin says. "We need to get him to the hospital!"

The boys quickly got in the car. Hyunjin at the driver's seat and Felix in the passenger, while the others sat in the back.

Jeongin tried his best to talk to the boy, and keep him conscious. While Seungmin held his boyfriend's hand trying to calm him down.

Hyunjin also held Felix's hand to calm him down as well. The tensions and emotions were at all-time high.

The boy started to go unconscious. "No!" Jeongin pleaded. "Stay with us! We're almost there."

The boy managed to stay awake for a while longer. "Tell us about yourself." Jeongin said, trying anything to keep the boy awake. "What's your name?"

"Jung-Kook." The boy managed to say. "Jeon Jungkook."

"Jungkook?" Jeongin said. "That's a lovely name. I'm Jeongin, and this my boyfriend, Seungmin. And that's Hyunjin, and his boyfriend Felix."

"Boyfriend." Jungkook says. "My boyfriend."

"Who's your boyfriend?" Jeongin asks.

"Taehyung." says Jungkook.

"We're here!" says Hyunjin as the car comes to a stop.

The boys carefully take Jungkook out of the car, as they make their way inside where he's immediately  taken to the ER.

The 4 boys sit in the waiting room to hear from the doctors on Jungkook's condition. Jeongin being the most anxious out of all of them.

Seungmin managed to calm Jeongin down significantly, channelling his energy to his boyfriend.

"Thank you Minnie." Jeongin says. "I'm better now."

"We need to talk about this." Seungmin said. "But not here, not now." Jeongin simply nods his head.

"Us too." Hyunjin says, looking at Felix.

"Ok." says Felix. He knows him and Jeongin acted impulsively. He also knows that, that impulse also hurt someone, despite wether or not that person deserved it.

Suddenly, the doctor approached the boys. "Are you friends of the patient?" he asked.

"No." said Hyunjin. "We, just happened to pass by and saw that was in trouble."

"How is he?" Jeongin asked, as he eagerly awaited the doctor's response.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now