Chapter 65

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Chan and Changbin

When the boys arrived at the plaza, they all decided to split up with their own respective boyfriends.

"Me and Lix are gonna go back to that cafe we went to before." said Hyunjin as he led Felix away.

"We'll catch you later." Felix said as waved to the group.

"Me and Jisung are gonna go to another coffee shop we've been wanting to check out." said Minho as he left with Jisung.

"We're gonna go to the food court." said Wooyoung and he and San started to head in that direction.

"What about the birthday boy?" Changbin asked.

"Actually," said Jeongin. "I have a little something special planned for us."

"Really?" said Chan. "Do tell."

"If I did, it would ruin the surprise for Minnie." Jeongin said, as he started to lead Seungmin to their destination.

"We'll all get together by the end of the night." Seungmin said as they were leaving. "I promise."

Chan shook his head as he grinned. Changbin then wraps his arms around Chan's neck as the older puts his hands on Changbin's waist.

"Channie, what are we gonna do with these kids?" Changbin asks with a smile.

"Are you including Wooyoung and San too?" Chan asked.

"Yeah." Changbin admits. "I mean, they're practically family at this point."

"Yeah." says Chan. "We're just one big superhero family."

"So you're ok with Jisung's idea of us being a superhero team?" Changbin asks, genuinely curious.

"Well," says Chan. "As long as we don't have to wear spandex or a cape. That's so 90s."

"I think superheroes have been dressing like that since before the 90s." Changbin says.

"Ok, ok." Chan says with a laugh. "Are we gonna talk about this all day or are we gonna go eat? I think there's plenty of time to talk about this later."

"Hmmm." Changbin says, before planting a peck on Chan's lips. "Ok. I am getting hungry."

"Jeez, and you're supposed to be helping me keep the others in check." Chan teases.

"Hey!" Changbin says. "You're the serious and stern dad, and I'm..."

"The mom?" Chan says, earning him a slap on the shoulder from Changbin.

"Cheeky!" says Changbin. "I'm the fun loving dad."

"I just kidding Binnie." Chan says. "Forgive me?" He puts on those sad puppy dog eyes that can make anyone's heart melt.

Changbin affectionately rolls his eyes. "And here I thought Seungmin was supposed to be the puppy." he says.

"Then what am I?" Chan asks.

"A wolf." says Changbin. "A true leader, fierce, protective, yet with a kind heart."

"You're to kind." says Chan.

"It's my job." says Changbin, as they share another sweet, intimate kiss.

"Bang Chan!" they hear a female voice say. They let go of each other as they a young woman approach them. "What's the meaning of this?!" she says.

"What do you want Eunji?" Chan asks, clearly annoyed by this intruder. "And what do you mean by this?"

"Why are you kissing this, boy?!" Eunji asks.

"This boy happens to be Chan's boyfriend, thank you very much." says Changbin.

"It's ok Binnie," Chan says. "I can handle this."

"I can't believe all those pictures on the internet are true!" says Eunji.

"What pictures?" Chan asks, confused.

But before Eunji can say, Changbin takes the lead. "There's pictures of the 8 us that were taken on both Ji and Lix's birthdays. And apparently girls that have been simpimg for all you just can't seem to handle it."

"Simping?!" says Eunji. "How dare you?!"

"He's not lying." says Chan. "You've always been obsessed with me, despite me telling you in the past that I'm not interested in you."

"No!" says Eunji. "I love you Bang Christopher Chan! Can't you see that?! You're just confused, that's it. You would never go for a simpleton like him!"

"Then you must not know him at all." said Changbin.

"What do you know?! Eunji said angrily.

"Jung Eunji." said Changbin. "Singer and actress. 30 years old."

Eunji was in shock that a total stranger knew such things about her. "That's just a lucky guess!" she said.

"Ok, well allow me to guess some more." Changbin said. "You have major daddy issues, and you have a very unhealthy obsession with my boyfriend."

Eunji looked at Changbin wide-eyed.

"You should really talk to someone about that." Changbin went on. "That's not a very healthy way to live."

"Shut up!" Eunji screamed. "Get out of my head! Stop calling Chan you're boyfriend! He's mine! He's..."

"Alright, that's enough!" Someone grabs Eunji's arm and twists it behind her back, then wraps their arm around her neck.

"Cindy!" Chan says, surprised.

"Don't worry boys, I'll handle this bitch." she says.

"Let go of me this instant!" Eunji says. "Who do you think you are?!" This only causes Cindy to twist Eunji's arm even more, causing her to scream with pain.

Cindy then begins to forcefully drag Eunji away. "Sorry boys, I'd love to stay and chat, but I gotta go." she says. "Girl talk." And she continues to drag Eunji away as the latter kicks and screams, but to no avail.

Changbin puts his arm around Chan. "It's ok Channie." he says. "Cindy's just gonna scare her a bit."

"I'm sorry you had to witness that Binnie." Chan says. "I honesty thought she finally got the hint the last time I brushed her off. I guess I was wrong."

"Don't blame yourself Channie." says Changbin. "She's just not right in the head. Some people just are."

"You were really messing with her head weren't you?" said Chan.

"Well she had a lot of skeletons in her closet." Changbin said. "I just used it to my advantage."

Chan took Changbin by the hand. "Come on Binnie," he said. "Let's go eat. That argument gave me a headache.

Chan lead Changbin to a brunch restaurant, and the 2 had a lovely breakfast. They talked about anything that came to mind, putting that awkward argument with Eunji behind them.

They decided to stay there for lunch as well. As they finished ordering their food, Wooyoung and San went inside the restaurant. Changbin waved them over and they joined their table. The waiter then took their order as well.

"How was your breakfast?" Chan asked.

"It was good." said Wooyoung. "We had a nice meal."

"But," said San.

"But what?" Chan asked.

"It might just be our imagination, but we felt like we were being watched." San said.

"Watched?" Chan asked. "By who?"

"By our friends." said Wooyoung.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now