Chapter 80

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Wooyoung and San

As the 2 boys lay in bed, a hurricane of emotions run thru their minds. They find it difficult to fall asleep, not knowing what's going to happen next.

"Wooyoung?' San says, as he looks up at his boyfriend. "Are you ok?"

"I don't know." says Wooyoung. "I can't think straight right now. I...I want to see them San. I want to see them so badly."

"I do too Wooyoung." says San. "But we don't even know where they are."

"I think I have an idea." says Wooyoung. "But you can't tell the others."

San sits up. "Wooyoung, what are you planning?" he says.

Wooyoung sits up as well. "What if we sneak out while the others are asleep?" he says. "Then we can go look for the others."

"Are you crazy?!" San whisper-yells. "We can't go behind their backs! And Changbin will read our minds and find us for sure!"

"That's why we have to leave while they're asleep." Wooyoung says. "It's the only way."

"Why?" says San. "I don't understand."

"I have a feeling that they'll only show up if it's just the 2 of us." Wooyoung says.

"How can you be sure?" San says.

"I'm not." says Wooyoung. "I'm going on a hunch."

"A hunch?" says San. "You're gonna risk this based on a hunch?"

"San, I'm not happy about it either." says Wooyoung. "But I have to try."

"I have a really bad feeling about this." says San.

Wooyoung takes San's hand. "San, do you trust me?" he asks.

"Of course I trust you." San says. "I'm just scared, nervous."

"Don't be." says Wooyoung. "I'll be right here with you." He kisses San on the lips. "I love you San."

The 2 boys hug each other. "I love you too." says San.

A few tears fall from San's eyes, and Wooyoung wipes them away. "Come on, let's go to sleep." And so they did.

The next day, all the boys, except for Wooyoung and San were gathered in the living room, watching the news. The same report from yesterday was on again, and they were analyzing what they saw.

"Yeah, they're definitely just standing there, wanting to be seen." says Chan.

"What do you think they're planning?" Minho asks.

"I'm not completely sure." Changbin says. "But, they might be trying to lure them out."

"What?" says Jisung. "You mean like, 'Here we are, come find us'?"

"Exactly." says Changbin.

"But why?" Hyunjin asks. "Why would they do that? None of this makes sense."

"Hey, where's Wooyoung and San?" Jeongin asks. "It's not like them to sleep in like this."

"Oh, master's Wooyoung and San?" A servant asks. The boys were so focused on what to do next, that they didn't even notice him enter the living room.

"Yes." says Felix. "Where are they?"

"The young masters left early this morning." The servant says.

"What?" Chan says. "When?"

"Early this morning." Says the servant. "They said they had something important to take care of." The servant then bows and excuses himself.

"Binnie." Chan says, as he turns to face Changbin.

"Already on it." Changbin says, as he puts his hands to the side of his head. "Wooyoung, can you hear me?" he says.

"Changbin?" says Wooyoung.

"I found them!" says Changbin. "They're...Argh!" He grabs his head in pain, as he almost drops to his knees. Luckily, Chan catches him.

"Binnie?!" Chan says, clearly alarmed. "What happened?!"

"Ugh!" Changbin says as he holds his head, feeling like he has the mother of all headaches. "I-I don't know. Something interfered and attacked my mind."

"Are you ok?" Hyunjin asked.

"I think so." says Changbin. "Wooyoung, San. We have to go, now!"

Without another word, the 8 boys headed out to their cars to search for their friends. Changbin led the way as the others followed close behind.

When they arrived at the place where Changbin had sensed Wooyoung, they all got out of their cars and walked to the center of old parking lot. A parking lot all too familiar to Felix.

"This is, where Wooyoung and San stole my couples rings." Felix says, recalling that awful day. "Why would they come here?"

"What's that?" Seungmin says, as he points at the ground.

The group notice a glowing red rock, with a folded piece of paper underneath it.

Chan and Changbin carefully approach the rock.

"Be careful Channie hyun." says Jeongin.

Chan picks up the rock and the piece of paper. As he examines it, he can see a faint glowing aura around it.

"Let me see it." says Changbin. As soon as he touches the rock, flashes appear in his mind, showing past events. He holds his head, not from pain, but from the shock of what he just witnessed.

"Binnie!" Chan says as he holds his boyfriend. The others rush to their side.

"What happened?" Seungmin asked. "What did you see?"

"I saw, the others." Changbin says. "Wooyoung and San's friends. They did something, and they took them."

"What?" says Minho. "Where?"

"I don't know." says Changbin.

Chan decides to read what's on the piece of paper.

If you want to see Wooyoung and San again. Come to the place where it all began.


"Ateez?" says Jisung. "That's a weird superhero team name."

"Ji, now's not the time." says Hyunjin.

"The place where it all began?" says Felix. "What does that even mean?"

"I don't know." says Chan. "What I do know is now, we have to see Joel."

Everyone nods in agreement, as they all get back in their cars. Then, a familiar firey portal opens up in front of them, as they drive into it.

The boys steel themselves for what they're about to discover once they reach the other side. They all hold their boyfriend's hand, as they hope for nothing but the best possible outcome.

Little did they know, they would be in for the fight of their lives.

A/N Special chapter next. Stay tuned.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now