Chapter 79

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As the boys went to their bedrooms, Chan, Changbin, Minho and Jisung were able to go to sleep easily. However the others still had a lot on their minds.

Hyunjin and Felix

As the 2 of them were lying in bed, Felix was a bit restless, still thinking about the way things went down.

"You ok Lixie?" Hyunjin asks as he caresses his boyfriend's cheek.

"I guess so." says Felix. "My mind was still everywhere when it happened. I was so angry, I couldn't think straight."

"But you managed to save her in the end." Hyunjin says. "And you both saved Jungkook's life. Sure, the method wasn't the best, but he's alright because of the 2 of you."

"Thank you Jinnie." says Felix. "It's just like Jeongin said, how could a mother do that to her own son? Our mum never hit us or anything. She was just never in our lives, despite living under the same roof." A few tears fell from his eyes. "It's like she was never there to begin with. Sometimes me and Lino had to remind ourselves that she existed."

"Our mom loved us, but she was delusional to the point where she wouldn't leave our dad." Hyunjin said, remembering those awful times in their old home. "She kept saying that she loved him, that she could make him change, and that she would be there for him when he changed."

"But he never did." Hyunjin continued. "She then turned to drinking to cope with her pain of not having that fairy tale life she dreamed of. Until that day that we found her dead from alcohol intoxication."

"I remember you telling me that." said Felix. "Why does fate have to be cruel?"

"I don't know Lixie." says Hyunjin. "I don't have an answer for that. All I can say is that fate is a double-edge sword. Remember, it was fate that we all crossed paths. But ultimately our feelings towards each other brought us together."

"Jungkook seems very happy now." says Felix.

"He's safe and alive thanks to you and Jeongin." says Hyunjin. "You don't have to carry this burden alone Lix. I'll be here for you, always."

"I love you Jinnie." says Felix.

"I love you too Lixie." says Hyunjin. The 2 of them give each other a sweet goodnight kiss, and go to sleep.

Seungmin and Jeongin

The 2 of them had just finished showering and got changed into their pajamas, but Jeongin's mind was elsewhere.

"Are you ok Innie?" Seungmin asks.

"Yeah, I-I guess so." says Jeongin.

Seungmin kisses his boyfriend on the forehead, then takes him by the hand and leads him to bed.

As they lie down, Jeongin wraps his arm around Seungmin's chest, and in turn, he embraces Jeongin in a hug, while he plays with his hair.

A few tears form around Jeongin's eyes, but he wipes them away on Seungmin's shirt. "Minnie?" Jeongin says.

"Yes my little fox?" says Seungmin.

"Your mom, what was she like?" Jeongin asks.

Seungmin sighs as he reminisces about his mother. "She was kind, sweet, and beautiful." he says. "She was all I had after my dad died. Then she married Chan's dad, and she changed."

"How?" Jeongin asks.

"She became distant." says Seungmin. "She became intoxicated by the lavish lifestyle of having a rich husband that she didn't make time for me anymore." Some tears form in Seungmin's eyes. "If it weren't for Chan, I would've had nobody. Chan's dad never had any time for us either. And we all now know why."

Seeing the tears on Seungmin, Jeongin wipes them away, then pecks his boyfriend on the lips.

"And Lix and Minho's parents weren't there for them either." Seungmin continues. "So we all had to rely on each other. After Chan became my stepbrother, he was more my family than my mom at that point."

"Why are people like that?" says Jeongin. "Being a parent should be the best thing thing in the world. To love your child, and raise them well to prepare them for life in the world."

"I wish I knew Innie." says Seungmin. "But sometimes, family is more than just blood relation. It's someone you love and care about. Someone that you're willing to do anything for."

Seungmin holds Jeongin's chin and tilts it up slightly, so that they're looking at each other. "You're my family Innie, and I'm yours." he says. "And so are the others. Changbin took you in, and Hyunjin and Jisung practically became your brothers, after all that time you spent together. Even Wooyoung and San are a part of this family."

Seungmin places a soft, sweet kiss on Jeongin's lips. "We can't change how other people treat their kin, but we can help those in need." he says. "Both you and Felix saved Jungkook's life. Yes the method was extreme, but he's safe now. And even if his mother does wake up from her coma, she has to decide if this is the path she wants to follow. And I could tell Taehyung's parents really love Jungkook. So, you 2 helped him have a family that loves and takes care of him."

"You're right Minnie." says Jeongin. "Family is about love, not just blood. I did what I could do. Although I didn't mean to hurt his mother, I'm glad she survived."

"See, you're gonna be ok my little fox." says Seungmin. "Just remember to keep calm if you can. Like Joel said, there will be times when we'll have no choice but to use force. But it's best if we can avoid it as much as possible."

"Can we see Jungkook again tomorrow?" Jeongin asks.

"We'll see." says Seungmin. "Remember, there's a larger concern right now."

"Oh yeah." says Jeongin. "Wooyoung and San's friends." He's quiet for a moment. "I don't like where this is going."

"What do you mean?" Seungmin asks.

"I mean, the way they're behaving." says Jeongin. "Lurking from the shadows, not making their presence known until now, and only vaguely. What's their endgame?"

"I agree." says Seungmin. "Everything feels wrong. You don't think something happened to them when they got sucked into that portal, do you?"

"Anything is possible at this point." says Jeongin. "I just hope it's nothing. I would hate it if we had to end up fighting them. We need to find them. We have to reunite them with Wooyoung and San. So they can be a family again. So that we can all be a family."

"Seems like my little fox has grown bold." says Seungmin, with a smile.

"I just want to help them." says Jeongin. "I want to help people. That's why we have these powers, to help others, and each other. I want to protect them, protect you."

"We'll protect them." says Seungmin. "And each other, all of us will." Seungmin kisses Jeongin's lips once more. "I love you Innie."

"I love you too Minnie." says Jeongin. And they both fall asleep.

A/N Wooyoung and San's perspective next chapter. Also things are going to start happening so buckle up.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now