Chapter 7

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Hyunjin and Jisung went to their rooms and quickly packed all they could fit in their luggage from clothes to some personal items, anything they could use for the road ahead.

When Hyunjin finished packing, he decided to finally go thru the notebook he found in the garage. It turns out that it was their mother's journal. As Hyunjin flipped thru the pages he could tell she started writing in it when she was in her late teens. As she got older she wrote about how she met their father and how much they loved each other. Hyunjin kept flipping thru more pages finding nothing out of the ordinary, until he read an entry talking about her pregnancy with him.

I'm so happy! The pregnancy test came out positive! If I have boy, I'll name him Hyunjin, and if it's a girl, Yeiji. I'm so happy, and I hope my Hyun will be too!

Hyunjin read some more until he found an entry talking about her difficult time during the pregnancy.

The doctors say that my pregnancy is a high-risk one, but I want to give birth to my Hyunjin. My Hyun hasn't been the same since I told him I was pregnant. He kept telling me he wasn't happy that I put my dream on hold. Yes, I wanted to be a singer, I still do. But I also wanted a family, that was my biggest wish. Today we argued again, he told me I should just get rid of the baby. Our son! I'm too far in the pregnancy, and even if I wasn't, I would never sacrifice my Hyunjin! Every day I hope and pray that when my Hyun finally sees his son that he realizes what a wonderful thing it is to have a family.

Hyunjin started to notice that the pages were getting wet. He didn't even realize that it was his own tears falling on the pages. He quickly brushed them off between sniffles and continued reading. He had to find out everything he could, no matter how painful it can be.

I was finally able to be sent home after giving birth to Hyunjin. The pregnancy was the most difficult thing I had to endure. The labor was intense, Hyunjin hadn't turned and doctors fear that they might lose both of us. The doctor asked if I should save Hyunjin or myself. I obviously chose Hyunjin but my husband was furious. He wanted them to save me, but I refused. He got violent and had to be escorted out by security. The doctor delivered Hyunjin and everyone there worked to try and save me, and were successful, but at the cost of my womb. It devastated me that I could no longer bare life, but I still want another child. As soon as I'm able to, I'll start looking at orphanages.

Finally, everything was starting to make sense. That's why their father hated him, he never wanted him to be born! That's where all of his hatred came from. He blamed Hyunjin for his mother giving up on her dream. Blamed him for his mother almost dying during childbirth. Hyunjin found it sad and pathetic that his father would be this way. He was just a miserable old man. But why did he hate Jisung too? He needed to find out. As he read more it didn't take him long to find out.

I had another fight with my Hyun today he was quite angry with the fact that I had been able to adopt a baby without his knowledge or consent. He had been working almost non stop since Hyunjin was born, not to provide for him, but to not be around him. So I used his workaholism as an excuse to why he isn't with me when I went to choose a baby to adopt. That's where I saw him, my little squirrel. His name is Han Jisung. His parents died recently in a car crash. He'll make a great little brother for my Hyunjin. My husband however was not so happy. He hit me, telling me that I'm ruining his life by bringing in another mouth to feed. He doesn't mean that, he can't! He needs to see how beautiful it is to have a family. All I want is for all of us to happy!

At this point, Hyunjin saw that his mother was becoming delusional to the point that wanted a happy family at all costs and was hoping and praying that his dad would finally open his eyes and accept things the way they were. But he never did. The rest of the entries chronicled his mother's downwards spiral in alcoholism as a way to cope with the pain. He read that her family and friends told her that she should get a divorce and take him and Jisung with her, but she refused. She kept saying that she loved his father and she had to be there for him no matter what. That he would one day realize the joy of parenthood. Hyunjin had read enough as he closed the journal and cried his eyes out.

He heard the doorknob to his room turning and quickly hid his mother's journal under his pillow. Jisung walks in the room and sees his brother sitting on the bed crying.

"Oh Jinnie don't cry!" Jisung walks over to Hyunjin, gets on his knees and wraps his arms around his brother's waist. "It'll be alright brother, soon we'll leave and never look behind."

Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Jisung's neck and buried his face in his brother's hair. "Oh Ji, if only you knew the real reason I'm crying." Hyunjin thought to himself. After Jisung parted from the hug, he looked down at his brother, and played with his hair.

"You're right." said Hyunjin as Jisung wiped away his tears. "Let's get out of here." The brothers got their luggage and prepared to head out.

"Yes, let's go Jinnie." said Jisung.

Jisung carried the duffle bags while Hyunjin dragged along the suitcases. "God Ji," says Hyunjin "your suitcase weighs a ton! What did you pack anyways?"

"Well," says Jisung "clothes, my books, my video game consoles."

"Ji!" says Hyunjin "We're supposed to pack essentials!"

"Video games are essential Jinnie." says Jisung "Do you really want us to die of boredom?"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. He didn't want to argue right now. Now was definitely not the time or place. The 2 quickly hurried to the front door when, much to their shock, the door opened and they saw the last person they wanted to see.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now