Chapter 62

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When the boys arrived, Joel was already waiting for them.

"Seungmin got his powers!" Jisung said excitedly. "It was amazing!"

"I know." said Joel. "Remember, I can sense when it happens."

"You knew he would get his powers." Hyunjin said.

"I had a suspicion that Seungmin would be an exception." Joel said.

"An exception?" Jeongin asked. "An exception to what?"

"Getting his powers while under intense mental or emotional stress." Joel said. "His powers awoke by just having fun with friends while doing activities. Cases like Seungmin are rare, but they can occur."

Everyone was happy with Seungmin for finally getting his powers. "Does this mean we get to go home?" Seungmin asked.

"Very soon." said Joel. "We just need to do a little training, and you'll be on your way."

Everyone went inside as Jeongin and Seungmin's training was about to start.

Unsurprisingly, Jeongin had become better adapted at controlling his fire powers. He also discovered that not can he shoot flames from his hands, but also ignite anything within his line of sight.

"Pyrokinesis is a powerful ability." says Joel. "But just like a wildfire, it can consume everything in it's path. Never forget that."

Seungmin then tested his speed powers. Thankfully the training area can expand without limitation, so he could run anywhere without fear of running into a wall.

Joel could determine that at top speed, Seungmin could easily break the sound barrier. He truly was mastering his power well.

He also had Jeongin use his powers on Seungmin, who as expected, was completely unaffected by his soulmate's flames. There was no need for Seungmin to use his powers on Jeongin, since he already did when the others made him run into Jeongin to make him get his powers under control.

He also told Changbin about his telepathy. That he can communicate with as many people as he likes, as long as he concentrates on them. He also mentioned how useful it could be if they're ever in a tight spot.

With that, Joel was confident enough to bring the boys back home to Seoul. He gave all the boys a special watch, which also doubled as a teleporter. All they had to do was press the special button on it and they would be immediately teleported to home base. This could be used whenever and wherever the boys were. He even gave a pair to Wooyoung and San as well.

"Well," Chan said. "I guess this is..."

"This isn't goodbye." Joel said. "It's more of a 'see you around'. Remember, this is your home now too. If you ever feel overwhelmed, or just wanna let off some stream, you're all welcome back whenever you please."

"Thank you." Chan said. "For everything."

"It was my pleasure." said Joel. He shook all of the boys hands as then created a portal back to Seoul, which all the boys stepped thru after waving their goodbyes.

They emerged from the portal back in Seoul, on the outskirts of the construction site. Even their vehicles were all waiting for them as well. Chan, Changbin, Seungmin and Jeongin all got in Chan's car. Minho and Jisung in Minho's SUV. Hyunjin and Felix in Felix's car. And Wooyoung and San in Hyunjin's dad's car.

Once inside, they all noticed some changes were made to the interior of the vehicles. "What's all this?" Felix asked as he pressed a button on the dashboard.

"Look at all this neat stuff!" They heard Jisung say on the other side.

"Sungie?" said Felix.

"Lixie?" said Jisung. "So that's what that button does."

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now