Chapter 15

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Lee Mansion

It was late by the time Minho and Felix made it home. They both assumed their father was already asleep but were shocked to see that he was awake, almost waiting for their arrival. He was sitting in his armchair with an unreadable expression on his face.

"You boys are home late." Mr. Lee said

"Yeah sorry," Minho said, a bit nervous "we were hanging out with Chan and Seungmin. We must've lost track of time."

"I see." said Mr. Lee "Their father just called me saying his boys came home late as well."

"Is there a problem dad?" Felix said "I mean, it's just 10 o'clock."

"Well let's just say we don't like our only heirs staying out late all the time." Mr. Lee said "With no bodyguards at that."

"Dad-" Minho began, but was cut off by his father.

"What if something were to happen to you 2, especially Felix?" he said "Don't you boys take that into consideration?"

Minho and Felix really don't want to get into an argument with their father, so they decided to agree with him and cut it short. "Sorry dad." they both say.

As they headed towards their bedrooms, their father calls out. "Felix." he says.

Felix turns to look at his father. "Yes dad?"

"Come here." his father says. Felix nervously walks up to his dad not knowing what to expect. "Why aren't you wearing your foundation?"

"I uh," Felix says "I wiped it off." His father's gaze turned hard.

"Felix," he said in a stern voice "we've already talked about this. You need to cover up those ugly freckles."

"Their not ugly dad." Minho says, sticking up for Felix.

"Stay out this Minho!" their father shouts "This doesn't concern you."

Tears were already starting to form in Felix's eyes. "Felix," his father said "if you're going to find a suitable girlfriend, you have to be presentable."

"But dad-" Felix said, but was quickly interrupted by his father.

"But nothing Lee Felix!" his father said "You WILL cover up those freckles and that's final! Do I make myself clear?!"

"Yes dad," Felix said a never-ending stream of tears poured out of his eyes and ran down his cheeks "crystal clear. Excuse me." Felix bowed and went upstairs to his bedroom.

Minho was furious, their father had never had an outburst like that them, least of all Felix. He curled his fists into balls, anger boiling inside of him. Neither him nor his father noticed several objects around the room began to shake slightly.

"Is there anything you have to say Minho?" his father's words broke into his thoughts.

There was. So many emotions ran through his mind of the things he wanted to say and do to his father, but chose not to. "No dad." he said "Excuse me." Minho then walked upstairs.

He didn't go to his room, instead he decided to check on Felix. He opened the door to his room and was immediately greeted with the sounds of sniffing coming from Felix.

He was lying face down on his pillow with his hands underneath it. Minho sat down next to his brother. "Oh Lix." he said, stroking Felix's hair.

Felix looked up at Minho, then he sat up and threw his arms around his brother and cried more. "Lino!" he said with a broken voice.

Minho hugged Felix tightly, one hand stroking his hair, the other one rubbing his back. "It's ok Lix, please don't cry." he said. If there's nothing more that Lee Minho hates is when someone makes his brother cry. He remembered when they were children and the other kids would make fun of Felix's freckles. He never stood for that and put those kids in their place.

Their father was not happy with his oldest son starting fights with the children, even though clearly it was their fault. He then started telling Felix that he simply needs to cover up those "ugly" freckles.

But this time it was their own father bullying his own son! Minho was very angry, but his main focus is to be there for Felix and cheer him up. "It's ok Lix." he said "I'm here now."

"Lino," says Felix, still sniffling "why doesn't dad like my freckles?"

"I don't know Lix." Minho said "He doesn't understand that's it's just a part you. There's nothing wrong with your freckles." He took a deep breath, trying to think of something he can do to make Felix smile. Then it hits him.

"Hey Lix," he says "what if I sleep here tonight with you? You know, like when we were kids." Felix remembers those simple times when he was little and Minho would go comfort and protect him from the monsters under the bed or in his closet. He always had his brother by his side.

Felix smiled thru his tears. "I'd like that a lot Lino." Minho smiles, wiping away his brother's tears. He then kisses Felix's forehead.

"Ok Lix." Minho says "You go brush your teeth and take a shower, I'll go to my room and get my stuff."

"Ok Lino." says Felix, hugging Minho tightly again. He was so happy to have his brother by his side. But he also wished he could have Hyunjin by his side as well. He made Felix feel special. Minho did as well, but the bond he had with Hyunjin was special in a different way. Little did he know this bond he felt with the older would shape his whole future.

Minho went to his room and grabbed his toothbrush, pajamas and phone charger. He could take a shower in his room since both brothers have master bedrooms, but he wants to be with Felix in his time of need.

Minho returns to Felix's room and hears the shower running, he decides to lock the door behind him. Their father never enters their rooms, but tonight, after what happened with Felix, he didn't want to see him, just in case he does decide to enter. He decides to brush his teeth while Felix is showering. After Felix is done he takes a shower.

Afterwards the 2 brothers are in bed chatting, watching videos on YouTube and just overall spending quality time together. "So," Minho says "I confessed my love to Jisung. He feels the same way."

"That's amazing!" Felix says with a huge smile "Actually, the same with me and Hyunjin. He's such an incredible guy, and a really good kisser." Felix realizes he said that last part subconsciously. "Oh! I...uh" Felix starts getting red, covering his face with embarrassment.

Minho smiles, putting his hand on Felix's shoulder. "It's ok Lix." he says "Squirrel is a really good kisser too. I'm happy for you and Hyunjin. He really loves and cares about you."

"He makes me feel special." says Felix "He makes me feel, beautiful."

"You are special Lix," says Minho "and beautiful. I've been telling you this for years."

"You're my brother, you're supposed to make me feel better." says Felix.

"Lix," Minho was giving him one of those looks "even if you weren't, I would still say that. You're a ray of sunshine. You have such a huge and warm, and you bring happiness to everyone you come in contact with."

"Not everyone." Felix says, looking sad.

"I don't care what dad says. And mom's never around anyways." says Minho.

"He's never gonna accept us dating them Lino." Felix says, concerned "I don't wanna lose Hyunjin. And dad's wanting us to have girlfriends..."

"Lix," Minho interrupts "let's take things 1 day at time ok? It's not like dad's ever around as much anymore. He's almost becoming like mom in that sense. Always having these meetings with Chan's dad."

"I'm just scared Lino." Felix says "For both of us."

The brothers have no idea what their father is truly capable of.

"Hey, no matter what happens, we'll get through it together." Minho says, kissing Felix's forehead. "Let's go to sleep Lix."

The 2 plug their phones into their chargers and turn off the lights.

"Good night Lino."

"Good night Lix."

The 2 brothers cuddle up like they used to when they were kids and drift away into a peaceful sleep.

A/N special chapter coming next

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