Chapter 46

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After what felt like hours, they boys all started to wake up one by one. Hyunjin and Felix were the first ones to get up out of bed, still basking in their afterglow after an amazing night. Minho and Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin were as well in a similar situation. All of them naked, now waking up from the best sleep they've ever had.

Chan and Changbin however was a bit different. Though there was no sex because of the obvious emotional trauma of Chan discovering that his dad had killed his mom, they both woke up from a well-rested night. Changbin had Chan in his arms the entire night, holding him as close as possible. Changbin had been the first of them to wake up first, before Chan followed soon after.

"Good morning Channie." Changbin said. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did." said Chan as yawned. "Thanks to you Binnie."

Changbin kisses Chan's forehead. "I told you, I'll always be here for you Channie." he says. That previous night had only strengthen their bond even more. For all the boys as a matter of fact.

Soon after, they all heard an announcement telling them all to freshen up and meet up in the dining hall. And that everything would be explained to them after they ate.

All of the couples decided to take a shower, together to save time 😉 😉. After they were done showering and getting dressed, they all stepped in the teleport pods and were transported to the dining area which to their surprise, would constantly change depending on how many people are eating. Tables and chairs and chairs would move on their own accord, and the walls even moved to divide the giant room as required.

"When did we step into Hogwarts?" Jisung says in awe. Everyone else can't help but laugh at the statement. Even Chan who's still tying to process all the new information he'd previously learned, cracks a small grin.

"I don't know if Hogwarts is even the right way to describe this place, squirrel." says Minho.

The boys make their way to an area where Joel is waiting for them. A long dining table with 5 chairs on each side with 1 at the end where Joel is standing on. "Welcome." Joel greets them. "Please, sit wherever you like."

After some deliberating, they decided on where to sit. Hyunjin, Felix, Minho, Jisung and Wooyoung on one end. While Changbin, Chan, Seungmin, Jeongin and San on the other.

"I know you all have questions about everything that's happened, including your powers and your family secrets," says Joel. "But first let's eat. I'm sure you're all very hungry."

"Ain't that the truth." says Jisung. With that, food was brought to the table by servants. It was all kinds from Asian to American. There more than enough for all them to enjoy. They mostly all ate in silence, enjoying their delicious meal.

Once they were done eating and the plates were cleared, Joel would finally explain everything to the boys.

"Well," says Joel. "You all already know me, but for Wooyoung and San, I'm Joel." Both boys bow respectfully. "Now that that's out of the way, I'm basically, a super human." All the boys look quite stunned at the revelation, but not that surprised considering what they witnessed earlier.

"So, you're human?" Hyunjin asks.

"For all intents and purposes, yes." says Joel. "I had to earn my powers, but others get their powers in other ways as well."

"Wait," Minho says. "You mean there's more people out there with powers? Not just you, and us?"

"Definitely." says Joel. "And if not in this world, then certainly in others."

"Other worlds?" Changbin asks. "You talking the multiverse?"

"More or less." says Joel. "But Earth and the rest of the solar system aren't the only worlds in existence. There are countless others in other realms and dimensions. As far as a multiverse goes, that's also not impossible."

"This is a lot to take in." Hyunjin says. He's clearly getting flustered with all this information. Felix sees this and holds his hand, calming him down.

"But that's s story for another time." says Joel. "Right now let's focus on the 8 of you."

"So I guess there's no need for us to be here then?" Wooyoung says, pointing at himself at San.

"Sadly this doesn't involve you 2." Joel says. "You can go back to your room if you like. Or you're free to explore around. This place is your home now too."

With that, Wooyoung and San excuse themselves as they make their way to the teleport pods to an unknown destination.

"So, I've been keeping an eye on you guys for a while now." says Joel. "I have an ability that senses when a new power awakens. That's how I found you guys."

"Wait." Hyunjin says, remembering something. "Was that you, who saved our lives?"

Joel nods. "Yes, it was me. I saved your lives. And, I killed your father as well. I'm sorry about that, but I had no choice."

"I knew it." said Jisung. "I knew there was something familiar about you that day that we met."

"You saved our lives." says Hyunjin. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." says Joel. "I wish I could've been there for you the second time though." He opens his hand, which causes flames to appear on his palm. The flames then take the form of a bird. "I had to acquire this."
All the boys widen their eyes in amazement.

"Is that, how you saved Hyunjin?" Felix asks.

"Yes." says Joel. "And Wooyoung. Behold the Flames of Resurrection."

"You said you had to acquire this power." says Changbin. "It's not a part of you?"

"Unfortunately no." says Joel. "I do have a similar power, re-animation."

"The difference being?" Chan asks.

"I can reanimate the body, but not the soul." Joel says. "If I would've used this on Hyunjin and Wooyoung, they would've been nothing but empty husks, roaming the world without a soul."

"You mean like zombies?" Jisung asks.

"Pretty much." says Joel. "Except without the craving for human flesh."

"Technically, zombies crave human brains." says Jisung.

Joel smirks. "That's neither here nor there, but you know what I mean." he says.

"So you knew I was gonna die?" Hyunjin asked, he doesn't feel nervous or uneasy anymore thanks to Felix holding his hand.

"I had a feeling about it." said Joel. "There are other forces at work here as well. Forces that want you dead. All of you."

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now