Chapter 78

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The drive back home was quiet for the most part. Hyunjin and Felix at front of the car, while Seungmin and Jeongin were in the back.

Seungmin held his boyfriend's hand the entire time, calming him down. Jeongin was taking this pretty hard. Not since his powers had awakened, had he burned someone as severely as he had Jungkook's mother.

He didn't mean it. He was just consumed but so much anger and pain, that someone would hurt their own flesh and blood like that.

"Innie, are you ok?" Felix asked. He was greatly concerned about his well-being too.

"I'm better, Lix." said Jeongin. "Thanks to Minnie." He looks at his boyfriend, thankful that he's by his side. He didn't want to think what could've happened if Seungmin didn't get there when he did. Jungkook's mom would've probably been dead, and that would've been too much for him to handle.

"I told Changbin about what happened." Hyunjin said. "They said they wanna to you 2 about what happened."

"What?" said Jeongin. "When?"

"Back at Taehyung's place." said Hyunjin. Jeongin didn't recall seeing Hyunjin on his phone. But then it hit him, he must've communicated with Changbin with his thoughts. "Don't worry, they're not mad at you. They wanna hear your side of things."

Even so, Jeongin was really nervous about what Chan and Changbin were gonna do or say to him.

When they finally arrived home, Felix and Jeongin were nervous about what would unfold, mostly Jeongin.

When they made it to the living room, Minho, Jisung, Wooyoung and San were lounging around. But Chan and Changbin were standing up, arms folded. This caused the 2 younger's to gulp in fear.

"We need to talk." says Chan. "Just so you know, we're not mad at you."

"That's right." says Changbin. "We just wanna know what happened."

The young ones sigh in relief, as they explain what happened.

"We were waiting for Jinnie and Minnie to get back from the restroom, when we heard a commotion." Felix says, recalling the incident.

"Then we saw a young man run out of his house in fear." says Jeongin. "Then we saw his mother chase after him and attack him with liquor bottles!"

Jeongin clearly begins panicking as he starts to shake, prompting Seungmin to rush to his side and hold his hand, calming him down. His breathing returns to normal and he stops shaking.

"I pushed her back inside the the house with my powers." said Felix. "I know I could've just locked the door, but we were so in shock by what we saw, we couldn't think straight."

Chan and Changbin observe the 2, taking in all they're saying.

"Then she came back outside and was ready to attack us." Felix continues. "As soon as she lifted the bottle to throw at us, I shattered it. I had no idea it was full, and she got alcohol all over herself."

"And I saw the condition that poor boy was in, and he even begged for help." said Jeongin. "I couldn't take it, so I burned her."

Hyunjin and Seungmin felt a bit responsible for not being there, and preventing the situation from escalating as far as it did.

"I'm sorry!" Jeongin says. "I didn't mean to! I was could she have done that to her own flesh and blood?"

Seungmin puts his arm around Jeongin, rubbing circles on his boyfriend's back.

"And I used a fire hydrant to douse her off." Felix said. "That's how she survived."

Chan and Changbin approach Jeongin. Chan puts his hand on Jeongin's shoulder "Thank you for telling us." he says. "From now on, we need to not let our emotions get in the way and cloud our judgment."

"That's right." says Changbin. "We know that we can't prepare for every situation, plus, we can't guarantee that our soulmate is gonna be there with us at all times."

"We have to keep our powers under control." Chan says. He looks over to Minho a Jisung. "All of us."

Everyone nods in agreement.

"So, does this mean we're not in trouble?" Jeongin asks.

"No, you're not in trouble." Chan says, causing the 2 younger's to sigh in relief. "You acknowledged what you did, and you feel awful for it. That means you're human. That means you care."

"That's right." says Changbin. "If you didn't care or show any signs of remorse, that would be a cause for concern."

"Just be careful next time." says Chan. "I'm aware it was a spur of the moment, and both of you were driven by emotions, but you have to keep these powers under control."

Minho and Jisung look at each other, as they recall the incident between them and Ji Woo. Minho was very thankful that Jisung was with him. Otherwise, he would've shattered her hand, and possibly her arm too. They do need to keep their powers and emotions under control.

"Thank you." Both Felix and Jeongin say in unison.

"So, this young man, what's his name?" Chan asks.

"Jungkook." says Felix. "Jeon Jungkook."

"Did he see what you guys did?" Changbin asked.

"I-I don't think so." says Jeongin. "He was so out of it, and in such pain. He almost lost consciousness on our way to the hospital."

"Where is he now?" Chan asks.

"At his boyfriend's parents house." says Hyunjin. "His name is Kim Taehyung."

"We should pay him a visit." says Chan. "Just to check up on him. Is there anything else we should know?"

"Now that you mention it, yes." says Seungmin.

"What is it?" says Chan.

"When we were going to take Jungkook to the car, I was gonna use my speed to take him there, and Lix wanted to use his powers to levitate us there." says Seungmin.

"Ok?" Changbin says. "So, what happened?"

"I think our powers combined." Felix said. "We practically flew to car faster than we could think."

"Should we talk to Joel about this?" Changbin asks Chan.

"Definitely." Chan says. "He did mention our powers grow stronger the more we use them. Maybe even our powers combining is a sign we're growing stronger. Which means we have to be extra cautious in the future."

"I don't know if this is the right time to bring this up, but since we're all here." Minho says. "We saw Wooyoung and San's friends on t.v."

"What?" says Chan.

"There was a news report earlier today." says Jisung. "It was about the incidents that happened on Seungmin's birthday, with our unwanted guests."

"And they were just in the background, staring at the camera." says Minho. "It's almost like they wanted to be seen."

"This makes no sense." says San. "What's going on with them? They could've easily approached us on that day, but they didn't. Why?"

"I don't like the sound of this." says Changbin. "Joel told me that Cindy was able to get to get them, and take out their drug lord bosses in the process. But when she was going to approach them, they were sucked into a portal."

"Maybe something happened to them?" Chan suggests.

"Maybe." says Changbin. "But we won't know for sure until we encounter them."

"Look, it's been a long day." says Chan. "Why don't we all head to our rooms and call it a night? We'll discuss what to do tomorrow."

All the boys nod and prepare to go to their rooms.

"Wooyoung, San." says Chan as he approaches them. "We'll find your friends, I promise."

"Thank you." They both say in unison, as they bow.

And with that, all the boys go to their rooms.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now