Chapter 54

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Wooyoung and San's room

"I can't believe it." said Wooyoung. "You actually found them?"

"Yeah we did." said Joel. "They were working with other drug lords in Seoul."

"What?!" said San. "How did we not know? We never saw them or even heard that they worked for drug lords."

"From what Cindy told me, they were bodyguards who worked in the shadows, away from view." says Joel.

"What, like snipers?" Wooyoung asked.

"Yes." said Joel. "They were all personal bodyguards, just different from what you guys did. But more importantly, they disappeared."

"What?!" Wooyoung and San say at once.

"Cindy had gathered all the drug lords and their bodyguards in one place." said Joel. "The abandoned construction site. As she was disposing everyone else, she let your friends survive so that they could all come together, and then she would bring them here. But something, unexpected happened."

"What happened?" Wooyoung asked.

"A portal appeared out of nowhere and sucked them in." said Joel. "I felt the energy left behind, and it's the same as the Moirae Sisters."

"The Moirae Sisters?" San asked. "Who are they?"

"They control fate, and the literal Threads of Life." says Joel. "They've been trying to get the others killed for a while now."

"What?!" says Wooyoung. "Why? What did they do to them?"

"They exist." says Joel. "And the Sisters fear their powers as well. They possess great power within them. Power that can even topple gods."

"And you're saying Hongjoong and the others are with these Sisters?" San asks.

"I'm afraid so." says Joel.

"What could they possibly want with our friends?" Wooyoung asks. "This makes no sense."

"I don't know." says Joel. "But believe me, I'll help them, I promise."

"Thank you." says Wooyoung. "You've done so much for us, I don't know how to repay you."

"You don't have to do anything." says Joel. "Just be there for one another. After all, you're all a family now."

The next few days were spent dedicated to Joel teaching the boys to control their powers. They even told him of their superhero group name, Stray Kids, to which Joel found amusing.

Hyunjin and Felix were the first Joel would train, with the others looking on from the sidelines. The training room would change its environment depending on the situation needed.

For Hyunjin's training, it mainly consisted of different things including cars, giant boulders, brick walls, various oversized vehicles, among other things of that nature. This was to test Hyunjin's superhuman strength. He effortlessly punched thru walls, lifted up and threw boulders and vehicles like they were nothing, all without even breaking a sweat.

The tests also brought bigger, more sturdier objects made of stronger materials such as titanium, even a wall composed of pure diamonds. Other objects even considered other worldly as well. Joel did this on the off chance that they would ever come across threats not from this world.

Hyunjin made quick work of every obstacle in his path. Being able to not only bend titanium, but also punch a hole thru it. Even the wall of diamonds shattered on impact.

"Whoa." Jisung said in amazement. "Did you see Jinnie go? He's amazing!"

"He's really strong, squirrel." Minho says. "I wouldn't want to caught in alley alone with him." he joked around as he waited Felix's turn.

As Hyunjin finished his training, he examined his fists, seeing they were in pristine condition. "Where all those other things really necessary?" he asks. "I mean, a wall made of pure diamonds? Isn't a bit much?"

"I just want you guys to be prepared for anything." says Joel.

"What do you expect us to fight?" Hyunjin asks.

"You never know Hyunjin." says Joel. "I just wanna make sure we cover all the bases. Ok Felix, you're up next."

As Hyunjin walked away and Felix came in his place, Hyunjin held to Felix's hand and made circles on the top of his hand with his thumb. "Be careful my angel." he says.

Felix smiled. "I will my prince." he said.

Felix's training was focused of his telekinetic powers. This included not only being able to lift objects with his mind, but also to throw them around, even being able to crush them, all with a mere thought. A lot of the objects he interacted with were similar to the ones Hyunjin trained with.

His results were just as impressive as Hyunjin's. Being able to not only lift objects that weighed tons, but also being able to shatter them into pieces. He was even able to lift up his own body with mind, almost as if he were flying.

"Impressive." said Joel. "Now try lifting up Hyunjin."

Felix nodded while he concentrated on Hyunjin, and before he knew it, Hyunjin was in the air with him.

"Whoa!" Hyunjin said, clearly nervous. "Lix, don't drop me!"

"I won't drop you Jinnie." Felix assured Hyunjin. He reached his hand out to Hyunjin, which he was quick to grab. "See, I have you Hyunnie. I'm not gonna drop you."

Felix then gave a mischievous look to the others.

"Is he thinking what I think he's thinking?" Minho asks.

"Oh he definitely is." says Changbin.

"What?" says Chan, only for it to hit him in the face. "N-now Lix, hold on." But before Chan could argue, he felt his body lift up off the ground. "Lix!"

Suddenly all the boys were up in the air, some enjoying it, others, not so much. Felix and Jisung were having the time of their lives. All of the others were a bit nervous, but gradually calmed down, knowing that everything was alright. Everyone that is, except for Chan.

"O-ok Lix." Chan said. "You had your fun. You can put me down now, please."

"Channie?" Felix said. "Are you afraid of heights?"

Chan wanted to deny it with every fiber of his being, but decided to come clean. "Yes." he said. "I'm afraid! Now please put me down."

With that, Felix not only lowered Chan down, but everyone else too.

"Awww, it was getting good too." Jisung whined.

"I'm sure they'll be plenty of time later." Minho said as he kissed Jisung's cheek.

"Ok." says Joel. "Now comes something a bit more, different."

"What do you mean by, different?" Hyunjin asks.

"Hyunjin, you need to trust me on this." says Joel. "I'm gonna need you to punch Felix."

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now