Chapter 71

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Afterwards, the boys escorted Changbin's parents to Hyunjin and Jisung's old house.

They had no more trouble back at the homeless shelter. The commotion drew the attention of more transients in the area, but Jisung and Jeongin put an end to that quickly, with Jisung covering his body in electricity and Jeongin covering his body in flames, causing everyone to flee the area.

Changbin managed to get his parents to trust him and his friends, and that he would explain everything when they were somewhere safe.

Back at the Hwang residence, Seungmin, Jeongin, Wooyoung and San were help with organizing the house to help accommodate Changbin's parents.

Hyunjin, Felix went to the supermarket to buy food, while Minho and Jisung went to buy new clothes for Changbin's parents.

Meanwhile, Changbin along with Chan, were talking to his parents in the living room, explaining everything that led up to this point. They did leave out a few things for the sake of Changbin's parents, like the fact that the one who trained them also killed several people in his quest to find them. They didn't want to worry his parents too much.

"And that's pretty much it." Changbin said after explaining his story.

"This, is a lot to take in." Mr. Seo said.

"I know, and I'm sorry mom and dad." said Changbin. "I was gonna tell you eventually, but things just happened."

"Son," his dad said. "I hope you're not going out of your way to put yourself in dangerous situations."

"Of course not dad." Changbin said. He wasn't lying. It just seems that lately, danger seems to find them. "We just want to live as normal lives as possible."

"It's true Mr. and Mrs. Seo." Chan says. "Your son and I just want as normal of a life as possible. We all do." Chan was secretly glad that Jisung wasn't there, because his opinion is completely different. He didn't think Changbin's parents could handle the idea of them being superheroes.

Mrs. Seo noticed Jeongin cleaning around the house. "Jeongin, isn't it?" she said.

"Yes ma'am?" Jeongin said.

"Our son tells us that he took you in to live with him." says Mrs. Seo.

"Yes ma'am." says Jeongin. "I was living on the streets after I escaped from the orphanage I was in. I ran into your son, and he took me in." He looks at Changbin with a smile. "I owe him so much."

"We raised a good boy." Mr. Seo said with a smile. "It's a shame we couldn't do a better job taking care of you son."

"No dad." said Changbin. "It's not your fault. I know your financial situation wasn't good and you didn't have a choice but to send me to live with your parents. But I never forgot what you both taught me."

"He's a good man." Chan says. "He also helped out Hyunjin and Jisung a lot when they were going through their problems. He has a very big heart. He's always there for others.

Changbin blushed from all the praise coming from his boyfriend. "I was always taught that family is the most important thing. Even those you consider family."

"We taught you well son." his father said.

"And now I want to take of you." said Changbin. "I'm gonna make an appointment to take you to see a doctor. To think you both were living in those conditions, breaks my heart."

"Thank you Changbin." his mother said. "We don't know how to repay you for helping us."

"You don't have to do anything mom." said Changbin. "We'll take care of everything."

At that moment, the rest of the boys arrived with all the stuff they bought for Changbin's parents. Half of the boys stocked the fridge and pantry, while the other half took the clothes to the room that belonged to Hyunjin's and Jisung's parents.

Changbin and Chan continued to talk to his parents while the others finished up around the house. When they were done, they took their leave.

"Are you joining us Bin." Hyunjin asked.

"We'll meet up later." Changbin said. "Me and Channie are gonna keep my folks company for a bit longer."

"Don't take too long." Jisung said. "We're having a video game tournament at the house. I'm gonna win this!"

"Don't count your chicks before they've hatched." said Felix.

"Oh it's on now!" Jisung said as they headed outside.

"Our boyfriends are such children." Minho tells Hyunjin with a smile.

"Yes they are." Hyunjin replies as he turns to face Changbin. "We'll see you back at the house Bin. It was nice meeting you Mr. and Mrs. Seo."

"Likewise." said Mr. Seo as the last of the boys left.

Changbin and Chan stayed for a few more hours, as Changbin caught up in his parents lives, and promised them he would do everything in his power to help them live comfortably from now on.

When they finished, they prepared to leave. "Take good care of our son Chan." Mr. Seo said.

"Of course sir." said Chan. "Changbin means the world to me."

"There's no need to be so formal." said Mr. Seo. "Call me, dad."

Chan smiled as tears welled up in his eyes. "Ok, dad." They all had a group hug and headed out.

As they were driving home, Changbin and Chan were discussing about not telling Changbin's parents everything.

"I feel bad lying to your parents Binnie." said Chan.

"We're not technically lying Channie." said Changbin. "We're just not telling them the whole story. I don't wanna worry them anymore."

"Yeah, I suppose telling them that gods want us dead would be too much for them to handle." said Chan.

"Exactly." said Changbin. "But I'm really happy they accepted you into the family."

"Me too." says Chan. "Maybe this time I'll finally have the family I always wanted. And Seungmin's my stepbrother, so he's your family too now."

"We're all a family Channie." said Changbin. "Family is more than just blood relation. It's the love we share with each other as either friends, brothers or lovers, and nothing is going to change that."

"I love you Binnie." Chan said through his tears of happiness.

"I love you too Channie." Changbin said as he kisses his boyfriend's cheek. The rest of drive home was filled with laughter and casual conversations as they anticipate a rather interesting gaming night back home.

A/N Special chapter coming next, this time from a completely new POV. Who will it be? Find out next chapter!

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now