Chapter 5

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Chan and Seungmin were already at a fancy Korean restaurant waiting for Minho and Felix to arrive.  "You know Minnie," said Chan "Felix's birthday is coming up soon."

"Yeah that's right." said Seungmin "I wonder what we'll be doing this year."

"Probably the same thing we do every year." says Chan. The 4 boys tend to celebrate each other's birthdays at either their mansion or the Lee mansion. It's a quiet get-together between them since their dad's are always busy and they don't like being around their high class "friends" either since they only talk about money and other petty things.

"It would be nice if we could do something different this year." said Seungmin.

"Yeah." said Chan. Before their conversation could get any further, they here a familiar voice call their names.

"Hi Channie! Hi Minnie!" says Felix walking towards them with Minho right behind him.

"Hey guys!" says Chan "We were just talking about you." Felix sits next to Chan while Minho sits next to Seungmin.

"Oh?" says Felix "What about?"

"Your birthday." says Chan "By the way, you 2 seem livelier than usual." Both Chan and Seungmin noticed the brothers had an extra spring to their step as they walked in. "What's got you 2 so happy?"

Both Minho and Felix look at each other, grinning, wondering if they should say. "Well," Felix started "we kind of saw these 2 guys while we were making our way here."

"Really now?" Seungmin asked smirking "Do tell."

"When you say saw," Chan asks "do you mean you met them or you just saw them passing by?"

"We were at a red light." says Minho "While we were waiting, we happened to look where they were standing." Minho's smile gets wider as he remembers the squirrel boy's shyness. It only made him look cuter.

"Interesting." Seungmin says strocking his chin "And what are they like?"

"I saw the tall one." says Felix "He has long black hair, and he's really handsome. He looks like he could be a model." Felix just couldn't get over how good looking the tall boy was. He wished he could've taken in the view longer.

"The other one was shorter." says Minho "He looks like a squirrel. He's really, really cute. And shy."

"Good morning." says the waitress "I'll be taking care of you today. What can I get you boys today?" Everyone placed their order and continued their conversation after she left.

"It seems you 2 really liked what you saw." says Chan. He's know the Lee brothers were gay for years. Even Seungmin is bi. That's a secret they've kept all this time since they knew their dad's wouldn't be happy if they found out their sons like boys.

"Did we ever." says Felix. His smile as bright as the sun. "I waved at the taller one."

"Really?" said Chan.

"Yeah." says Felix "He waved back, but he seemed really nervous, almost awkward."

"Can you blame him?" says Seungmin "He probably didn't know what to do if a random guy started waving at him."

"They probably don't know even know who we are." says Minho

"What?!" says Seungmin, putting his hand to his heart pretending to be shocked "Someone doesn't know who the Lee brothers are?! Unbelievable?!"

"Minnie!" Minho says nudging Seungmin lightly with his elbow. Seungmin laughs it off.

Being the sons of Mr. Lee means Minho and Felix are always on the spotlight, and they're not very fond of it. Whenever they go out they always wear a hat and sunglasses. And on extreme occurrences, masks.

They just don't want all that attention. Especially from people who are only interested in them for their money. So it's actually refreshing knowing those 2 boys probably don't even know who they are. It might make talking to them easier if they're ever lucky to run into them again.

"But anyways," Chan says "about your birthday Lix, Minnie and I were thinking about maybe doing something different this year."

"Funny you say that Chan." says Minho "I was just telling Lix this morning that we should switch things up."

"What did you have in mind?" Seungmin asks.

"Going out to eat all day." says Felix "Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, anything. It'll be great!"

"That sounds like fun!" Chan says "I can't wait. Did you have any places in mind?"

"Um," says Felix "I'm not sure yet. We'll get up early and see where the day takes us!"

"Sounds like a plan!" says Seungmin. The waitress arrives with their food. As the boys are eating and the conversation shifts to other topics, Felix can't help but wonder and hope that he'll see that tall handsome boy again, and that he'll join him on his birthday celebration. Only then will he feel that It'll be perfect.

Minho also has similar thoughts about seeing that cute squirrel boy again.

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