Chapter 33

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"Minho's calling." says Chan. He puts him on speaker. "Hey Min, what's up?"

"Chan, where are you guys?" Minho says. Something in Minho's voice makes Chan concerned.

"Min what is it?" says Chan. "What's wrong? You sound nervous."

"Chan we need you to come over as fast as possible." Minho says. "We're over at Changbin's."

"That's exactly where we're headed." says Chan. "We'll be there as soon as we can."

"Alright, we'll see you when you get here." Minho says. "Bye."

"Bye." says Chan. He turns to look at Seungmin. "I don't like this, I'm getting worried."

"Me too." said Seungmin. "The tone in Minho's voice worries me. I hope everything is ok."

"Me too." says Chan, as he focuses on the road. It isn't long before they make to Changbin's. Jeongin let's them in, and they see everyone standing around the bed and notice 2 open briefcases filled with money. "What is all this?"

"Money that my dad got from your dad." says Hyunjin. "Here, read this." He hands Chan the letter that his father wrote to Hyunjin's.

Both Chan and Seungmin read the letter. They're in shock by what they read. "This doesn't sound like dad at all." says Chan. "Compensation? This doesn't make any sense. I knew he was business partners with your dad, but he never mentioned anything about helping the homeless. In fact, he despises them. Basically anyone that isn't upper class."

"And our dad is the same way." Minho adds. Felix hums in agreement.

"But this, this is a lot of money." says Chan. "I knew dad has been acting weird lately. Does it have something to do with this?"

"I don't know." says Seungmin. "Did you find anything else at your dad's place Hyunjin?"

"No." Hyunjin says, running his fingers through his hair. "We didn't search more after we found the money."

Suddenly, Felix gets a text from his father, asking him to meet him at Mr. Bang's mansion, alone.

"Dad texted you Lix?" Minho says, confused. "He's never been one for that."

"Yeah." said Felix. "He wants me to meet at him at Channie's dad's place, alone."

"Alone?" Minho asks confused. "Why?"

"I don't know Lino, but I think I should go." says Felix. "I don't want to make him angry."

"Lix," Chan says. "Before you go, I think there's something you and Minho need to know." Minho and Felix give Chan their full attention. "Wooyoung and San, they're, a thing."

The Lee brothers eyes widened. "Are you saying that they're dating?" Minho asks. Chan nods. "For how long?"

"About 6 years." says Seungmin."

"6 years.?!" says Minho. "All this time this was going on? If dad finds out he's gonna lose it."

"He doesn't have to know." says Chan. "Neither does my dad. I already told them that their secret is safe."

"I'm sorry," says Hyunjin. "But who are Wooyoung and San?"

"Oh, right." says Felix. "Wooyoung is dad's personal bodyguard."

"And San is my dad's personal bodyguard." Chan says.

"The personal bodyguards of 2 families fall in love with each other." says Jisung. "Can anyone else smell the drama?" Everyone in the room chuckles.

"I'd better get going." says Felix. "I don't wanna keep dad waiting." He starts to head out but Hyunjin grabs his hand. Felix turns to look at him.

"Are you gonna be ok by yourself Lix?" Hyunjin says, the concerned look in his eyes evident.

"I'll be ok Hyunnie." Felix says as he pecks Hyunjin's cheek. "Don't worry about me."

"How can I not worry about you Lix?" says Hyunjin. "You're my boyfriend, of course I'm gonna worry about you. And seeing the things you've said about your dad, I'm only expecting the worst."

"I'll be alright Hyunnie." says Felix. He's about to turn around to head out but Hyunjin grabs his chin and turns to face him and is greeted by their lips pressing against each other in a sweet kiss.

"I love you angel." says Hyunjin when the part their kiss.

"I love you too my prince." says Felix. He finally heads out and begins making his way to Bang Mansion.

"So have we figured out what we're gonna do about this situation?" Changbin asks. "The letter says helping the homeless, which I have to admit, I haven't seen any homeless people around this area for a while."

The area wete Changbin lives isn't the best one in town. At one time it was almost a watering hole for the homeless. Now there's hardly a soul.

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen many homeless people either." says Hyunjin. "But this doesn't make any sense. Why would your dads want to help the homeless when you said they can't stand them?"

"I don't know." says Chan. "Why don't we go back to your dad's house? Maybe we can find something else that will help us figure this out."

"Alright." says Hyunjin. "You guys go ahead, I'm gonna put this money away." All the boys went ahead as Hyunjin closed the briefcases and slid them under the bed. He took a deep breath before heading out. "Felix, I hope this mess will be over soon. I love you." He wishes Felix could hear his voice, but it's only wishful thinking.

He heads out towards his dad's car when he's suddenly approached by around 5 men in black suits. "Hwang Hyunjin?" One of the men said.

"Who's asking?" said Hyunjin.

"Come with us." The same said. "Mr. Lee would like a word with you?" Hyunjin's eyes widened. Why would Felix's dad want to see him? And how does he know about Hyunjin?

"Sorry," says Hyunjin. "But my mom told me never to go anywhere with strangers."

Suddenly from behind, someone threw a sack over Hyunjin's head. Before he could realize what was happening, he was quickly tackled to the ground and bound by the wrist and ankles. He tried to call for help but it was no use. The men quickly took him into their van and drove off.

A/N Now things are gonna get intense. You don't wanna miss these next chapters. Also wow, over 9K reads?! Thank you all so much for your continued support for this story, it means a lot. See you next chapter.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now