Chapter 61

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It finally happened, Seungmin got his superpower, super speed. But he couldn't stop himself. He was both exhilarated and scared at the same time. What if he couldn't stop? What if he kept running forever? He needed to find a way to stop himself.

The others, who got left behind in the dust, had to think of something, fast. "Everyone, hold on!" Felix said.

"Hold on?" Changbin asked. "Hold on to...WHOA!" Before he could finish asking his question, Changbin felt himself being lifted off the ground by an invisible force.

Felix had lifted the entire group up with his mind, and started to head towards Seungmin's direction.

"Well Bin," said Hyunjin. "You can't say he didn't warn you ahead of time." Hyunjin was holding on to Felix's hand as the flew through the sky, trying to keep track of their friend.

All the other couples were holding hands as well. They knew Felix wouldn't drop them, but they somehow felt safer holding hands.

"I got you Binnie." Chan said when he took Changbin's hand. "You don't have to be afraid."

"Who says I'm afraid?" Changbin said. "I was just, taken off guard."

"Sure you were Binnie." Jisung chuckled.

"Hey!" Changbin said. "Can we please stop talking about me and let's find a way to help Seungmin."

"Binnie's right." said Chan. "We have to help Seungmin."

The group was making their way towards Seungmin from the sky, but he had a massive head start. In fact, the more ground they covered, the more they realized just how massive this world is. They didn't even have time to appreciate the scenery. All they could focus on was their friend.

"Binnie," said Chan. "You can read minds, but can you also communicate telepathically?"

"I don't know." said Changbin. "I never tried. I don't wanna go inside someone's head. It scares me if I'm being honest. I'm scared of what I'll find."

"It's ok Binnie." Chan assured. "Don't be afraid. Just try talking to Seungmin."

After a little hesitation, Changbin agrees. "Ok." he says. He starts to concentrate. "Seungmin, can you hear me?"

Seungmin hears Changbin's voice in his head. "Changbin?" he says. "Yes I can hear you." But when he gets no response, he realizes that he can't speak with his mouth, but with his mind. "Yes Changbin. I can hear you."

"Seungmin," says Changbin. "Can you slow down?"

"I've tried." said Seungmin. "But I can't. I don't know how to stop. My legs won't let me."

"He says he can't stop himself." says Changbin. "What do we do?"

"I have an idea." says Felix. "Why don't we use Innie to stop him?"

"It makes sense." says Chan. "Jeongin is Seungmin's soulmate, so his power should subside when they're in close contact with each other. What do you say Jeongin?"

"I'm willing to do anything for Seungmin." Jeongin says.

"Alright." says Chan. "Lix, bring us down. Binnie, tell Seungmin to turn around and run into Jeongin."

Changbin does as he's told, and after a little convincing, gets Seungmin to turn around and run into the group. More specifically, into Jeongin.

Felix flies up and spots Seungmin heading their way. "Here he comes!" he says.

"Alright Jeongin," says Chan. "Are you ready?"

Jeongin nods as he steps in front of the group, his arms outstretched as if to give Seungmin a big hug when he comes thru.

"He's almost here." says Felix.

From a distance, they can all see Seungmin approaching them. They all wait in nervous anticipation as Seungmin gets closer and closer.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Changbin asks.

"I'm positive." says Chan.

As Seungmin gets closer, he and Jeongin, almost sensing each other, both say in unison, "I trust you."

Before he realizes it, he's almost towards the group, when he suddenly slows as soon as he's within Jeongin's reach, coming to a complete stop as soon as he's in Jeongin's embrace.

"It's ok Minnie." says Jeongin. "I have you. You're safe now."

The whole group sighs in relief as the 2 of them embrace each other. Some tears fall from Jeongin, but he doesn't mind, since they're tears of happiness.

Jeongin is about to part the hug, when suddenly Seungmin holds him tighter. "It's ok Minnie." says Jeongin. "You don't have to be afraid, I'm here for you." Now it was Jeongin's turn to make Seungmin feel comfortable about his powers.

"Thank you Innie." Seungmin said, panting. He wasn't panting because he was tired, it was from the fear of not being able to stop. He held on to his little fox tighter.

"It's ok Minnie." said Jeongin. "You can let go, it's ok now. You're in control." Seungmin was still a bit hesitant, so Jeongin went on. "Puppy, do you trust me?"

Seungmin's heart skipped a beat hearing this adorable nickname, but he calmed down. "I trust you my little fox." he said, as he slowly let go of his soulmate.

Jeongin held both of Seungmin's hands with his own. "See, I told you everything was gonna be alright."

Seungmin smiled and quickly leaned close and pecked his boyfriend on the lips. "Thank you my love." He then pressed his forehead against Jeongin's as their noses rubbed against each other's.

"That was amazing!" said Jisung. "You were incredible Seungmin!"

"Yeah." Seungmin agreed. "Except the part where I couldn't stop myself."

"You should be in control now." said Changbin. "Whenever we start to lose control of our power, our soulmates always reel us back in. You should be able to run and stop with no problem now."

"Give it a try." Chan suggested.

"Ok." said Seungmin. He took a deep breath and began running in the opposite direction. He was just as fast as before. He then quickly turned back and headed straight towards the group, stopping inches away from Jeongin. "I did it! I really did it!"

He then decided to test it out some more, running in nearly every direction he could think of, always coming back to the group and being able to stop himself.

"Ok, I think that's enough." said Chan.

"But I'm having so much fun!" Seungmin said, clearly excited that he had his powers under control.

"I understand Seungmin, but we need to have Joel take a look at you just in case." said Chan.

"Oh alright!" Seungmin said with a pouty look on his face. He truly looked like a puppy.

"You know, you look cute when you make that face." said Jeongin as he kissed Seungmin on the lips, earning a smile from his boyfriend.

"Ok then, let's head back." said Chan. "Felix, if you please."

"Not again!" Changbin groaned.

"Ha!" said Jisung. "Changbin is afraid!"

"I am not!" Changbin argued. "Don't forget, I'm second in command. I can take you on."

"You're gonna have to go thru me first." said Minho, putting his arms around Jisung.

"Enough." said Chan. "We can discuss this later. Let's go home."

And with that, Felix took everyone back to home base, where Joel would be waiting for them, so he could finally send them back home to Seoul.

A/N 38K reads?! Thank you all so much! We're so close to 40K, I can feel it! Let's make it happen! See you next chapter!

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now