Chapter 55

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A/N I meant to have this author's note at the end of the last chapter but I forgot. These next couple of chapters will focus on the Stray Kids training to control their powers and discover their bond with one another.

"I'm gonna need you to punch Felix." Joel said.

Hyunjin's eyes got huge. "What?!" he said. "No! I'm not gonna hit Felix!"

"Hyunjin," says Joel. "I know what it looks like, but I'm gonna need you to trust me. Aside from being able to control each other's powers, you also can't be harmed by your soulmate."

"This is insane." says Hyunjin. "Are you certain, or are you basing this off a theory?"

"I'm almost certain." says Joel. "If it ever comes down to one you losing control, your soulmate should be able to get to you without being harmed in order to calm you down. But I have to be certain."

Hyunjin couldn't believe what Joel was asking him to do. Hit Felix, his angel? He would never forgive himself if he ever hurt Felix. Especially now that he has superhuman strength.

Felix holds both of Hyunjin's hands. "Jinnie," he says. "Look at me." Hyunjin looks at Felix, tears in his eyes. "I trust you Hyunnie. I love you."

"I love you too angel." says Hyunjin. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He made a fist, looked at his angel, and threw a punch as a lone tear slid down his cheek. Everyone was in shock.

As the punch was about to connect, Felix suddenly, almost instinctively, grabbed Hyunjin's fist before it could hit him. Everyone's reaction was the same, completely caught off guard.

"Did I, just do that?" Felix asks.

"You did." said Joel, satisfied that his theory was correct.

Hyunjin couldn't believe it either. He thought he was about to hurt the love of his life, but Felix somehow defended himself.

"Again." Joel told Hyunjin. "Trust me, you won't hurt him."

Hyunjin hesitated, but swung with his other fist, and Felix caught it, once again.

"Again." Joel said. "Faster this time."

This time, Hyunjin didn't hesitate. He knew his angel would be alright. Every punch he threw, Felix would quickly and instinctively block it. He was throwing so many punches and Felix kept blocking them so fast, he almost looked like Neo from The Matrix, or characters from an episode of Dragon Ball Z.

"All right, I think that's more than enough." Joel said. "Well done you 2."

Minho quickly approached Felix. "Lix, are you ok?" he asks.

"Yeah." said Felix. "I'm great actually." He feel the adrenaline in his veins slowly starting to dissipate. "I can't believe I just did that."

"How did it feel?" Jisung asked.

"It's hard to explain." said Felix. "It's almost as I knew what was going to happen, and my body just reacted on instinct."

"That's another special bond you share." Joel says. "Not only can you keep the powers of your respective soulmate under control, but you can't be harmed by their power either."

"So if I were to use my powers on Minho..." Jisung said.

"Minho would be unharmed." said Joel. "And vice versa. But only between the 2 of you. If you were to use them on the others, you would cause them harm." Jisung looked at his hands, scared of the fact that he would ever accidentally harm any of those he loves and holds dear.

"Alright," says Joel. "Next up, Jisung and Minho."

As the 2 boys take their place in the training area, Hyunjin and Felix join the other boys who are all waiting their turn.

"Man Hyunjin, you had me worried there." said Chan. "I thought things were gonna take a turn for the worse."

"I didn't." said Changbin. "I knew it would happen. Partly because Joel was communicating with me telepathically and told me it would be alright."

"You seem to be getting a hang of controlling your power Bin." said Hyunjin.

"I owe a lot of it to Channie." said Changbin. "Just being close to Chan helps greatly. Plus I've been learning to concentrate and clear my mind to prevent the thoughts of others invade my mind all at once. Joel has helped a great deal with that."

"It was so scary when I saw you in such pain Binnie." Chan says, remembering when Changbin's power first awoke. "You were overwhelmed from so many people's thoughts all at once."

"But thanks to you I was able to keep it under control." said Changbin. "For that, I'm forever grateful." He then kisses Chan on the cheek.

"I'm just glad that's over." said Hyunjin. "I hope I never have to do that again."

"You won't." said Changbin. "This was done for the purpose that either of you ever lost control, you wouldn't be able hurt each other if the other tried to calm you down."

The thought of losing control of their powers frightened them, especially Jeongin. Seungmin could sense the feeling of unease in his boyfriend, so he did the only thing he could, he hugged Jeongin tight. "Don't worry my little fox." he said low enough for only his boyfriend to hear. "I'll be right here with you. I'll never let you lose control."

"Thank you Minnie." Jeongin says. "I love you."

"I love you too my fox." Seungmin says, as he plants a peck on Jeongin's lips.

"What are you 2 on about?" Felix asks.

"Oh nothing." says Seungmin. "Can't 2 boyfriends just kiss if they want?"

Felix couldn't argue with that, so he let it slide. "I guess not." he said. "After all, Hyunnie is just so cute I can't but kiss him sometimes."

"Exactly." Seungmin says. "Me and Innie are no different. And I'm sure it's the same with Chan and Changbin. Am I right?"

"Yeah, totally." Changbin said as he wrapped his arm around Chan's, causing the latter to blush slightly.

"I don't think I've ever seen you blush before Chan." said Seungmin. "It's kinda cute actually." Saying this earned him a playful slap on the shoulder from Jeongin. "I'm just kidding." he said while kissing Jeongin's cheek.

"Keep talking Seungmin." said Changbin. "You 2 are next to go out there."

"How do you know?" Jeongin asks.

"Joel let me know." Changbin says, while pointing at his head.

"Wow." said Hyunjin. "Being able to read minds is something else."

"It has its benefits." Changbin says. "As long as you can focus and concentrate on not letting everyone's thoughts invade your mind all at once."

"That sounds like a lot of hard work." says Felix.

"It is." says Changbin. "But I got a hold of It now. And I owe a lot to Channie too."

Chan simply grins as he pecks Changbin on the lips. Then the boys turn to look at Jisung and Minho's training.

A/N 32K reads?! Thank you all so much! At this rate I'll probably hit 40K by the end of the year! Thank you again for your continued love and support and I'll see you all next chapter!

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now