Chapter 66

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Wooyoung and San

Both boys head to the food court, eagerly anticipating where they're going to have breakfast.

"Wow, it's pretty crowded." Wooyoung said.

"Yeah, for being this early." said San. "Maybe they have some sort of special today?"

As the 2 of them make their way through the crowd, something catches Wooyoung's attention for a split second, causing him to stop.

"Wooyoung, what is it?" San says in a concerned voice.

Wooyoung shakes his head fast and scratches his eyes, as if trying to clear his head. "I...I thought I saw Hongjoong just now."

"What?" said San.

"I couldn't get a good at him." said Wooyoung. "There were a lot people, but I could've sworn it was him."

This revelation gave San a spark of hope that the others are ok. But why not show themselves if that's the case?

As the boys chose where to eat, they both got in line to order. As they waited for their turn, something caught San's attention out of the corner of his eye. "Mingi?" he said, but as soon as he turned to look, he was gone.

"Are you ok San?" Wooyoung asked. "What's wrong?"

"I-I thought I was saw Mingi." San said. "But I couldn't get a good look at him."

This only made Wooyoung's concern grow even more. "What's going on?" he said. "Are we losing our minds?"

"God I hope not." San said. "Although, if it really is them, why don't they just approach us?"

"I don't know." says Wooyoung. The 2 of them finally place their order and go sit down to wait.

While they're waiting they both catch a quick glimpse of what looks like Yunho and Jongho, but again, they're gone in the blink of an eye. This just can't be a random coincidence.

"That's it." Wooyoung said. "We need to find the others." Their order was called and Wooyoung took the food and brought it to their table. They had their breakfast in peace, which was rather strange considering the events that just transpired.

The 2 then left the food court and started looking for the others. They were looking for a while until they happen to pass by a brunch restaurant, and saw Chan and Changbin inside. "Thank goodness." said San. "Just who we need to see."

As soon as they walked inside, Changbin spotted them and waved them to come over. It looks like they had already ordered and were waiting for their food. Their waiter then returned to take Wooyoung and San's order.

"How was your breakfast?" Chan asked.

"It was good." said Wooyoung. "We had a nice meal."

"But," said San.

"But what?" Chan asked.

"It might just be our imagination, but we felt like we were being watched." San said.

"Watched?" Chan asked. "By who?"

"By our friends." said Wooyoung.

"No way." said Chan. "They're here?"

"I'd like to think so." said Wooyoung. "We would catch a glimpse of what we think was them, but as soon as we looked to make sure, they were gone."

"And you've been looking for us to put your minds at ease." Changbin says.

"Yes." said San. "Please help us. I feel like we're losing it."

"Of course I'll help you." says Changbin. "First, I need you to think of your friends, that will give me a clear image of them."

Wooyoung and San nodded. They thought of their friends, which Changbin made a mental image of. He then sees back when they were in the food court. Only from his perspective, he can see everyone and everything around them. There, he sees them, Hongjoong, Mingi, Yunho and Jongho.

"It's them." Changbin says. "It's really them. No doubt about it."

Wooyoung and San are both overjoyed, but also very confused. "Then why are they avoiding us?" Wooyoung asks. "This makes no sense."

"That, I don't know." says Changbin.

"What should we do?" San asks. "Do we tell the others?"

"I suggest we wait." says Chan. "Although they've made their presence known, they haven't done anything to arouse suspicion. Right now let's just keep this between us."

"Ok." Wooyoung and San say in unison.

The waiter returns with their food, and the 4 boys enjoy a nice lunch without any further interference or unwanted guests.

They then leave the restaurant when they finished, and walked around mainly doing window shopping.

By the time dinnertime came along, they decided to go to a fancy restaurant. As they approached it, the group saw as Hyunjin and Felix along with Minho and Jisung coming from the opposite direction.

"Fancy meeting you here." says Jisung.

Changbin smirks. "It's not like we didn't all come here together."

"Oh come on Binnie," said Jisung. "Let me have some fun." This earned an eye roll from Changbin.

"Guess like we all had the same idea to come here for dinner." said Hyunjin.

"So, how did all of your days go?" Felix asked.

Binchan and Woosan all looked at each other before looking at Hyunlix and Minsung. "I don't think you're ready to hear about it." Chan said.

"I bet it doesn't top our day so far." said Minho.

"Why don't we continue this conversation inside?" Chan suggested.

They all nodded and went inside to compare notes on their hectic day so far.

A/N Back to back special chapters coming next

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