Special Chapter 8

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Hongjoong POV

I have a bad feeling about this. When my boss, Mr. Park told me and Seonghwa that the other 2 major drug lords, Mr. Jim-woo and Mr. So-hyuk wanted to meet up in an abandoned construction site, my mind was racing.

Why have a meeting in such a place? What's gonna go down? This reeks of a set-up. I can tell Seonghwa shares my concerns.

"How are you holding up?" he asks.

"As well as I can." I say. "I just wish we knew why the others wanted to meet in that location of all places."

"I don't know either." Seonghwa said. "But we have to be ready for anything."

"I agree." I said.

A few years ago, I would've never imagined things would be the way they are now. One night we all split up to try and find Wooyoung and San because they hadn't come home yet. Seonghwa went with me, Mingi with Yunho and Yeosang with Jongho. We looked everywhere for them, but we couldn't find them, and the next thing we know, the apartments we were staying at blew up.

Me and Seonghwa were approached by Mr. Park soon after. We didn't know he was a drug lord at the time, but he offered us food and shelter in exchange for becoming his personal bodyguards.

The 8 of us living on the streets forced us to toughen up and learn how to survive in this unforgiving world. We all had to learn how to fight, so that we could not only defend ourselves, but also protect each other. After all, we're all we had left.

The others looked up to me as their leader, but I feel like I've failed them. I told them that we would always stay together, but here we are, divided.

It was only a few months after Mr. Park took us in that we discovered Wooyoung and San were alright, but they were also working for 2 other drug lords. Wooyoung with Mr. Lee, and San with Mr. Bang.

Bang had gained a reputation for being one of the most feared drug lords. Lee was also no different, since the 2 of them had been best friends for years. None of the other drug lords are friends with each though.

Not long after we discovered that Mingi and Yunho were taken in by Mr. Jin-woo and that Yeosang and Jongho were taken in by Mr. Si-hyuk.

However, we never saw them, since they were made the personal bodyguards of there bosses. Just like me and Seonghwa, and most likely Wooyoung and San.

But as of late, things have been in a state of chaos. Drug deals that have gone wrong. Men dying on all sides. Then there's the rumors about delusions that Mr. Bang was having about finding superhumans to help make him the most powerful drug lord in Seoul.

Our boss, including the other drug lords believe that Bang has gone insane and has been making his men kill ours to try and snuf out all that would get in his way.

The thought of Wooyoung and San being a part of that sickens me. Why did they go out alone at night that day? So many questions unanswered.

We all arrived at the constitution site around the same time. As we stepped out of the car, Mr. Jin-woo approached us with Mingi and Yunho at his opposite sides. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Si-hyuk with Yeosang and Jongho. They were also there with the few of their men that remained. There's been so much death on all sides that I'm surprised, yet greatful that my friends are still alive. I just hope the same for Wooyoung and San.

"Is this all the men you have left?" Mr. Park asked the other 2 drug lords.

"You're one to talk Park." said Jin-woo. "I never saw you sending those 2 out on the field." He says while looking at me and Seonghwa.

"Like I would send my top bodyguards to clean up your messes." Mr. Park said. "Especially with what's been going on lately. All of our drug deals turning sour and our men being killed left and right."

"You're not the only one who's lost men, Park!" said Si-hyuk.

"And don't blame me for our drug deals not going through!" said Jin-woo. "We've all lost men on all sides!"

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I could tell by the expression on my friends faces, that they feel the same way.

"And who's idea was it to go after Bang and Lee's wives?" said Mr. Park. "We agreed on doing things quietly."

Me and Seonghwa look at each other with wide eyes. They were responsible for that? If Wooyoung and San were with the wives, they would surely have been killed, since we heard there were no survivors from all sides in that attack.

"We made that call because Bang has been losing track of reality. He's become delusional, talking about superhumans, or some shit like that." said Si-hyuk. "Plus, a lot of the deals he set up got a lot of our men killed."

"You forget that his men were killed too." said Mr. Park. "Unless if your men killed them, and someone else killed your men."

Both Jin-woo and Si-hyuk looked furious. But Mr. Park continued. "Furthermore, why on Earth did you choose this godforsaken place to meet?"

"What are you talking about?" Si-hyuk asked. "Weren't you the one who wanted to desperately meet here?"

"Are you insane?" Mr. Park asked. "Why would I choose this dump for anything other than maybe dispose of something?"

Then everything fell into place, this is a set-up! But who? Which one did it? Or was it both of them? This situation has gotten out of hand.

Before another word was spoken, everyone had their guns drawn out. Ji-woo and Si-hyuk's men pointing their guns at us and vice verca.

"Are you trying to set us up?!" Ji-woo demanded.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." said Mr. Park.

Seonghwa and I were more nervous than we could ever imagine. Is this really how it's gonna end? The 6 of us dying among these drug lords and their men? No! It can't end this way! Not when we're so close to finally being together again. Not when we can still find Wooyoung and San.

I could tell by the looks on their faces that my friends shared my exact same concern. A part of me hoped that the others would kill one another, allowing the 6 of us to escape and finally be free of this Hell that we had to live thru. Escape, so that we could be 8 once more. Something needed to happen.

Almost as if someone had heard my prayer, something happened. But not at all what I was expecting.

A/N To be continued in the next special chapter. I underestimated how long this special chapter was going to be.

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