Chapter 77

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A little while after Hyunlix and Seungin left

"Good morning." said Wooyoung as he and San came downstairs to have breakfast.

"Good morning." said Minho and Jisung, as they're almost done with their breakfast.

The servants serve Wooyoung and San, and leave the boys to talk amongst themselves.

"It feels kinda weird being served by the same staff we were once a part of." San says as he digs into his food.

"Well, things are different now." said Minho. "You don't work for my father anymore. Besides, he used you for his own means. We'll never do that to either of you."

"Thank you." said Wooyoung. "By the way, where is everyone?"

"Chan and Changbin went to see Changbin's parents." said Jisung. "And Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin went out together to hang out."

"Are you guys doing anything today?" San asked.

"I don't think so." said Minho. "We were thinking about hanging out here."

"Oh." said Wooyoung. "Mind if we join you?"

"Of course you can join us." Jisung says. "You guys can help me improve my game."

"Still salty that you lost?" San asks. Jisung gives him one of those looks. "I'll take that as, yes." San says with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah." says Jisung. "Let's see if you're still that cocky after I beat you."

"Oh you're on!" San says, getting fired up.

The 2 boys get up and continue their banter as they head towards the living room to set up the gaming console.

"Is Jisung always this competitive?" Wooyoung asks.

"Oh yeah." says Minho. "It's one of the things we talked about when we were getting to know each other."

"Well, let's join them shall we." says Wooyoung. And the 2 join their boyfriends in the living room, as they prepare for some fun and games.

After hours of gaming, laughter and fun, the boys called it quits. Jisung was happy, as he got the most wins. "Oh yeah baby!" he says. "I'm back!"

"You got lucky." San says, trying to sound disappointed. In reality, he really enjoyed himself. He was trying to see if he could push Jisung's buttons.

"Yeah, yeah, if you say so." says Jisung.

"I think it's only fair if we're all here for this." said San. "Remember, this was just for fun."

"But I still won." says Jisung.

"Fine, you won." San says, rolling his eyes, in a playful way.

After the boys put away the console and games, they all sat down on the living room couch to watch some t.v.

While they were channel surfing, they happened upon a news report talking about some individuals who have locked themselves in their homes, and have refused to come out.

Much to their surprise, the report was talking about Ryujin, Chaeyeon, Chaeryeong and Eunji. They all say how the were "attacked" by a mysterious woman, and that she haunts their dreams.

"Wow." Jisung says. "Cindy must've really sacred Ryujin. But she didn't even lay a finger on Chaeyeon or Chaeryeong."

"Yeah." Minho agrees. "They must've been that scared of her."

"Who's Eunji?" Wooyoung asks. "I vaguely remember Chan mentioning her."

"She's just some girl who was obsessed with Chan." says Minho.

"Much like how Ryujin was obsessed with Hyunjin, then she tried to get with me." Jisung says.

The report also mentions how actress Ji Woo has mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

"Speaking of scaring," San said. "What the heck did you do to her Minho?"

"I simply froze her hand." Minho says. "But I let her go. Jisung made me realize that it wasn't worth getting my hands dirty."

Jisung kisses Minho on his cheek. "That's right." he says.

"I hope she finds help." Minho says. "I really do."

As the reporters then move to interview the parents of the girls, Wooyoung and San see something that leaves them both speechless.

"Oh my God!" says Wooyoung. "San, look!"

He points at the screen, and in the background, with the reporter interviewing Ryujin's parents, Hongjoong and Seonghwa, looking at the camera.

On the interview with Chaeyeon's parents, Mingi and Yunho. On Chaeryeong's parents interview, Yeosang. And lastly in Eunji's parents interview, Jongho.

They were just there, looking at the camera. Not even trying to wave at the t.v. to make a fool of themselves, or say "Hey, I'm on t.v."

"Where are those interviews taking place?" Wooyoung says as he gets up off the couch.

"Whoa, calm down." Minho says as gets up as well.

"Calm down?!" Wooyoung says, a rollercoaster of emotions going through his mind. "They're here! We need to go to them!"

Minho puts his hand on Wooyoung's shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. "Wooyoung, I completely understand what you're going thru, but I feel like we need the others with us." he says.

"But..." Wooyoung says.

"Baby, I agree with Minho." San says. "As much as I want to see them too, this feels, weird. Almost too convenient."

"I agree as well." says Jisung. "If they wanted to see you, they had every chance during Seungmin's birthday. But they chose not to. Why?"

As much as he hated to admit it, Wooyoung knew they were right. It was that seeing them again, right there on t.v. fueled his fire to be reunited with his friends once more. "So, what do we do?" he asks.

"We wait for the others to come back." says Minho. "Then we'll discuss what to do next."

"Alright then." Wooyoung says as he sighs in defeat.

"Hey." Jisung says as he puts his hand on Wooyoung's shoulder. "We said we would help you, and we will."

Several hours pass, and Changbin and Chan are the first to arrive.

"Hi guys."Minho says as they enter the living room.

"Hey." says Chan, the look on his face filled with worry and concern.

"Is everything ok?" Jisung asks.

Chan looks at them, unsure on how to say it. "Jeongin, he burned a woman alive."

"What?!" Everyone else say in unison.

"What happened?!" Minho asks.

"From what I understand, Felix and Jeongin saw a woman beating on her own son with liquor bottles." Changbin says.

"That's horrible!" Jisung says in shock.

"Yeah." says Changbin. "That's when it happened. The woman tried throwing a liquor bottle at them, and Felix shattered the bottle, causing her to get drenched in alcohol. Then, Jeongin set her on fire."

"We were told she's alive, but in a coma." Chan says.

"That's a relief, somewhat." says Minho. "How is Innie handling it?"

"Not so good." says Changbin. "But Seungmin is calming him down."

"Poor Innie." Jisung says with a frown.

Soon enough, Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin enter the living room. Chan and Changbin turn to look at Felix and Jeongin with stern looks on their faces, causing the younger ones to gulp.

"We need to talk." says Chan.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now