Chapter 44

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Chan and Changbin

When they were finally alone to process everything they've been thru, Changbin hugs Chan tightly. It's clear he wants to break down and cry right and there, but he tries to compose himself, with only sniffles escaping here and there.

"Are you ok Bin?" Chan asks. "Is there anything I can do?"

Changbin looks at Chan in the eyes. "I have a headache." he says. He isn't lying, his head was spinning for many reasons. One of them was clearly being overwhelmed by the sheer number of voices in his head that had threatened to drive him insane. But being with Chan quieted them down. This was a power he feared greatly, being able to read minds, especially with no control over it.

Chan looked around their room to see what he could find, and found aspirin in their bathroom cabinet and a bottle of water in the mini fridge in their room. "Here you go Bin." he said as he handed Changbin the aspirin and water.

"Thank you." said Changbin, as he took the aspirin.

While that was happening, Chan took a minute to observe their room, noticing it's almost an exact replica of the room from their timeshare with a few changes. The twin beds were 1 instead, the closets were bigger and filled with both of their clothes, their personal belongings were there and even had a mini fridge and kitchen. He could only assume the other's rooms were the exact same way.

Chan then sits down on the bed next to Changbin, who's still taking sips of water. "Feeling better?" Chan asks.

Changbin nods. "Yeah, I'm good." he says. "Thanks Channie."

Although happy Changbin is feeling better, something in his facial expression says there's still else wrong. "Bin, you know you can tell me anything, right?" Chan says as he puts his hand on Changbin's knee, squeezing it lightly. "Is something else bothering you?"

"I'm fine." Changbin says, but his words betray him as Chan notices a tear slide down Changbin's cheek.

"No, you not." Chan says. He gently grabs Changbin's chin and turns his face to look at Chan. "Please Binnie, don't shut me away."

"I...I don't..." Changbin tries to say as fights back the tears that are threatening to leave his eyes. "I don't hurt you."

Chan grabs both of Changbin's as they both turn to face each other. "How could you hurt me Binnie?" he asks.

Changbin sniffles. "If you knew the things I now know, you'd understand." he says, barely keeping himself together.

"Please Binnie, you can tell me anything." Chan says. "I want to help you. Take the burden off your shoulders."

Changbin ponders about it for a bit. "It's about your dad Channie." he says. He clearly doesn't want to talk about it, but he feels that if doesn't, he'll explode.

Chan's eyes darken. "What about him?" he asks.

"When I got these powers, my mind was overwhelmed." Changbin says. "I could hear so many voices in my head. All these thoughts from so many people. The most prominent ones were Lix and Minho's dad, and yours."

Chan kept listening to Changbin, hoping to finally get to the root of Changbin's sadness.

"Your dad, he did something horrible." Changbin says.

"What could possibly be worse than what he's already done?" Chan asks. Something he would regret doing.

"It's about your mom Channie." says Changbin.

Chan's heart skips a beat as he hears this. "What?" he says. "What about my mom? My dad said she took her life."

"That's what he told you." Changbin says. "Do you really believe it?"

A tear slides down Chan's cheek. "No." he says, realizing where Changbin is going. He never believed for an instant that his mother took her own life. Now that he's seen what his father was capable of, he finally put 2 and 2 together. "Why? Why did he do it?" His facial expression shows that he wants to burst out in tears, but he manages to speak somewhat calmly. It's as if he's trying to contain the tsunami of emotions that raging inside of him. Trying to ground himself, to be tough.

"Your mom overheard him talking with Mr. Lee about some drug deal that went wrong." Changbin says. "At night, she confronted your dad about it, and told him that she was leaving him and taking you with her. He then..." Changbin didn't want to continue, and he knew he didn't have to. The look on Chan's face said it all. "I'm so sorry Channie. I couldn't control reading his mind. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize Bin." Chan said. "It's not your fault." The calmness in Chan's voice was making Changbin very nervous and uneasy. He felt as though his boyfriend was going to come apart at the seams. "The man that I've grown to love and respect turns out to be a drug dealer, and I killer too."

Changbin puts his arm around Chan. "Channie." he says.

"I just..." Chan whinces. "I just..." He whinces again. At this point, Changbin has had enough and hugs Chan tightly. He then lays Chan on the bed, still hugging him, as Chan finally burts into tears. He bawls like a baby, grabbing on to Changbin's shirt as a never-ending stream of tears from his eyes. "Binnie! Why?! My mother!"

Changbin holds Chan tighter than he ever had before. "It's ok Channie." he says. "Let it out. Let it all out." Tears fall from his eyes as well, but he remains firm, being a literal shoulder for Chan to cry on. This takes him back to the timeshare, where Chan took off his mask and allowed himself to be vulnerable. Here he was once again, being Chan's rock during this difficult time. "I told you, we need each other. I'm going to be here for you." He kisses Chan's forehead as he continues to cry, getting Changbin's shirt wet with tears. But he doesn't care about something so trivial, all he cares about is Chan, his boyfriend, his soulmate.

After what felt like hours to Chan, he finally stopped crying, only sniffling here and there. His eyes were red and his cheeks were puffy. But Changbin still held onto him, playing with his hair occasionally. He finally looks up at Changbin. "Thank you Binnie." he says. "I don't know what I would've done without you."

"You're welcome Channie." says Changbin. He then cups Chan's cheek and leans into a sweet, intimate kiss. It goes on for a couple of minutes, before Chan buries his head in Changbin's chest. "Go to sleep Channie. I'll be right here when you wake up."

With that, Chan finally relaxes and falls asleep in Changbin's warm embrace, with the other joining soon after.

A/N Wow, an intense chapter! Also, 17K reads?! Thank you all so much! Don't worry, Chan and Changbin will get a love scene soon. Next chapter, Wooyoung and San, obviously. And potentially more characters teased 😉 😉

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