
"I am staying here baby girl. Mama still have boo-boos." Hope kissed her Mama's tummy. "Thank you, Hope."

Allison faced her best friend. "Your body will be stronger everyday."

"I am on medicine for the pain and being on bed rest."

"The more you rest, the less pain you will be in. You had a big surgery."

"Killian barely lets me hold anything other than Ian."

"Do you have questions on his oxygen tank?"

"Yes, what if it is running low."

"You can text me or call me at work. I will bring the oxygen tank here when it starting to be low."

They hear Killian, "Little lad! You peed on Daddy."

Henry laughs because Ian missed peeing on him. "Ian, you are awesome, baby bro." Killian changed Ian into a clean onesie. "You are dressed son."

"Dad, can I hold him?"

"Yes, on the couch." The three boys return to the living room.

Emma and Henry laughed. "You and Dad need to get used to getting peed on."

"We heard your Dad's screams from in here."

"You can hold him so I can change my shirt."

"Yes!" Henry takes his baby brother from their Dad and sat on the couch. "Hi, Ian. Welcome home, baby bro." Killian Jr. moves his arms. Henry smiles big.

"Mom, Dad, Ian is happy to be home." Allison takes a picture of her two nephews on Henry's iPhone. "You are finally home, baby bro. You can sit with us, baby sis."

Hope looks at her baby brother. "Hi, baby." She took a photo of the three ducklings on Emma's iPhone.

"He is okay, Mom?"

"Yes, he is. I asked the pediatrician doctor to check on him before we left. He still had to be on the oxygen machine for a little while. Your Dad and I need to monitor his machine." Ian coos. "Yes,you are okay, baby boy." He moved his arm around.

"Yes, you are with me, baby bro. I am going to teach you about Marvel Disney and our parent's story in my books whenever I get it back.."

"Your Mom and Dad have me to help with your brother's oxygen."

"How long will be in on oxygen?"

"It depends on his lungs and body needs it."

"But Hope came home without oxygen."

"Your sister and brother's health issues are different. Ian needs more oxygen than Hope as a baby."

Killian returns to the living room."Baby." She kissed Ian on the head.

"Good job, baby pirate princess. You are being gentle to Ian." Hope smiles.

"Mom, we baked chocolate chip muffins."

"You did?!"

"Dad found the recipe, Aunt Allison helped me bake this morning."

"I will try one. Ian began wailing. She takes her newborn son from her oldest son. "Ian, you want to try the milk version of Henry's muffins?" Ian stops crying.

"Ian just wanted to be included." She rubs her nephew's hand. "You are so cute!" Henry sets a plate of muffins for his Mom to snack on.

"Ian pway!" Hope jumped up and down.

"Hope, he is too little to play just yet."

"Mom, we can play with Ian during tummy time."

"You are right."

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