When Killian arrived home from work, Henry was at home. "Hi, Dad."

"Hi, son. Where is your Mom?"

"Mom and Hope are not home yet."

"Lad, are you up for a drive to Queens?"

Henry smiles. "I am in."

At the museum, Hope wanted to play with pipes that were not toys in the exhibit. "You cannot play with that!" When her Mama stopped her, she began crying. She sets her daughter into the stroller and pushed her away. The baby was moving inside of her, it was a sign that Emma needed to head home. Now she regrets taking the subway, and need to travel on subway with her daughter having a tantrum. "Maybe I can Uber home?"

Killian finds his wife outside of the museum. Swan!"

Emma was surprised to see her husband. "Killian!!!"

"Hello, love." they hig. "What are you doing here?"

"Dada! Dada!"

He scooped his daughter into his arms. "Hello, little love." He faces his wife. "I was in the neighborhood."

She gave her husband a look. "Uh-huh."

Henry arrives. "Mom, Dad had a feeling you need a ride home."

She hugged her son. "I am happy to see you, kid."


"Hopey!" He takes his sister from their Dad and hugs her. 'Hi, baby sis."

"You two cheered her up, she was having her first tantrum not getting what she wanted."

"Oh really?" He gives his daughter a look.

"Yes, she wanted to play with pipes in the Preschool Experiment exhibit."

"Pway." She tugs her big brother.

He smiles big at his sister a new word. "Mom, I will take Hope to play."


"Your Mom and I will be out here."

Henry carried his sister inside the museum. He read the map to the Preschool Exhibit. Hope went towards to pipe. "Hope, what are you doing?"

"Help!" Hope babbles.

Henry heard it too. He helped his sister pull the pipe, which opened a wall. Henry sees a girl. Hope goes to the girl and pats her. "Hope, come to me baby sis."


"Hi." Hope returns to her brother. He holds his sister tight in his arms.

Back outside, Killian led his swan to a bench. Emma sighs. "How am I going to juggle a toddler and a newborn, two under two at the same time??"

Killian hugged his swan. "You are not going to be alone. You have me to help you with the two little ones. We are going to raise our two little ones together, as a team love."

She hugged her husband back. "This baby and our two other ducklings are so lucky to have you as their Daddy."

"Our three children are lucky to have you as their amazing Mommy who they will always have."

"How was work today?"

"It was very busy. I was thinking we can have dinner around Queens?"

"That is a good idea." Her iPhone rings and she picks up. "Henry."

Mom, I brought Hope back to the Preschool Experiment exhibit room. Come."


"It is hard to explain you and Dad need to come."

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