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Random convos before and after y/n got her wisdom teeth removed.
A little sweetness for those who enjoy everything I have to write.

I have a fluffy number coming soon :)

Word count: 2.7k

April 16th, 1988 10:28am.
There was no consoling y/n. None. Tears staining her red cheeks, head pounding from all the crying she had done on the way to the Dentists office. Her boyfriends soft words and her mother's worrisome eyes couldn't do much, other than egg y/n on. Why had she thought this was a good idea? Surly she could have lived with the pain of her wisdom teeth pushing their way thought her gums. Surly it wouldn't be that bad of she let them grow in.

"It's okay baby, they are just gonna take you in and put you down" Eddie smiled sweetly at his girl, hoping his words would bring some sense of calm to her.
"Put me down?!" Y/n almost yelled, tears streaming down her face in the middle of the dentist office.
"No no no" Eddie couldn't help but laugh, it wasn't his intention to scare his girlfriend. Though he knew how worried she was about the procedure, and his words didn't exactly help calm her down.
"You-you said--" y/n cried even harder, not wanting to go through with the operation.
"I didn't mean it like that, they are just gonna drug you up and it'll be okay" Eddie rubbed y/ns back. Eddie knew that y/n was having issues with her teeth from a few months ago, but there was only so much Tylenol could do for her. Through further inspection, all four of her wisdom teeth were trying to make their way out all at the same time. Impacted too, growing in sideways, causing much pain for the young girl.

After they called y/n back to the room she would be in for the next hour, her tears didn't stop. Her nose so stopped up that the laughing gas had no effect on her. Eddie tried his best to rub y/ns knuckles to keep her calm while the doctor told her how the procedure would go.
After Eddie left y/ns side, her anxiety peaked, asking the doctor and the assistant many questions about what they were doing. She could tell the they were all annoyed with her but she couldn't help it, dentist offices were honestly in the top three fears y/n had. After they got the IV in y/ns vein (it was very uncomfortable and took the assistant 4 tries before the doctor stepped in) y/n started to calm down, knowing they were going to knock her out pretty soon. And they did.

"What are you doing? Y/n asked as the doctor started to inject something into her IV bag.
"Something that'll make you like us a whole lot more" he laughed along with the assistants. And that was it. Y/n was out. She didn't even have time to think of all the horror movies she watched that started like this, a poor innocent girl getting killed by scary people.

"Well with the way she's crying, she's gonna be crying under the anesthesia when she comes out" one of the dentist office receptionist told Eddie and y/ns mom.
"So if she's a mommy's girl, she will start crying when she sees mom. But that will only last for a little, once she starts taking the medication she's prescribed, she will be too calm to even cry" the blonde lady continued.
Eddie felt some sort of pride for the way y/n would cry for him when she came out. He knew, absolutely knew down to his soul that his girl, would cry for him and him alone. It wasn't sadistic per se, but it was a prideful moment for Eddie, his baby would be crying for him, just because of how much she loves him. 

"Sup bitches" y/n nodded to her boyfriend and mom who were waiting in lobby of the dentist office, not a tear in sight, just y/n high out of her mind.
"Y/n!" Y/ns mom tried her best to not laugh, giving apologetic eyes to the other people in the waiting room.
"I've never heard her curse before" Eddie giggled while he stood up from his seat to help y/n walk correctly, truthfully, y/n never cursed outside of her own head, even then she felt bad about it.
No tears were shed from when she saw Eddie, honestly Eddie thought she would cry when she saw him. Just from how lovey y/n is towards Eddie, how y/n had gone on tangents about how much she loves Eddie with her whole being. A prideful moment Eddie didn't receive, turned into an ache in his heart.

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