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Summary: y/n finds out her best friends name is actually  Edward. And they got the feels for each other

Word count: 1.3k

"Edward" y/n teased her friend trying to get his attention. As he was ignoring her, Eddie was too busy planning out a wicked campaign.
"Stop you know I hate that" Eddie said rolling his brown eyes, continuing to scribble down different ideas.

Eddie had kept his legal name very private from his friends, and everyone he knew. He didn't want anyone to call him anything but 'Eddie'.

But of course one day, y/n just happened to be at Eddie's, listening to him ramble on and on about how, Ace Of Spades was the best song to ever be created.

Eddie continued to annoy y/n by playing his favorite riff for her, she really didn't care that Eddie memorized it in a few hours. She of course thought it was cool, but Eddie did this every few days. Eddie was just proud of himself. Don't get her wrong, she really loves to watch Eddie mess around with his guitar, and she loves to watch Eddie's finger. Oh lord, please forgive y/n for always thinking about Eddie's fingers.

"Edward! Shut up, some of us have to work to pay the bills" Eddie's uncle banged on the door a few times yelling louder than Eddie's amp.
Hearing those words made Eddie freeze. He silently prayed y/n didn't hear.

"Oh my god" y/n said turning to look at Eddie with a goofy smile on her face, to which eddie knew exactly what she was smiling about. He immediately jumped on top of y/n, covering her mouth before she could say anything. Eddie laid flat on top of her, one arm covering her lips, the other trying to pin down her arms.

Y/n just started to cackle while kicking and flailing her arm as around, under Eddie's body weight.
"Let go!" She yelled into Eddie's hand, trying to push her friend off of he body. Eddie was just too strong for his smaller, younger friend.

She began to lick at his hand hopefully making him let her go, but to no avail, Eddie didn't care about a little saliva on his hand.

"Please don't say anything" eddies forehead was pressed against hers. Y/n gave him the most innocent look he had ever seen, her eyes asking to please be let go.

Fuck..those puppy dog eyes

Eddie had a weak spot for y/n he didn't know if they were feelings or if he was just protective of his only girl friend.

When he saw those puppy eyes go wide, begging for him to release her from his grip, he had to. Eddie slowly removed his hand, keeping his forehead stuck to y/ns.

Y/n took a deep breath, looking back into his eyes. Something in her said to kiss him. Something in eddie was also telling him to kiss his friend, letting his eyes flash down to her lips, wanting to feel how soft they are.

They were having a moment, a moment that could possibly chance the course of their friendship. Y/n suddenly felt awkward, awkward she was wanting to kiss her best friend.

"Your name is edward"  broke the silence, cutting all tension between them. y/n couldn't help but start laughing, making eddie groan, rolling off of her. He plopped down beside her, on his full sized bed.
"I hate you" Eddie breathed out with a smile on his lip.

"Please just don't say anything to anyone" eddie begged closing his eyes relaxing into his spot on the bed.

"You know" y/n started to say as she rolled to look at him.
"I like the name Edward, it's hot" y/n half joked, she realized she was trying to flirt with Eddie. Whenever the two would flirt, she always thought it was some sort of joke. But recently, she has been getting butterflies in her stomach when Eddie calls her a pet name.

"Princess, you know that's not true" Eddie turned his head to look at y/n who was studying the shape of his face.

God has his nose always been this cute?

"It is" y/n mumbled looking back at Eddie's eyes.

"You can't call me that in front of anyone, promise"
"I promise, Edward"
"Pinky promise?" Eddie held out his pinky for y/n to take into hers.
Both of them kissed the spot where their thumb and pointer met at the same time. Solidifying the pinky promise.

Y/n continued to call Eddie, Edward, for the following weeks. Everything she whispered it in his ear, he got goosebumps, it sounded so hot when she said it. And the fact that she would whisper it in front of their friends, got him going.

"Stop, You know I hate that!" Eddie said looking up from his notes.

"You love it when I say it though" y/n smiled sitting next on Eddie lap sideways

They sat in his throne, in the hellfire club room.

"I kinda do, but not when I'm busy" Eddie wrapped his arms around his friend in a snuggly manner, digging his head into her shoulder.

"You smell so good" Eddie mumbled, taking a deep breath of y/ns fragrance.

"thanks, it's the one you liked when we went to Macy's last month" y/n shrugged softly. Fuck, Eddie did something to her. She went out and bought the perfume Eddie said he liked. Just for him.

Eddie is her best friend, she's hinted at him so many times that she's interested, but Eddie never seems to get the hint.
After a few moments of silence, enjoyable, comfortable silence. Y/n decided to be straight forward with him.

"Hey, Edward" she whispered bringing her hands to his hair, stroking it softly. "Hmm" Eddie replied not looking up from y/ns neck. Eddie thought she was so comfortable, he could just keep her on his lap, wrapping her up like that for ever.

"Why don't you ever ask me out" y/n let the words flow from her mouth, not caring about how he may perceive her.
"Huh? You mean on a date?" Eddie looked up to see y/ns eyes Already looking at him.
"Yeah on a date.. I've tried to hint that I'm into you. But you're so dumb you don't get it"

Eddie sat for a moment thinking about what he should say. He did have a crush on his Best friend, he just didn't want to ruin anything they already had.

"Y/n, you know I really like you. But what if it ruins our friendship" Eddie brought his hand to y/ns face, stoking her cheek softly.

"And what if we get married and have kids" y/n leaned into Eddie's hand, loving the feeling of his skin on hers.

Eddie tingled at that idea. He liked it.

"Do you wanna go on a date with me, y/n" Eddie finally mustered up the courage as they were just staring into each other's eyes, watching as their pupils dilated.
"Oh edward! Yes I would love to" y/n said dramatically, raising her arms up to hug Eddie.

"Edward?!" Y/n heard from behind her, making them both snap their heads in the direction of the door.

"Oh dustin is gonna get a kick out of this!" Mike said before turning the opposite way and running out of the room.

"Oopsie" y/n gave a half smile.
"Don't call me that again" Eddie groaned throwing his head back.
"Im gonna call you what I want" y/n gave a fake angry face, making Eddie grab her face between his hand, squishing her cheeks

"God I love when you make that face at me" Eddie said taking advantage of the fact he was squishing her cheeks to make her lips pucker, pulling y/ns face to his. The quick peck was everything both of them imagined, it was so soft and sweet.

They were both stupidly crushing on each other, and y/n couldn't wait for her day with Edward.

:) this one was just so cute for me!
I'm obsessed with the fact that Eddie's name is legally Edward 🥵

I literally wish I could vent to y'all, like can't we just be besties???
So much is going on I'm my life and I have like one good friend, and she's already heard everything I've had to say lol

Thank you for reading tho!!
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