The Bet

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I love a good bet trope
This will be 2 parts :)

Work count: 3.8k

"You wanna bet on it?" Gareth cocked his head to the side. "Yeah I want to bet on it." Eddie extended his right arm to shake his friends hand.

There those seven boys sat at the lunch table betting on the fact that Eddie could not get a girlfriend and keep her by the end of the school year. Look at him, who would wanna date him..the school freak. The towns freak.
The one who walks around making devil noises wearing grunge band T-shirts and who is tatted up. No girl at Hawkins high would, they would have to be out of their mind to date him for at least 5 months.

"What about her?"
"No too prissy"
"Hmm what about" Gareth took a long pause scanning the cafeteria once more.
"Her" the younger friend smirked pointing at the small Framed girl with her face buried in a book.
"Y/n? No way man. She's too sweet"
"That makes it more fun, Eddie. Maybe she'll change your ways" Jeff laughed along with the rest of the group, to which earned a glare from Eddie.

The group singled out the shy girl who Eddie had known from cheating off her in Spanish. They were somewhat of acquaintances if you will. Eddie would make small jokes and Y/n would give a smile in response.
Y/n already knew the drill with him, she always made sure to circle her answers real dark so he could see them from the seat over. Or she would just pass him the paper when the teacher wasn't looking.

Y/n didn't mind helping him cheat, it never bothered her, anything to help the kid graduate. To be honest, y/n liked the small wink he would give her as a thanks. It gave her soft butterflies in her tummy, threatening to make their presence known by blushing up y/ns cheeks, which she was so desperate to keep hidden from Eddie Munson.

Eddie tried to stop the boys from choosing her, but it was part of the bet.
"No really guys, not her"
"Yes really Eddie, it'll be fun. Just think of it like a game"
"No" Eddie tried to stand his ground as he is their leader.
"It was part of the rules, we shook on it" Gareth took a sip of his New Coke.

Eddie had always thought y/n was cute, she was just like any other girl; pink shirts and light washed denim jeans. She didn't seem like anything special, she blended in with the crowd. Y/n never really thought of eddie like that, he was just that guy who bothered her in Spanish...and in English...and in history. He had bothered her for the past three years as he could never seem to fucking graduate. Y/n always took classes above her own grade, as she was always looking for a new challenge.

She swore up and down he stayed in high school just to torment her, just to try to make her laugh with his boring jokes.

A few times they were funny.

Okay...a lot of the times they were funny.

But y/n and never really saw him like that she saw him as a little menace, someone who was always trying to pick her brain apart, trying to learn everything he could about her. To which y/n just responded with an 'Okay' or an 'I guess'. Those answers never satisfied Eddie.
Although y/n would never admit she thinks Eddie is handsome. Never to anyone, not even to her pet fish.

"What are you doing tonight?" Eddie asked leaning over in Spanish class, not paying attention at all to whatever the teacher was saying.
"Nothing really, just gonna read a book and go to bed" Y/n said trying to keep her focus on her paperwork.
"You should come over, I need help to pass this next test. Or else I'll never get out of this school" Eddie slightly chuckled, making sure he kept his volume down.

"Uh yeah sure, I- I could make you some flash cards and drop them off" y/n opened her planner to add that to her checklist.
"I'm more of a hands on learner" Eddie said in a playful voice.
"I think I can make some time for you then"
"Come on, doll. You have nothing better to do, I'll even get some dinner for us" Y/n felt chills down her spine hearing him call her a pet name.
Eddie quickly wrote his address down, slipping it on top of her planner, just above where she was writing down her plans for the day. Eddie had never met someone so organized, her pink pen continued to write 'help Eddie study' before she grabbed his scrap paper and flipped to a new page.

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