Late night calls (pt 2)

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Lightly edited

Word count: 4.2k

Y/n and Eddie had been together for just about a month, and everything was amazing.

Their connection really seemed to be blossoming. Y/n would get butterflies looking at the man she got to call hers. It was a secret though, no one could know about their relationship.

"Are you embarrassed of Me?" Eddie asked with sorrow in his eyes. "Baby of course not. I'm so proud that you are mine, it's just-" "Steve, I know" "I'm just not ready for his reaction, Ed's" "you don't want him to know you're with the freak" "Eddie, you are not a freak. We have been over this." You groaned throwing your head back and carding your fingers through your long hair.

"How come you haven't told your friends about me then? How come we are just friend hanging out to them?" Y/n asked. If it was such a big deal to keep them a secret, why didn't he say anything. "Because I respect you, y/n! You're the one who wanted to keep it like this. The thing is" Eddie paused.

The two were in the munson trailer. Y/n sitting on Eddie's bed, and Eddie pacing the length of his small room.
The couple never fought, ever. They were so infatuated with each other, neither could do no wrong. But deep down it bothered Eddie that y/n wouldn't tell a soul about their relationship.

"I'm not ashamed of you, I want everyone to know you are mine, I treat you like the fucking princess you are y/n" Eddie's voice became louder. "And you can't even give me the decency of telling your brother, that you are with me"
"Eddie, for the last time, I am not ashamed of you! You were the one who made it seem like this would be so much fun, our little secret, isn't that was you called it. Didn't you say you loved how dangerous this all was?" "It was fun at first, but now we are just hiding! I want to show you off but I can't, y/n. You want to know why? Because of you. I'm so good to you, you are my baby. But goddamnit, grow up and stop living in this lie" kind of hypocritical of Eddie to say. "Im so good to you too Eddie, and you know it. So don't you dare put this all on me. This was your idea, this was your game. Now that the buzz has worn off, suddenly a couple more weeks won't be soon enough? You mean so much to me, so don't put me in this position of choosing my boyfriend or my brother"

A small line of tears filled the bottom of y/n's eyes. She had never seen Eddie like this before. He was angry and heartbroken. Eddie just wanted to show y/n off any chance he got. That is his girlfriend, he's the one who gets to hold her hand, he's the one who gets to touch her.
Believe that y/n wanted to do the same.

"You're not going to say anything?" Y/n pressed as Eddie had not responded to her last counter argument.
Eddie had turned away from her, looking at the Metallica poster he had tacked to the wall.

He had just showed her the brand new song that Metallica came out with.
"What do you think?" Eddie asked on his knees with his hands resting on y/n's thighs. "I like it, you gonna learn how to play it?" Y/n asked looking into those big brown eyes she so desperately loved. "Yeah, I've already started to learn it" "you gonna show me or what?" "I'll even teach you" Eddie loved to hide his smile with his hair. Something y/n found cute but also annoying. She loves that big smile, and wants to see it any chance she gets.

Eddie is so talented, he's such a skilled guitarist he has been able to listen to music and play it back by ear. A talent that truly amazed y/n. He can sing too. They way his voice soothed y/n, it was absolutely the most beautiful sound she has ever heard. He would sing in the car, sing to her when she was having trouble sleeping. It was just so sexy to y/n.

"Fine, if that's how you're gonna be" y/n slipped on her converse and grabbed her over night bag. They had planned a relaxing night together, but this is what it turned into. What y/n didn't know was that Eddie had let a few tears slip from his eyes. He couldn't contain his emotions.

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